Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  • 4:;6 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ``CNERSECLERS *yTORNEYGENERIL ,aoorableL. A. Wooda ,ut. ~uporintuvlent of ?ubllo Inrtruotlon &wtln, mx- oplpLolp lo. o-6501 boon noeird ud .arefullJ 0on*1d0md lt a8 f011ov81 vlth rwp8tt t lI p ~liOlOg i88 Oh0018 Of thi8 8d ?OP frr- 8iti 8dUC&tiOn bed 8t8i.GSleIlt 18 8UbEitted may be h8lpfu.l. In it ve t Out thO8s ~Ftillent l8&HCt8 artmental practice8 vhloh apply uaclon vlth regard LO the teach- and healih and phy8lcal education." The 8taLement attached LO your letwsr reads as t0110vs: . BOO. L. A. wood8 - pw8 2 'Th8 8tUe D8~HiMlXt Of BdUO4tiOSX 18 OO&mtOd vlth l pmblu in ooaaoctlon vlth th8 dL8ttibUtlon Or btAto-adOptOt¶bOOk8 in p 81010~ U&I p48iOa1 eduoatlon. &LdW &Hi810 e8 “z 3, fl@Vi8@d civil SwUt88 Of 1925, th8PO 18 8 dOfinlL8 ~Wvi8i0.31 iOr 8 teXtbOOk in th0 BUbj8Ot Of phy8iOi0gy iOr th8 hi& rohool grYde8 urdW ti mtitiVl8 li8t PrOVi81OQ of tin lav. AFt%Ob P66%, 8W. 1, &U’OVid@8t "Th8t in8tmOtlol3 in p48iOa OdUCatiOtA 8ti b 8l8tM b il8&UXd 8dti0 put Of thr OOU-8 Or irwbFUOtiO?JU&d tmbhg in th8 pub110 llUUuly Md 8.0-?2 8OhOO1r Of the 8tato by Mptrkr 1, 1930.' @tie18 2&i)., 3.80.2, 8trt88l "Th8 St&o Supsrintand8nt Or ?ublio I 8trWZtiOa 8h811 pm&B&r8 COUT8.8 Of b8tAlCbiOXA ! OF th8 public $OhOO18 Of t& 8ktO iOr,th8 PtWK388 Of OU'X7bg OUt thi8 AOt.' 'Ylthin ~CMt 8OILthr thalv h8 b88JA88tabil8h8a Vithh the Stat8 D0pariim8ntOf ~UC84tiOIi 8 DiVirion Of iiOa.lth ana Physical Education, the prbary purporo 0r vhic!; 18 co encourrge better Cour8e8 in hwlth ti physical education throughout 811 the grade8 Of Lhe 8ChoO1 ViLfr particular cmphnels upon phy8iCd tralnlng eour888 in the last ivo year8 of the hLgh rchool. The DiVi8iOn or Qupervislo~ u;iiCurrlculua of the Qtaio Deparment of Education in lu latoat bulletin recomendr thar p4qiology be Laugh; at Khe ninth gmdo level l6 a credit course 8.nd that health and phyalcal oducaLlon bo taught at th8 lleV8nth or tvalfth grade lOV818 &8 a credit ooumo. . "my local rchool offloialr aov rn requertilig the L. A.VOOd8 - ?wO 3 8tdtlODepartmoat of teuo~tlon to 8upplJ than Vith tutbook in ply8lOlOOJ (a t.xLbook that 18 89@OifiOti1J provided for in UtiOl8 2843) Md a80 vlth tUtbOOk iOr 0OI1F888 In Lualth U&d ph~81Oti 6dUO~tiIX3 t0b 8OffOr 6 adtth 6 lhVUth aad tvrlfth -0 lrvrlr. (10 tutbook in hulth Ud -81ti lduCatiOB 18 8Q8Oiiitti4 provldod ior b tiU 8tdiUt88 tithOU&ih &?tiOh 266;k, 880. 1, pr88Orib88 iZi8tPUCtiOIL iS¶ pbf8iOa 6dUOaCi0&) ‘Of th6 1118 book8 OXX Lhs tit;910 ii8t Of tUt8 vbloh YIN bdo~H,rdby tin Stat. Bou'd OS tdwbtlon, 88V6rd Of thsr 4C8 $d.Urily tOXt8 in i'htithMd phy8iCbi Yduoation inst8ad of being prlrurlly L8xL8 iIXP48101OgJ. Th 8WdJ Ot 948101Ogl iU 8t8ti- ily a8CFW8iXhg urb th&I 8LUdJ Oi hB&h m phy81Oti OdUUtiW 18 8tOu Uld H$idlr tiOFU8w irr th8 plbll8 #Oh0018 0 I th. 8trt8. /I Vdd b6 hi@y dtJ8inb1. if textbook8 Could be 8U9p11.d for in- 8tPUOtiW itIhulth Md p48iOti lbU~ttO& th@n 18 DO qUOBt;iOXt &Out tutbOOk fbr 948101o(lJ, 8-0. thi8 8UbjWt 18 8mCifiGtil.f li8tvd in th. BtdiUt.8.’ ~tiCl6 2343, vIX7bpoLL’8 AlUb0t~t.d feu8 civil StbtUt88 POti8 68 fO11OV8; ‘Art, 2843. UnifOm 8T8tU ‘%%mTextbook Com.irrlon authorhod by thi8 AOt 8m h4V6 WtboPit~ t0 8ObCt ti WiOp t l WlfOm 8y8f.U Of WXtbOOk8 t0 be U88d in th6 $UbliO fF6a 80&018 Of l’Oxx8, md tb book8 80 88hCt.d Md dOpL8d 8hal1 be pX'iXlt6d in the -1i8il 1lmgU48, 8nd 8m1 inClUd8 Uid be limited to toxtbook6 on the follovlng rub- Jectr, 89.11&@, CUdiIQ, Ellg118h 1-*8 md g r r p la geogmphy, r, liLkaPetic, phyriology-hygiene, civil government, hirLory of the United aLaLea (ln vhlch the con8trucrlon placed on the Federal Conrtitutlon by the father8 of the Confoder6cy 8h811 be fairly reyrebented), NsLsry of Texar, agriculture, A 8y8t6n of VrLKiXXg book8, l 8y8tU Of dWing bOOk8, Md Uy &80, if d80IS6d mC888w, rdO$t l g8Ogti$hy Of 'fOXa Md a Civil gOVeX%WXXt Of T6,xr8; pl'oVid6d -iho$noIl6 Of Iaid book8 rhall contti 8nyLhlng of a partL8an or rectarlan character, snd LhaL nlthlng ln this Act shall be consLru6d LO yre'feni Lhe tdrching of GCRUFA&I,Bohemian, Spenlsh, Fi%ACh, LaSti, Or gon. L. A. Yoods - rag* 4 Orrek ln any of the pub110 lohools. %ld Textbook Cammlsslon sJml1 also adopt l a r ltlp lo list u se ln t& e blgh saJaools o f b o o k s fo r or the 8tat0, said mult1p1. list 1na1udlng not rover than thr.. (3) no? 1000 than fir. (5) tutbooks on tha folloviry subjootsr algobn, glame lrautry, Solid 6O-tF7, 6Ul.m SOiMOO, bioloq, ``siO8, ohamlst~, b one-yew #Moral history, uloIont hlstor~, modrmhIstory,morIarrr hlstory,Utln,bpml~, ohyslaxl geogmp4, mgllsh co4msltlon, history of Anricxn litomtu~o, hlrto~ of wlrh llteraturs, g4SiOlw, ~l’i.tUM, M OiVil 6OtWMOlbt Uld iOr, loh high school braaah of study any OIU or srror8l or tk83 tab00k8 OS raid matip ti8t adopted SOP the subjaot my br releotod$ prorldad, hovetar, tht the sweral textbooks do not oxcod the xllonbh number .Q8ittiMt to on. textbook for aad used Ln MJ hQh sob001 88 tha toxtbook o? In suah x brumh io tb8t a y hr o & o l, b utw& n luah book or hooks 18 or 81% so a&sea bf loaxl ruthorltlos fro ths multIdo llsr; adopted auah book or booka &al1 ba aontlnued la that high school for tha uhtlra fit0 (5) pars of t5e adoption porlod. rmvia04, hovrrrr, tbt tha multi- plo list hareuh provldau ror shll bpply to all high sobaols alxssd by the Dapxrtnant or ~o4tlan as hi& schools of iA* first olus. Par us0 in all other high sohools a unIfonr s-tom of textbooks an mob subjrat wntloaad abors shsll bo srlectod by tno 00a8rian~ pr0ria0d, tmi irr my oity or ``~O~OIKIML lohool dlstrlot hxvlq more t&u ana high sobool of the first 01~88 sxld 8ity or indrponduh school dlstriot s&l1 adopt from said multlplo list for use ln rrch of s8lA hi@ sohools t-ha sua books ami shall use s&M books so adopted for a period of not less than fit0 (5) yosrs. n8peclflc rules as to the manner of the selection of books by the high school shall be made by who State Textbook f.%mlsslon. “The coamisslon, as heroin provided for, shall adopt tsxLbook8 in accordance vlth tirepro- rlslons of this Act for every public free school in thin 8tet0 ubd 80 prblio r-0 sohoo~ in this 8tato shall uso my tutbook unless sari lms beon provlously adopted and approved by this ooiuisslon~ and tJw com- mission shall prescribe rules under vhlch all Lox\;- books sdopted and approved shall be in\.roducedor gon. L. A. Y0od8 - Page 5 used by or lo thr pub110 solroolsor tha &ate. ‘fa the wuat ls many as thraa sultabla texts are sot offand ior adoption on uw one subjrot, the aomlsslon UJ srloot iaVer tha thaw (3) text*. Wara oontraots sml not k m00t0a adoptians mado under this Aat. AB uuulod b* Y AOtS 941,47th. -6. P. 1366,Oh. 617,800.1.' 48 corpusJuris,0. U78, dofiaesthe tern ‘Jhyslology” u follovsr “Pbj81010g7. TM s~uaco 0r thr tunctlons or al.1t;heaffrersnt parts uid orgaas of 8nl.uls aad piat8, tb0 0rri008 th0y p~f,iom in tb, l00no4 0s tb 0 baidau*l, thair propebtiu, lta.O WoDstor~r iov mtaFr&Aorul DlotIoru&, &W.BBd pditm, aazk08 the tom aply~i~l``~ a8 f0110v8~ "Tin breach of blologf deal& vlth the prowesses, batl*Itlrs 4nd phanoraaa inaiaaatal to and ohanoterIstla ot ur0 or ot llt~ ogtiaui tb 8tdy 0f th0 iurrcti08i8 0r thr 0rgw, ti88u0h oells, eta. dur* lire, as distlnot from aa4t vhich 6uls with thair stmoture. Tbs tidal tha pheaomaaa 0fmantallIfe lra usually n&dad bs outside the or-m SaOm of p481010qt: Corpus Jurls Qacuadum, Vol. 42, p. 36ir, defines the tern mQgieM’ as follovsl “qgleno , A noun derived fru the Oreat vord ‘RJgela J a systoa of prlnciphs and niLeD designed for the promotton of hsalth.” Corpus Jurls, Vol. 19, p. 1015, dsflnes "p4slc~l lduc a tlo n” as follovsr '?4sloalfducatlon - The Inoludes all term that relates to the derelopunt and care of ths orgurs of smsatlon and at ths muscular snd nervous sysLems.’ BOO. L. A. wood8 - PW 6 Artlolo 167Sb-5(o) provider for the dlscon- tlmzrnce of the State Textbook Conlssion snd the transfer 0s it8 duties ma run0~10~ to the 8taLe Boera 0r Educe- t1on. Tour questioa is aasvored in the aegatlve, The rsglslatw has not suthortsea the 8tate Boml 0r Mu- oetlon to jnwcbso textbooks on p4sioel la u0r tio ItI n.h a s luthorlsed that Board to p ur o h up4sloloff o uml physlologp byglene textbooks. Yours veq truly ATTORHBY OElcBBAL OF TEXAS B7 W%J.hnninO ASSlstUat /T--y ,’ ^ __- ‘. ,--

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6501

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017