. ’ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorable ;P. P. tierma, Jr. county Auditor Xaller County i%empstaad, Texas Dear Slrr de are in reo communication re+esting the opinion of t e above stated matter. ;‘le quote rrom yo em it neceamry for king and oversight 0r County horlty to require that I ty purahaaes? en for requisitions to be urohase , County Judge, and .iowever queetlon has arisen a8 to can regaire that he approve requiai- 1661 !& C. 3. memia tia oover the ques- tioers Who rhall sign requiraition; hawaver ouch Artlo~i=a not prealudo the Audi- tor’s re&rement or approval, in addition, ii such 6uditCW deemed it nsoem~ary ta th6 ‘-pro&r pollee- tion, oheoku and socountiq (italias mind) 0r the . . 462 iionorabls ‘ii. P. iiarmr, Jr., pa69 2 revenues and other fund8 end fees balongine to the county’, as stated in Articlr 1656. H. C. S. *For the *propar . . . sooountiug or the Reveauas and other fun68 and tee8 belonging to the county* under Article 1656, I deem thle neaeeserg, for the 4iaplo resson that it is neoserery that I reriry thst ruoh funds are availsble ior the purchase under the budget end thet purahsre mot8 other requlremants or ler. -If I o8n not epprore a purohaao before sanm in made, than ea Z uudrr8knd the sltustfon, eny purohssa msde for mstrriel8 or aerviaer used by the county, oan be aolleoted tar by suit whetFor not such purchase aonionssd to budget or other rec,ulremmtr of law. -It is maoh awe practical to r4jeot auah purohasa berore it is smdr--by rafualng to sign raqulrltion y ther*for--than to rejeot dam4 aftar it ia made, and arter auoh aaterlels or aervia=a used by the 7sizY. This ia an Invitation to law suits to ool- loot the amounts OS suoh purohsser. *Thereron, ror the rbcsonr ateted 8bovs, I deea it neaeseery that I, 68 Auditor, el8o siern daoh requisl- tions. ‘04 1, as Auditor hsvs the authority to require ng signature on npuiaition in atlditlon to the other r4Qair4asntrOS 8 r4puirltio5P “1 an not a purahe8Ing agent. “1 shell greatly appnoiak 8s prompt a reply as posslblo regards this met&or, rI.llce It in 0r glwat lmportano~.80 me, and sl~ao I 8h411 not know uhdt aours to parour until I heer from you. Ho doubt you h8r4 nndond l p r io r o p inio n r e g a r ding th i8 mdtter. but I. rail to rind 8enm in my three rolumer OS opidon book&- YO en inrormrd by th4 st4t4 oomptroll4r*r 0rri04 th4t ounty ofriaorr la nrllor County 41.4 aomp4nr4t.d OA th4 basks r r448 semsd by thOm in their orriaial oapeoltl4a. Tar the . ’ iionorable ki. E’. Eermd, Jr., PirtP 3 purposes of this 0pini0A w4 shall confine our disCllSsiOA t0 the statutes sppliaable to counties operating on a fee basis4 GeAerSl provisions with reference to the purchase Or suppllss ror the us4 of the county are found in Articles1638 and 1659, Vernon’s llnnotatsd Civil Statutes. Article l638 providers ?3ido shall bs ssk4d ror all auppli4r.~for stationery, books, blanks, records, and other supp114s ror the various orrioers ror which th4 aounty is r4quired to pay, and the purahs44 msde rrom th4 1ow4at bidder, sitar rmAg said bid with the Auditor for r4aord.m Article 1659 provIdeat YNpplies of every kind, road and bridge mstorial, or any other meterlal, for the use of said county, or any of its officers, departmanta,or Institutions must be purchased on competitive bids, tha contract to be awarder% to the party who, in the judgment of the aom- misaionerr court, hss eubmltted the lowest and bsot bid. The aoanty auditor shall advertlss for e period or two wseks in at least ant daily newspaper, pub- lish4d and ciraulatqd in I&s ooucity, for suoh euppll4r and material aaoordlng to epaaitiaetlonr, giving in delis11 what Is needed. such sd?4rti84m4AtS shall state whera the apeoifiaatioA8 are to b4 found, end stiall giv4 the tim4 aAd place for receiving such bids. AU such competitive bids shall b4 kept on file by th4 oounty auditor as s part of the zwaords of his Ofiice, SAd shall be subject to fASp4CtiOA by any OAQ d4SiriAg to 844 them.. Coziest Of all .~ bids r4o4irsd shall b4 fUAi4hed by the aouuty auditor to the county judg4 and to tha aommle- slon4rs court; and when the bids reaelvrd are not satLsraatory to th4 said Judge or county aommis- eloA4r8, th4 auditor 4hall nj4at raid bid4 end n-adv6rtiru for A~W bids. In 0eses or 4m4rgonoy. puroharrr not IA 4x0488 or 0114 hnnar~d and arty dollars f+y bs msde UpOA raqulsition:.~ 80 be ap proved by the aommissionere court, without adver- tlefng for aompetltirr bids.* 464 .ociorable ii. 1. .:ams, Jr., 3*g4 t F~rorlslon8 pertairniig to thr pirohaass or arrtdn sup- lfer by th4 c@mir4lcm4rr * court BSO rotid ia AXTXG 23xb ;;dita”,d seotion 1, Arti 389yb, ir4mion~r Anootstad Civil . Art.1014 2358 proqld6s; *Thr ooiiiialrsionero oourt by an order entered of r4aor8, s4r oontraot as homaluf tsr ~rosaribod, . -. sith soma ruitablo far&on or prsonr zo suppry tne county with b&m& b@oks, a11 l4.@1 blaons and lt+ tloiiwy 88 k#y b4 rd&r4d by 14~ ta 'b4 ~urAls&d tii4 oopatf orricialr.~ Article 2359 prooid6st Vh4 oourt sir&U advJrt%w, ?t aamirslan4~r lsast 01104two yrtrr, ror 444144 prop08414 in 4rorr to furnl4h blati boakr, 14gal blanks, rtatlorrr~ ssd such otbsr printlAg 6'0 ieey 54 m&red for the county for the terra OP ouoh eoiitratot,plod shall mc4fvo aaparato bids ror the difi#ZvAt alaeo4s heninafter dseigzuitad. iiuoh adv4rtlwrawAt ohslf. b4 01184 by the couiatpelurk, who sb8ll notdfy by regiatereb l4tt4r, aash nawspswr aud jab prir,t- ina hotlo in !&hooouafy, and at l~srt thaw stationery and prtnting hew348 lo th4 istetsx,0r t9r time raid oontrnct lrr to &CJ erati@d, lurd of the wobabla emat of 8uppller noedad.* 1;4OtiOA 1, Artiole 3699b JU?OV``QS~ "Th4r4 shall b& ellowd ta C;ounty fud~346, Clar~r of thm 0istrlot end county r^ou.rts smrlris, County ‘Trsasurerr, .X%xAssoasors and Co 11.CCtOrS, SUeh books, SitCitiOA4~, inoludin blw mu baodr and aluIc ao+ plalnlr, #Ad otti04f UTA~tUlW a* My be 54e4rs8ry ror thalr ofHoa#, to be prfh far on the order of the COR- aission~rs Co& oub~of the aounty Tr~esrury; and rut%- sblr OfriO Shau 8180 k pTOTide& by t&8 COadSS~OA~rS a $ a m lxgwle@ or 8he ooullty. GOUT%fo r wit Oc tiOOT8 And suoh books aad stationeryes ore neoorsr~ in th4 performmoe or th4lr huti shell 8180 be rum3.sh44 Zurtio4s or th4 P4eo4 by ‘rclld Coamirrloa8rs Court. 2ovlded . all puroh4ses her4Ln must be ogprovad by th4 c ssloA4ra Court and met be cm&4 u.nd4r the pr0Ti p”’ iOA8 Of Art1414 1659, ii8ViS4d Civil ststUt48 of 'ADas8, lY25.. 465 Donorable iv. P. iWrm0, Jr., page 5 Provisions pertaining to purohaaes and %xps,ndItams by county offiosrs ror certain items; when said orfioers are aou- pensated on a ree bawe roua in 3eetfon (a), Artiale 3899, Vernon~s Ahnotated Clvll Statutes, lhloh provides In part as r0iiow8; *At the olose or aaoh month or his tenure or orrhs eaoh orriccr naned herein who is oompenaated on a roe basis shall make as part of the report now required by law, an iteaised and sworn statement of all the sotual and neoesssry expenses Inourred by hF4 in the conduot 0r his orrio%, saoh as stationery, stamps, telephone, promlums on orrioials* bonds, In- eluding the ooat 0r snrety bon&r r0r hia mputies, ~prea.Ium on fire, burglary, theft, robbery insurance proteoting pub110 funds, traveling exPens%s and other eeoeosary expenses. The ComuIssion%rs~ Court of the oounty or the Yherirf*a resIdeno% my, upon the WrlttenSnd sworn applioetlon Of the Sheriff stating the nooeasity therefor, purchase e:quIpment for a bureau of orlainal identifloation suoh a% cameras, fingerprint oards, Inks, ohemioals, microscopes, radio and labora tory equipment, fillng oarda, riling cabinets, tear gas and other eQuipsent In keeping with the aystsa In we by ths Department or Publlo Satety or this 5tate or the United 3tates Department or JUatlO% and/or Bureau Of Criminal ldant5fIoation. Ii auoh expenses be lnourrsd Ia oonneotion with any partloular CBEB, suoh statement shall name suoh case. Such expense aooount ahall be subjeot to the audits of the Couaty Auditor, if any, otherwise by the Con- i mIasIonars~* Court; and If lt appears that any item or such expense was not inourred by suoh 0rri06r or suoh item was not a neoesaary expense or ofri00, mob Iteln shall be by suoh auditor or oourt rejactod,.~ in whioh oaao the oolleotions of ‘suoh item may be adjadioeted In any oourt or oompeteat jurisdiotion. me amount of aalariea paid to Aaalstants and Deputies ,shall also be clearly #hOrm by suoh orfioer, giving th6 nsae, position acd amount paid eaoh; and In no event shall any oifioer show any gnater amount than aotnally paid any suoh Assistant or D%puty. !Pha amount or sush expenues, together with the amount or aslari%s paid to Assistants, Deputies an6 Glarks shall be paid auf or the fees earned by suoh orriesr. . .a In Opinion 36. O-1753 this d%partment passed upon queo- tlona relative to the Interpretation of statutes pertainlog to 466 iionorable U, P, treraa, Jr., page 6 the mnner and inethod 0r purohaees by oounty orrioers ror the ~6% of the oounty and upon %xpenditur%s authorized to be -de my oertain oouuty ofrloers In the, oonduot of their orrioes. $6 we enolosing a oopy or said opinion ror your oonvenI%no%. ieid opinion held that Artioles 1638 and 1659 were general statutes applfoable to the purohaee of supplIes, an4 that ~rtioles 2358, 2359, =Ieotion 1, Art1016 3899b, and Section (a) irticle 3899, ‘aupra, Nero sp%oIfie statutes r%latIng t,o the sub- leot or purohasa oi oertaln suppli%s and th% asking Of oertain ~xpendltws. It was further pointed out In said opinion that rhere there is a ge5eral statute deellng with the subjaot, and it the same tims l peoial statutes relatln,g to a portion oi the taze subject in a aors debit0 way, the oorreot rule or statu- ;ory oonatrustion In suoh 08~s Is stated la the opinion of Lx ‘arte Townssnd 144 S. iv. 628, 6&l, as follows: *Itis aloo w%ll establish%4 that, where ona statute deals with the subjeot fn oompr%h%nalv% term and another statute deals with a portion of th6 a.+% subjeot In a sore d0rieit0 way, the two should be read together, If poaalble, with the view to giving 6freet to a conaIstent legIslatIv% policy. Xowever, If there Is any neoessary aon- rllot between two suoh laws, the speoial will prevail over the ge5eral statutw. Where ths speoicrl ntetute la plakmr, it will be regarded as exoeption to, or qualifioation Of, the rior general one, and, when the genema sot is Pafar, the speolal will b% oonstrued as readning an exoaption to its terms, ualeas- it Is r%pale4 in express words or by IatplloatIon. cyo. 36 1151) Rodgers v. United States, 185 U. 8. 83, 2kStip. . ct. 582, 46 L. lsa. 816; Rosentra5s v. u. a., 165 u. 5. 257 17 sup. Ct. 302, 41 L. &dr 708; LazonbJ v. S&they, 151 ILO. App~ 285, 131 S. Vi. 708.” he opi5ion rurjihr pointed out that srotlon (a) of Art1016 3899, upra, oontePaplak4 purchase 0r the ltmu the rnumrated by the frfcerb or t&u oOtity as show5 by the ~quIrem%nt that all of uch pnrohaaos or expenditures Jaunt bo ap roved by the oouaty aditor, if any or oth%nisa by th% aoad asla5ers~ oeurt. Aho, 2 thl8 oonaest~on we oall your attention to thi raot that Ar- 101% 3891, Jeraon’s Annotahd Oirll statutes, bp00iri06u.y rOVide8 ror the peywnt of the expanaos authorized under rtiole 3899 by the orrioor hb86lr. Said opinion further sld that the purohaue of legal blanks stationary ana siroilar JPPlIes by the oomaIsaIoners* oourt o $ the county itbelr, Is 1 . 467 Xonorable ‘if. P. ‘JlroU, Jr., pew 7 aontrolla& by the prowlrio& of Article8 2358-2367, and Beotion 1, artiola 3899b, a8 to the aannar or 8uoh purchaear and the manner or 8rr00ting ao0ptitir~ bid8 thereunder; and rurther that the emarganop provision8 or Art+* 1659 are applioabla to purahese8 by the oO,ami88ionarr)' OOkirt Of 8uoh 8~pi``l.ia8; and th8t the pW- o!msa of oartein 8Upplie8 by the, oounty DffiO0rS who 41% aOnQ34n- sated Oil 8 r00 b48i8 5.8 OOntl-Ollad by BOOtiOn (a) Of AJZtiOl0 3899, dupra, rayuiriw 8UOh puroha8er to be subjaot to the audit or the county auditor, If any, Otherwise by the COL&Ui88iOnar8' aourt. Thus, under our atatutac), In a oounty operating on a r08 bBSi8, them 8l'4 thX00 @+RerEd 01888itiOatiOll8 Or &Woh88a8l (1) rhm~a puroh8sar mstda under oontraot by the ooavnla8foners* ooant, ertsr the advartiring iOr bid8 88 providrd by kW; {2) Saarganoy purohWa8 (got In bIGa88 or ~150.00) made by r*C318i8iOlI 8&.tpMWd bJr the OOmmi88iOn- ar8* oourt a8 authorized under Artiola 1659; and (3) Oartein puroh88ar snd axpa4ditura8 by aouaty ofriaerr 8UthOrizad to be peid out or thsir rer8 of ofrfoe,. ‘Share 8upplie8 h8Te bean 3NXOh88ad under oOntr8ot by the :oD3lQlasionar8’ oourt or under axiarganoy rttqti8it~Oll8 authorized )y the CO0Dli88~OIl0r8' OOW't, the fMOtiOII8 Or the OOUUty audltor cith reepeot to euoh puroha868 era defined fn Arti 1660 and .661, FxTAO~'S Annotated Civil .%8tUt’ik, iJndor the QrOVi8iOIl8 ri said Artia~es the County Auditor'8 rUIIOtiOiI 18 to amnina '611.. 018i.1~8, bill8 and aooount8 against the oounty* (Art. 1660) md "he 8h811,not audit or approre any 8uoh olati unlea8 it ia8 bean contracted a8 provldrd by law, nor ant 8OOOUQt ior ;ha purchase Or 8Upp1ie8 Of 08tePi818 iOr the u8e Or raid oounty 'r 8ng Or it8 Orri00r8B ~dO88 in addition to other raqulre- aLlt8 Or law, there i8 attaohaA themto a mqUi8itiOa signed by ha otfloer ordao~ 8US4 end 8pQrOVed by the oount~ judge. said aquisitfon ``28% be made out and ri&nati and approved in tripli- ata by the aald OmOer8, th8 triplioak to remain with the rri08r da8iPbg tihe purahau , the duplioate t-0 be tiled with ha oounty audltor, 8nd the original to be, delivered to the arty from whom said pufoha88 i8 to be ntada before any p~Ch48a hall be made." (Art. 1661.) . . ‘. 468 Lonorabla if. P. 2arm8, ?a&* 8 ;i:ithrafaranoa to the matter or raqulaltion8, artlola 1661 clearly 8tata8 that requisition8 nre to ba slgnad by the orrioar making the purohasa and approved by the county jud&e. #e find no authority for the oounty auditor to mqulm, a8 a praran,uisita to approval of a olnlm baead on 8uoh ~urohasa, that tba raquisi- tion shall be al&nab or approved by him when the purchase 18 rnada. 3aotlon (a) or Artlole 3899, Vernon*8 Civil Statutarr, 8upra, authorizer expenditure8 ror erpenrar incurred by oounty OfflOlai8 who are compansated on the fee b8818 iIl the OOAdUOt Of their OrriO08, ruoh 48 8tatiOnary, 8tUQ8, telephone, premium8 on offl- cials' bonda, lnoludlng the oost of surety bond8 for hla deputies, premium8 on rlra, burglary, theft, robbe& insuranoa ljrotaottig pub110 rUad8, trqvaling axpen8a8 an6 other naoa88ar~ expanse8 subjaot to the audit of the oountf auditor, If any, otharwi8a by the commia8lonar8~ oourt, and ii it appears that any item or 8uoh expanse we8 not lnourmd by euoh orrfoe~ or such Item we8 not a recasaary ax~anae or orrioa, suoh Item 8hali ba by 8uoh auditor or court rajaotad, in whloh u8aa the ~oiiaotlon8 Of 8u4h tte4 may be adjudlcatad,ln anp court of oomptant juri8diationi ~The amount or 8uoh expunae8 shall be paid out or the rd.8 earned by such orrloar. With rafaranoa to 8uoh items 0r expanse lnourrad by oouuty Offloar8, we find no authority for the oounty auditor to raqulra hi8 approval of 8UOh Item, of ax~an8a at the tima euoh expama i8 lnourrad, 48 8 prepqui8ita to iai8 approval or an orri0d3 axpenaa aaoount.. The OOIMty auditor*8 ftltlotion i8 to audit such axpanra aooount, a/tar the mport haa bean rubmittad by the ofrloar to determIne whether 8uoh ltam of lxganea hare teen aotually jnaurrad and am naoaeeary In the legal oonduct of suoh ~frioa. Altho;lgh tha ootmty auditor ha8 general ovar8ight over the Sln,anoa8 or tha oounty, tha exarolw.or suoh ovar8ight with mr- aranca to QIArOh4808 made and axpan incurred for the use Of the county or by .~artain offloar8 In the oonduot of their OfriOCI8, i8 darinad end aontrolled~ by the OpSOifiO provi8ions. or the 8t4tdte8 Pel'tainin~ t0 8Uoh pllrOhe8a8 8nd eXpen808. In view or the rom- 6oing and in view or the raets given, it 18 the opinion or thl8 dapertiant t&at the oounty auditor tr not authoriaad to mquim, a4 a.prarequl8ita to hi8 approval 0r a olalm or ltaa8 or axpanre, that 411 raqui4ttiOn8 for 8Ueh puroh48a8 or expanre item8 shall. be algnad or approved by him at tha tiae the purchase 18 made or the expanse I8 inourred. ‘Se trurt that tha foregoing fully answer8 your Inquiry. Your vary truly,
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6506
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017