Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  • Honorable W. C. Huffaker, Jr.
    District Attorney
    106th Judicial District
    First National Bank Building
    Tahoka, Texas
    Opinion No. o-6482
    Re: Violations of various
    Statutes relating to
    Dear Sir:                        payment of poll taxes.
    We are in receipt of your letter of recent date in
    which you outline at some length certain facts, and upon
    which you predicate the following questions and seek our
    opinion thereon:
    "1. Where a person who procures an authorization
    for the paying of poll tax as provided for in Article
    2961 of Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, and who then
    takes such authorization and his own money or money not
    furnished by the taxpayer and pays the poll tax of said
    individual, does he violate the provisions of Article
    203 of the Penal Code of Texas.'"
    "2. Where an individual who takes an authorization
    for thepaylng of ~012 tax of an individual as provided
    for in Article 2961, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas,
    which said authorization Is signed by the father of
    the taxpayer and by the father-in-law of the taxpayer
    without any knowledge on the part of the taxpayer that
    his father and/or her father-in-law is making such
    authorization and said individual takes such authorl-
    zation signed by another person to the tax collector
    and procures the pol,ltax receipts, has such person
    violated the provisions of Article 203 of the Penal
    Code of Texas?"
    “3 s Where an individual takes an authorization
    blank as provided for in Article 2961, Revised Civil
    Statutes of Texas, and induces a taxpayer to permit
    him to procure his poll tax receipt for him, telling
    said taxpayer that he will get his reeelpt for him,
    and after said taxpayer has agreed for said individual
    .   .
    Honorable W. C. Huffaker, Jr., page 3,    (o-6482)
    ‘I** *
    "Art. 203,233    Unlawfully paying poll tax of '
    a citizen.
    "Any candidate for office or other person who
    pays or procures another to pay thenpol1.ta.xof a
    citizen, except as permitted by law, shall,be con-
    fined in the penitentiary not less than two nor more
    than five years.
    "Art: 204. 239    Loaning money to paz.
    "Whoever loans or advances money to another
    knowing it Is to be used for paying the poll tax of
    such other person shall be fined not to exceed five
    hundred dollars .”
    As the county of your district wherein the faots as
    alleged by you are said to have application does not con-
    tain any city in ,whiohthe population exceeds ten thousand
    inhabitants, the mode of paying poll taxes is governed by
    the provisions of Article 2961, Revised Civil Statutes of
    Texas, as amended by the Acts of 1941, 47th L glslature,
    Chapter 132, p. 183. That article reads as follows:
    “Art. 2961.     2944   Mode of paying poll tax.
    "If the taxpayer does not reside in a oity of
    ten thousand (10,000) inhabitants or more, his poll
    tax must either be paid by him in person or by some
    one duly authorized by him in writing to pay the same,
    ..+-er:i     tion nece;;ssr
    to fill out the blanks in the po    tax receipt.
    authority and information must be signed by the party
    who owes the poll tax, and must be deposited with the
    Tax Collector and filed and preserved by him. Atax-
    payer may pay his poll tax by a remittance of the
    amount of the tax through the United States mall to
    the County Tax Collector, accompanying said remit-
    tance with a statement in writing showing all the
    information necessary to enable the Tax Collector.
    to fill out the blank form of the poll tax receipt,
    which statement must be signed by the party wh~oowes
    the poll tax under oath, but the husband may sign
    for the wife.and in like manner the wife may sign
    for the husband, and the Tax Collector shall Issue
    and mall to the taxpayer at his last la?ownaddress
    a poll tax of his wife and receive the receipt therefor.
    Hon. W. C. Huffaker, jr*, page 4 (0-6482)
    In >ike manner the wife may pay the poll tax of her
    husband and receive the receipt therefor. The
    Assessor and Colleotor of Taxes may at such places
    as shall .inhis discretion be necessary or advisable,
    have a duly authorized and sworn deputy for the pur-
    pose of aaceptlng poll taxes and giving receipts
    The form of a poll tax receipt is presoribed in Article
    2965, Revised Civil Statutes, as amended!,and said amended
    article reads as follows:
    “Art. 2965,   2949-50   Form of receipt.
    “Each poll tax receipt and Its duplicate shall
    for whom it was Issued,
    the paymentof the tax, the age and race of the tax-
    payer, and length of time the taxpayer has resided
    in the State and whether the taxpayer Is a citizen
    of the United States, and If so, whether a native
    born or a naturalized citizen of the United States,
    and the State of the United States or the foreign
    country where the taxpayer was born, the length of
    time the taxpayer has resided In the county, the
    voting preolnot in which the taxpayer lives, exoept
    when in an unorganized county, the taxpayer’s occupa-
    tion and post office address, or if living In an
    incorporated city, the ward, street, and number of
    residence In such city or town. The poll tax receipt
    shall be in the following form and numbered consecu-
    tively in each book provided for In this title:
    “Poll tax Reaeipt No.
    State of Texas
    County of
    “Received of                 ,zm the      day of
    , A.D,            the sum of $
    in payment of poll tax Por’year A.D. 19      the said
    taxpayer being duly sworn by me, says that’he (she)
    IS        years old, that he (she) resides In voting
    precinct Ho.           in              County, Texas,
    that his (he&-ii                        that he (she)
    is a native born (naturalized) eitlee~ of the United
    States, and was born In               county,
    State, that he (she) has resided in Texas
    years and in              County        years, that
    he (she) is by occupat?%!i-
    and that his (her) postoff?iceaddress Is
    .   -
    Hon. W. C. Huffaker, Jr., page 5 (O-6482)
    (if in any incorporated city or town, a blank work
    must be printed for the ward, street, and number of
    residence In lieu of his (her) post-office address,
    th of time he (she) has resided In such city
    “All of which I certify:   Signed
    "If from the Information on the poll tax receipt
    above required It appears that the party receiving
    the same is an alien, he shall be given a receipt
    from a book specially prepared for alien taxpayers,
    which book is hereafter orovl~dedin this Title, and
    the Tax Collector and the~Commissio
    authorities providing said poll tti
    have printed on the face of said receipt the word
    'alien', which said printing shall not be less than
    two (2) inches in height, superimposed in outline
    type, and printed in red ink."
    Further reference to the alien poll taxes, alluded to
    in the above article, is to be found in Article 2970, as
    amended, Revised Civil Statutes, and Article 2975, as amended
    not necessary to be copies here. Reference Is also made to
    Articles 200a-2 and 200a-3, Vernon's Annotated Penal Code.
    Article 200a-2 (Acts 1939, 46th Leg., p. 296   (5)   reads:
    "Any taxpayer who shall make any false state-
    ment to procure a poll tax receipt or falsely
    answers any of the questions as set out in Section
    1, Article 2965, as hereinabove set forth, shall
    be deemed guilty of false swearing and upon con-
    viction shall be punished by confinement In the
    State Penitentiary not less than one nor more than
    three (3) years."
    We shall now undertake to answer your questions.
    As we understand your first question, the individual
    YOU mention  procured the "authorization" in form and substance
    in 'full compliance with the requirements of Article 2961,supra.
    However, instead of the taxpayer furnishing the money from
    his funds with which to pay the same, the individual acting
    as agent, supplied the funds.
    It appears that our problem is to determine what is
    meant by the words "authorized - - to pay the same", as used
    Honorable W. C. Huffaker, Jr., Page 6 (o-6482);
    *   i
    in Article 2961, 
    V.A,C.S,, supra
    , in reference to the mode
    of paying a poll tax by an agent. If these words mean that
    the agent, after securing a proper authorization from the
    taxpayer, may use or furnish his own money to pay said poll
    1    t+,x,then, of course, such payment would be "permitted by
    ., law" and the agent-payor would not be amendable to said Penal
    :i. Statute 
    203, supra
    However, for reasons hereinafter expressed, we do not
    believe such is the meaning of said words. The fundamental
    rule for which all the others are made and applied, is that
    in construing a statute the object is to ascertain and give
    ef:fectto the Intention of the Legislature. See Parshall v.
    State, 62 Tex. Cr. R. 177, 
    138 S.W. 759
    . Our Supreme Court,
    in the case of Edwards v. Morton, 
    92 Tex. 152
    46 S.W. 792
    tersely and pertinently says:
    "The intention of the Legislature in enacting
    ..        a law is the law Itself."
    It alsa~i~has
    been said by our appellate court (Parshall
    State, supra
    ) that It Is presumed that each part of a sta-
    tute is intended to coact with every other part; that no part
    is Intended to antagonize the general purpose of the enactment;
    and thatto ascertainthe legislative intent every part of an act,
    and other acts In pari materia, are to be considered.
    It is a settled rule of statutory interpretation that
    I    statutes which deal with the same general subject, have the
    same general purpose, or relate to the same person or thing
    on class of persons or things, are considered as "in pari
    materia." 39 Tex. Jur. p0 253.
    In this connection we point out 'that in the 1925 revision
    of our statutes  the provisions of the "Terre11 Election Law",
    as amended, were Incorporated, and such provisions then
    .    appeared, in respect to the matter now in question, substan-
    tially as they now appear. Article 2961, Revised Civil Statutes
    of 1925, provided that the poll tax of a taxpayer not resid-
    ing in a city of ten thousand (10,000) inhabitants or more
    "qust either be paid by him in person or by some onelduly
    aythorized by him in writing to pay the same,            Article
    2~63,  R.C.S., 1925, provided that "when, in caies permitted
    by this title, the t#axis paid by an agent, the tax receipt
    shall not be delivered to such agent, 0 s an Articles 201,
    203, and 204, Penal Code 
    1925, supra
    , were restrictions enacted
    to prevent "designing persons, by advances of money with assur-
    ances of that return which gratitude or self-interest would
    prompt" from being clothes with the certificate of the voter
    and turned loose as the deciding power of our elections to
    L            *
    Hon. W. C. Huffaker, Jr., Page 7 (O-6482)
    sap the foundations and undermine the laws of our free institu-
    t Ions. (See Solon V. State, 54 Tex. Cr. R. 261, 
    114 S.W. 160
    We believe the underlying principle of all these provisions
    was to prevent any person having a "proprietorship".over any
    taxpayer by reason of having paid or advanced money for the
    payment of such taxpayer's poll tax. We cannot see any good
    reason why the onus of "proprietorship" is removed by reason
    , .;    of the taxpayer's "consent' being obtained in writing, nor do
    t           we,believe that this was the intention of the Legislature when
    Aqtlcle 2961,  
    R.C.S., supra
    , was incorporated In our laws.
    On the contrary, it is ourflrm conviction that the Legisla-
    ture Intended by the use of the words "authorized . . . to
    pay the same", In said Article 
    2961, supra
    , to merely authorize
    an agent, duly authorized in writing, to deliver the tax a erb
    and the necessary information to the tax,3IT-%k
    !2%$?3Gelieve,     is in harmony with the general purpose of
    our laws in regard to the protection of the purity of the ballot.
    Therefore, It is the opinion of this department that the
    "payment" as described In your first question l.s.not"permitted
    by law"; that such situation is amenable to Artl.ile 203, Penal
    CQde, supraj and your question No. 1 is answered in the affirma-
    In your second question where you say the authorization
    is signed by the father of one taxpayer and the father-in-law
    of another, the individual paying the poll tax is certainly
    not complying with the provisions of Article 2961, R.C.S.
    The statute is soeciflc that such authorization must be "by
    him in writing",- and even more specifically "must be sicd
    by the party who owes the poll tax."
    We, therefore, hold that the individual to whom you refer
    in your second question as having obtained authority from the
    father or father-in-law of the taxpayer, Is amenable to pro-
    secution under Article 203, Penal Code.
    In considering your third question, we note the language
    of Article 2961, Revised Civil 
    Statutes, supra
    , that if the
    taxpayer does not pay the poll tax himself, It may be paid
    by "someone duly authorized by him in writing to pay the same."
    Under your statement of the facts, the person who was iawh
    .   "duly authorized" did not pay the tax collector; he substi-
    t       tuted still another party who actually paid the money. Cer-
    tainly here too, the individual paying the poll tax is not
    complying with the provisions of Article 2961, R.C..S.,and
    he is not "permitted by law" to make such payment except as
    explained hereinbefore in answer to your first question. It
    is our belief that the oerson actually making the payment,
    under such circumstance‘s,would be amenable to prosecution
    under Article 203, Penal Code.
    Hon. W. C. Huffaker, Jr., page 8 (O-6482)
    With reference to the person who obtained the authority,
    and then passed it on to a third person who actually paid the
    poll tax, your attention is invited~to the language of Arti-
    cle 203, which prohibits the p rocuri
    t?e;dfsvther  to pay the
    PQll t&X. The statute on this pain
    "Any 3'c.. person who O.O procures another
    to pay the poll tax of a citizen, except as per-
    mitted by law, shall be confined in the peniten-
    tiary . . o etc."
    The person who actually contacted the taxpayer evidently
    "procured' the person who actually paid the poll tax to do
    SO, and under our interpretation of Article 2961, the authority
    should be directed to a specific person.
    It Is therefore our opinion that both the person who
    solicited the authority and the one actually paying the poll
    tax would be subject to prosecution under Article 203, Penal
    The fact situation disclosed by you,??
    fourth and last
    question would seem clearly to come within either Articles
    291 or 204 of the Penal Code.
    He would be subjeat to Article 201 because he does not
    comply with Article 2961, 
    R.C.S., supra
    > in becoming the agent
    to obtain the poll tax receipt, He would not be amenable
    under Article 203 because he does not pay the poll tax of a
    "citizen", the Rexloan under your statement not having been
    naturalized under the laws of the United States, and having
    been born in Mexico.
    He would be subject to prosecution under Article 204,
    because that article does not restrict its application to be
    a "citizen", but he would not seem to be advancing money to
    pay the poll tax of "such other person."
    In closing this opinion we do not feel it amiss to direct
    your specific attention to the provlsion~sof Article 2963,
    Revised Civil Statutes, as amended, It is there specifically
    "When in cases permitted by this Title, the
    tax Is paid by an agent, the tax receipt shall not
    be delivered to such agent, but shall be sent by
    mall to the tax'payeror kept and delivered to him
    in person by the Tax Collector o D *"
    Hon. W. C. Huffaker, Jr,, page 9 (O-6482)
    In this connection, reference is also directed to the
    provisions of Article 199, Penal Code, reading as follows:
    "Art. 199*   238   Tax collector unlawfully deliver-
    ing receipt.
    "Any tax collector who delivers a poll tax
    receipt or certificate of exemption to any one except
    the one entitled thereto and at the time when the
    tax Is paid or the certificate of exemption Is
    applied for, except as specially permitted by law
    shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more
    than one thousand dollars, and shall be removed
    from office."
    We mention the above two statutes because in your opinion
    rauest you refer repeatedly to the procurement of the tax
    receipts by the persons paying the same for others.
    Yours    very   truly,
    Benjamin Woodall
    Robert L     Lattimore, 'Jr.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6482

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017