- -. . . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OROVER SELLERS m-rOINExGENEIUL Bonorebls John H. Mntsr8 Ex*autlve Glraotor Stmte Department ofPublio NdS8ra Auatln 3, Tex.6~ Your request fo tloned matter ha8 rromyour lettar 0 with were~0~ t0 P of Child Welfare rtloulnr question with rarersnoe to this u Is whether or not 8 mmioipsllt~ nay a~rswlos,~ ohlldren'a boarding homea, or athor plaoes for the oar63 ng crgacnolos or ob114nn l 6 opsolri~a~ in the above olted srtlolar am3 lr so wlmther that rrunlolpallty m e y c h a r ~t,l lea for sooh llaoaass. se have an in- stanoo la Tex~a where the olty lo ohm&ring 35 fee for 8 lloensc to board ohildren. You can ccc the herdship this nl&t work on m-mm boarding perenta or this 35 may have tc;cm0 rran Community Cheat money 0r the Hon. John 11.::lntcrro, pa&q?2 l(tuncykhloh nuryb* usin the boerALaK hose. r:e wera not ourc nhr.therth4 0 IWO MU va1l.dohergo daoa the superior statute of the otato, namsly, Artlolo l+&42a,dlreoto that thio department foouo ouoh llaeeoes without ieo. 'In your oplrloa, planme indicate whether o foe mix bo oharged by the mmlolpallty under Its ordimnoe ror any ot the olosoIrIo~tliwo owarrd whIoh Inoludoo not only boar4InnghopI far ohll- Cron, lnstItutioao, ohlld plaolng ageoaioo but o8h.r plaaeo for thblr oara an4 ouotody.* !%otloa 1 of Article 4442s. Vernon*8 Annototad Clvll ~ta$utoo. provI400: *Xvery parson, a8ooolAtlon or oorporotIon, *h&her oporotlng r0r ohorlty or rovonuo, rho ohcil owa, ocrrduufor aonoge a doy mroorf, ahUdr~n"o boordin& home, or ohlld plaaing lgonoy, or other plaoe for thr oar0 or ouotody of children uwhr rirta8n years .0r op. or who oholl lollolt rtdt8 in this f3toteror my ouah plooo (IClnobltutlon, oholl obtoln SII~KUUIR~ llooora rrcm the Xate Bbrd oi Koolth rhioh 1looaoe ohs11 ba Ioonod wlthou8 ioo, ond under’ ouoh roooonoble ond unliorr r ules lnd regcrlo- tloao es sold BoorA shall pnoorlk. Provided that ii sold rundo ore lolloltod by said oooo- olotlono or oorporotlonathrough any 8gont or agents thuwof, oaly one oueh lloeaom oh011 ho rOqUtTOd by l0Oh 0014 l8OOOIotIOA or MarpOre- tloA t6r oooh OOUAt)’ Oi the Stat. oi T~xoo ln .hloh oounty meld funds ora oollolted. PootIon 6 or Artlolo 6?@0 lpeoltleaIl,ytrsnoioro the' dotloo an4 reojxmoIblliti~o plooed in the Woto Board ar Walth t Artiolo 44420 to tb Mvlolon or Chlid wolfer* or the +tate ward or Control, and Csoqloa 8, ‘oupra. reads on followor I. ,. 4’77 lion.John il. ~"lot.~rs, Pete 3 -930. 8. The lloei~olug.vlaltl~ and ln- opootlon oi all lqenoleo rsoulred under Chapter 2G4. pago 444, or the hner?rl and Tpeolal Taaro or tho Poguler f’usalon of the blet Lop;loleturo, 1929. now required by tbe Ytnte f!ooard of %io;th, shall be tnA te mreby trnnulerrrd to aod rc4e IIpart or tiledUtiQ8 Of ttls mvieion 0r Ct?IlA "0lfU.W Cf the "t9tQ %4Fd Of CCXltiOl.’ 13 1939, %he tc~lalsture poeued whnt 1s known me the "Public Solture Aat uf 1939." (Aotr .cf1939, p- 54l.j. Sotloo ?a ef ttlo Cat transfcrrd ":li ct the rlphta, gowro sod duties heretolore aoarcrrs4 by len cn t.CuZiriolot.of Child Keltarc of the Rorrd of Ccntrol, V.~C tot othttrwiscin OOniliOt With my prwbOlOUE Of 8i%O Aclt,'ard heraby co+ tlnurd in ruu row3 rab direct. sad ere horeby trrraaferred to. eaA oo%torred upca the ?tatu *xpartnant of ?ublfo ~dtnr~ so orsated.Ey this Aot, sod shell be hold, lzoroloa4 and per- formed by the Ctatc iIM$mrtrnont Of vubllo wdtsrQ under the pfovlsfone or this Aot and the oovarol Aoto now in ror00 and any anunda*nt or rcend-xmtn theieto .rhlohx5& be uode.- Tao Tublio ?el!sre .Lot cf 1939" woo a.eended and ~10 nuw Artlole 4950. Peotlcn 5 of sol4 Artlole provldoo: *Thsre shll 86 orseta4 in the Ztato Duportmmt or pub110 rdrrrc the rollfhln~ Clvlo:oco: a CI~lolo~ of Child "oltsra, a ~t7?3:33 2r A~d1t.s au4 accou~to, a Clvisl~n cf i)elrearoh and ~tatlrtlos and &UC& cthar i;fu'clcnr nv the '*~.cautl~s iUrrot(rr may flud neas*omry ror tdrr80tl.vr *G~lnlstrstZc *. Th 2icroJtIvo. inrsotor ohs1.Ihnv~ c,hnprsrevto alluoatc al.4ruolloo*tc tunotlnno wwnf the :Hvli.lunow?tt.lr.the Deportment and have the powur nn4 outhurlty. oubjuot tfi'olanslrl- oution, to sd.act, cppoll\s, nod dieoherga euoh anslmt- ant*, alctka , rtcnc+mz;‘r:ers, s.uAltcrv.buukkatpers, ana clorloel aeslntonto bll nny be noooonrry lu the ~a4nlolotr~tlo~ or t?.cAtitleslmpooad upon Me :t8tO hepsrtment oi Public .+slrbreulthln the llnlta of the approprlotlono thee rry be ?edu rm the work of ~14 Lbpertslont ." 4’79 Roi-.. John il. Mntsr8. peg0 I A onretul raadlng or t&4 4bOr4 4tntutss r4rasl8 that the Dirlslon of Child Welfar4 of the %ate tWmrtm4nt. of Pub110 30 Par4 non has thr power to lloense 44~ nura4r- --+-To ‘i-, 0Yldzan a ardlnfihoms, ahlld plrolm 4~4nol.a and qthor plao,osfor tha 0.m and OU8tOdJ of ohildra. Tlao oestlon that we nut. now Peoids is whetha ,thc Mt?slon of 2 hild Ualfus or the aate 04QubmLIt ab FubZlo w4lrar4 &or the exolu8lr4 authority to 1104nae sold hom4a for ohlldrai. It haa been atnted In Texan Jurirprudsnoe. Vol. 30. pm&48 up, 120 rml 1211 "The pollloopowsr f# a grnnt or authority rrcm th4 people to tholr ~orornaent41 agents 'for the proteotlon of the health, 8arety. ocoifort aad rel- rere OS the pualio. &oadly ateted, the polloe power ot a olty 1s th& power to goV4rn. exeraloed 4lthar by lW8triOtiCUl OT OCUQU~SiOn in QW.Zi!Ot~A~ th4 wU41 good or She pooplo. T&o oxuoiae or this QOWU by the rmalofpellty is but a m&lo of oxertfn& trhe power of Ch4 gorermetnt of the mabe within th4 llatte or Ch4 munlofpe~lty." 7a4 ox4roltse 0r polio0 power 14 not aa lah4r4at ri&t qf munlolp41 oarporatloas; suoh p&~aes Ot it 80 may bo axuelsed must oouo fxm le~slablr~ grant. The Laglslrture.nay ~qant gearral .pollos po*srs and the moona of ~sniorol~.g rospeot 8nd oboorvanoe. The mot oi thla porrrzto hoem-rule oitles is found in the proylslon of the enablla~:eat authorixSag thm ttc lnr o r r e llk ordtnanoo8.noeowruy So pro~o4t health. kiro rud proputJ, and to proven* ana smouulIy rboto end rw#ta lu naffutnoe8and to QrOOutO aad lufo r o fo h iaood pvernmat, ardor and soourity of the olty ead lta iahabltant8. *OOllOrclllJ 6DWlkblUr lWXl~OiD8k 4WQOT@tiOa8 ham tiie rl&t. under t&14~olio4 Dower. to safomard lha hralth. oomtort. end R4norslwlZara oZ~th4ir altlzena by such roaaombls lwgulatlona a8 are aoooemuy for,-$ht pumoae. *The polio4 power In not aa wbttrary bne; it ha4 its lleltatloaa. Thw it 1s subjoot to the upon s‘rery :lmltatlona lmpoasd by the Canstltutlrr~n T.. ‘.’ 4723 Hoi..John U. "ilotors, ~4~4 5 gowar of governaumt, and will not bo permitted to lnrada or impair thrrfund4nwutsl UberClea of the oltlten. Alao it is rounded in pub110 neceseity and only publio neooaolty 0Sn Justify 10s exwrelao. Xt In ocsaonsurate hl th, but does MB 4x444d. the, duty,t# provide Ior the real aaeds of the people in their health,.aatoty, ocdart and ooaronfonoo as oonalotoatlyas may be with prlvat4 property rlghta. the lntuoota of the pUbl.io gbnuailp, 8~c dlfstin~rhad rrQ Moar of 4 partlaulor olaua, mat require the lnt4rfsren4e. . . .m Ylth refmrenoo to the o r dlnuno ea larotob by oltieo ,rnOu their pol%oe pwua, it la stetod ia Cmpua furis, Vol. 37, pqo 187, I36, rhloh'nmda in pert aa rolloust -8 the 8beanoe of poaltlro wld*noe to the oontruy, .hwever, suo h leta-or ordlaano*a lr 4 presumedto be re8aonmbler and the owrts riU. not interfuo tml4aa U4lr uarorraonsbleueaa and opp~alt+neaa it olshrly.uppsr~at, tha bukdaa of proving their uam4acumblur4cia of lnralldll*yking on the 444 who leuortriit, aaually the 1104~444.' Ot as w&d by Zddottiufu on kfWiOiQ41 kU'$CXdio``s, (2d l0l.j Vol. 3, QW3' 693: "Ordlaawe8 l.ranyosl~ Iloenae tax08 Mdar the powor to rqwlate u4 prke hoI4 tdid,ana the uareaaonableaaaa of the saaotlona mast _ _k _ - made olearly to sgpaar, and they nuat.bb,oo~rrgay Mdlar64ly beyond what ‘raaeedod for th4 purpose. intended, b&ore auoh leglrl'atlonwill be deolmrod *Old. Th4 r’Lot th4t the ~es4otlon twy r*aulf l& Dr o dua ia ( r l remmum ln u~oaa of that requlra4 for regulation. dowa not la ltaelr JeaCroy th rrgul4- tory ohnraoter 0r a pollee &eaaure . . . .- .Y . +a(:SC.dxbhuntive-ijnLso``eaod before ti;inct.urt~ m 60 not doc.?iit neosessry t-2d3 so ture, ,Cut mrely olts xv::8or tbd eeolniork3.wheraln it is expressly held tint l rl6.M of tka city eu- thrities t0 adopt 3uah re&ulfItioae, 80 1Ong es they ere reesoneble mre upheld, and wherein It IS he:6 thst. lr suoh tirdinunoesdo not amount to vktuel pr&lbltio;i. Mty m-o not in oonfliot with the laws of tke "tete l~oe``s~cg euch ocoupatlo~:. . . .” In via* of the foregoing buthorlties, it is the opinion OT this dspartmnt tha t e aunlolpallty may lloense day 5ur8erlas, ohilartbn*u boarding home15, dma plaulng egonoles or otha plaoes fm the oere end ouatody of oblldren, end you sre turthw ldvlr ud that the ofty laef ohargo s reaaonsble rae ror sr~ld,l~oense. %i are herewith retundng to you the aopLe8 of she rules atidroguletlone aovuring the aGild relfere progmm. Very truly yours,
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6508
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017