Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  • . . 488 OFFICE QF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS *TTORNLY GCNLRAL Eonorablo ItI. A. Jaahon, Codrrioner state mpartaont Of Banking Austin 14, TM.- bear SIT1 *qG6 Sate banks 91 credit union8 6 loelia&d brokerage coqpmiss m Tot81 Zorporationr .In addition to the type of i~stitasiona heminabor8 ldentlfiod 8ubjaot to 3u.r sx.aizlni~g jurirdiotlon you are adrlrcd that thfouch our bulldin& and loan diVisiOn We j2t' =8f4Ll."vito 489 . Hon. H. A. JMiBOn, pa@ 2 luporrlar 55 bulldlw and loan aaaoolrtIon8, uhloh arm regularly rutined by a building and loan lramlmr lpyolntrd pursuant to tha prorlaiona of law art aut b tho bUildin and loan oodo. *our it0misaa appropriation 88 rot out In the Dapartaantal Approprlatlon Bill OXI- toad8 a salary wthorlratlon for ton beam- lnara and tan laalatant lxamiaora. Ye harr hrntofon pnaumod that the Mprrtruntal Approprlrtlon Bill auprwdod the atatutorr lxpmaalon aa it had to do with aalarIoa to br paid and we hold the oplnlon ol our of- iioa Qounul on thlr point, but wa hare not harmtoioro had oooaalon to dotrraInr rhothor ar not we would b elathorisab, under the law to appoint l&&ItIoaal lxaAinar8 ua(Ler the mfrrrnoa to o na lxaminer an6 on* laalatant for rroh rortr aorporrtisna, and Ii 80 uhathor or not n woul4 k peralttad to pay lald additIona lxadnera and laalatmnt axadln4ra out of our nwlptr an uaunt oomparablr to the sum id to lndlrlduala oooopyIng tha aam poa r tion under the IkmImd appropriation bill. .In lumsary, tharmfora, w lhould llka YOW 8dr108 08 to th0 roiiowlngt ml. Are we ruthorlzodto employ two lddltlonal aenlor bank lxanlnerr rnd two addltlonal Jurrlor oxadnsra7 “2. If your answer t0 the Gu86tion next above Ia In t&e afflrnatlre then pleaae adrlae if we are authorlzod to pay 8uoh pereons out of our raoelpts or cmneya oolleoted, end it lo would EB ix bound ty the nin1mw.n salary authorizetion, or tr.e narlmun salary ;cmltted in the itemized reotion Of the De~ertzental Appropriation Bill aa lt hai to do with the Banking Dopartnant.* . ’ non. A. A. Jamiaou, paw 3 Am you point out, the Banking Coda authorIrea the Com- rpiaaionor to appoint not l xooadlne ona bank oxminer and one la a ia ta banknt mamIner for raoh forty oorporatlona aubjoot to .paInatlon by the Banking Dapartmont. You atata you haro 406 atata bank8 and 91 oradlt unlona aubjaot to your rxamInatIon. Thua, you hare a total oi 497 oorporatlona aubjoot to rmtlon by thr Bankine Departaent ln the80 two typsa of oorpontlona aakine up your oomplomant or lnatItutlona lntltlbq you undrr the Coda to twelve bank oxaaInrr8 and twalro laalataat bank lxaminrra. It la not neoraaary thentoro ior urn to oonaIdor the 81x loan and brokar- age oompanioaunder your auperrlrlon lubJoot to examination, and we do not do a0 In rlew oi the iaot that the proaent rpprcprla- tlon In Itrma 15 and 16 prorldea for two Building and Loan-Loan and Brokeragr uamlmra, Sonata Bill Wo. 3b3 paaaod at the Regular &aalon of tha 48th LegIalatrln (Qanrral and speolal Law8 or Texas 1943, p.U5) doolama: Vha lalarIoa of all atate oftloora and all atats lr;iployrra, rxorpt thoae oonatItutlonal atate ofrloara whoaa aelarIoa am apeoltioally rixea by tha COnBtltUtiOn, and exO*pt th elalarlea Of thr dlatrIot jud&ea and other oompenaation or dlatriot judge8 ahall be, for the period beglnuing September 1, 1963, and ending August 31, 1915, IL auoh mute or ui4unta am my ba prorldrd for by the Leglalatun In the general approprlatlon bill.* It likawlae ropeala all law8 #Ed part8 of law8 tiring the aalarlea of auoh ltete offloera and employeea. The lpproprletlon rot, a6 pointed out by you, makes yrovi- alon for ten bank exeinliner4end ten aselotant bank axail-lnersa;:d no more. So that, while the 8pprOprietiOE act ha4 not r6pe616d tte Yanking Code suthorlzing an exalnlner end ezalsta;,trrxacir,er for eao!2 forty corporstlone eubjcot to the Coml44lo;~er~s 6x8-1- lne tion - nor could an approprlatim bill hove NC!: stfect - ,-et it has effectually denied an approprlatloc beyor!d tie tuil exmi- lnerz aad t4tia68lmta::taxuuhr;re provided for, rJM moreover, don. H. A. Jamiaon, pa&r 4 the rtatuk rborr quoted ho8 ropoalrd any porriblr legal pro- ri8iOn for any rtatutory 88hrie8 other than thO80 to be n85IOd in tho 8pprOpri8tiOn bill. unb8r th88r 8l~OUE~8kIl~O8it 18 iu8 t0 8pOti8t8 UpOn tho pUe8tiOJIWhOthOr, iI th0 8dditiOm 8~8dinOr8 8a 888i8taIit lx~minor8 wer l eppolnkd by you, 8~14 ii they wore to porrora tholr Oiiloirl dUti8# ior tho rWM1nd.r oi tho blonnlum the 8uoo~odl~ k&irlatun would bo authorized to make or would ppeke (118pprOprlatlon to pay them. So that ror ali praotloal ~bbfl”8*8, yOUr rir8t qUO8tiOn 8hOtid b; 8n8WOrOd h the IWe- . What wo hero raid rondorr it u~ooor88ry to an8wer your 8OOOllb qUO8tiOtl. YOLW8 rory truly, 001; fipeor A88i8tant

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6511

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017