Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  •                                                                           17
    Eonorablr Ylkr -in
    Crblnal Dirtriot Attornrl
    124th Jo4lrlal        Dirtriot
    mar     slrt
    tot   of   Jama-   26,
    1945,                                            rtwnt,      naac
    uifa 18 an aaat of
    bl@l coatrol ofrio8r
    rlrotloa    ot ml
    oaont~ u8s in Juno* 1944,
    tinr tar Rablrr Control.
    88io#rr’   oourb ot on(u oouatf
    e&It88   UpOn k&. LkTi8’ aP’
    “‘A M$iOn -8 M48 by A. I. 8hrpp8?4
    aad   8aOOad8d bf W. V. MIlton to ap int
    -8       hri8 a8 R8bi88 COlltrOlofir08r an4
    18   .
    Bonorab1.r             Pa88 2
    bb. mtl8 rhall b8 OWri84 On
    thr Haalth Unlt Payroll at a salary or $150.00
    O&i4    618 ?Or hi8 raid 4Uti.8 8t thr th&lllt~
    XT. hti8 18 ~1ppOinta4in OoPpiianO8 Of
    tin hata D8plrrkant uho &r plaood Orru
    couat~ undar ~68?8l&88.    Tha rotlon hairy
    got t0 8 TOt8, bMl881Ol1W8   btaltoa,Shrpp8rd
    and Smith rot84 *ATB*.’
    n5.  Thrro8itar, th llraatoak Sanitary aor-
    d88iOfl Of T8Xa8 OoIpi80!W84 bfP. &Vi8 a8 al).BU-
    tborlead Stata Inrpaotor 0r th8 Llv88took S8nlta-y
    Cd88iOa    Of T8X88, tha OCWd88iOn bal#& datrd
    Jam 6, 19U.
    "6. 0?8S(I bUlltY ha8 4 CWllt~   HO8pit81 Ulurd8r
    authority of Art&O18 4478, V. A. C. S., 8 County
    Haalth Unit, an4 a COWlt HO8pital   Bcwrd,  a8 re-
    quiz-adby Art;018 4479, k A. C..S.
    "7.    Artlole 4464, prwidaa   In parbluular:
    “‘Th8 Board 8h811 08rtlfl all bill8 ald
    aOOOUZlt8,lnoludl~ all salarlar and rag88
    an4 tranMlt th8a to thr CwMl88lOllar8 Oouti
    (County Comb),  who 8halL provide for Choir
    payment In the 8amo aumar an other  oWr@aa
    agalnrt thr Coantr 6ra paid.'
    "2. Woald tha fact that Thomas mV18 rOOai+d
    hi8 aDpointinantnnd aIJIJUW4hia dUtla8 RrlOr t0 th8
    Boaorabla Ylko Anglia, Pagr       3
    818OtiotkOf Fred Plibr.      UhO COIl88aU8#ltlYdid SiOt
    ‘Iotat0 Confirm     hi8 aDDOi#Atmant.FOMOV8 It trm   thr
    NaDOtl8n j^titllk?”
    ut1Ol8    431 Of th8 -Ml   tiOd8Of   %188,   i2lpclrt,
    prOVid88I              '
    "IlOOffhOr Of th18 +%a88 OP an7 O??iOOr O?
    any 4:8trlOt, oolulty.   olty,   pr8olnoc, 80-1   dlrtrlot,
    Or OthW 8UBiOi~i 8Ubdit18ion O? th18 $kte, . , . .
    8hr11 aPFQb2`` Or ?Ote ?Orr Or OOIIfiF8tb8 8ppO``8at
    to any orriaa, pooitioa oLsrk8hlp, rmploymnt or duty,,
    Of anr pOr8On r818t84 within th8 88oolr448#?88 by bf-
    flnlty or within tha third daeraa by oonra~alnlt~        to
    thr parroa r)o lppola*liy 0s 80 mtlnu,      or to lnr othrr
    memberof any rub board, the kdlrlrtun,          or oourt or
    whloh 8UOh Q8Y8OZA80 8Q&%<il@ Ol’oOtin# My b8 8 mam-
    bar, whrn th8 8alarl,f8a8, or oo8pan8atlon of 8uoh ap-
    pObt88    18 t0 b8 JM3ib far,  diXUOtlf Or illabfnOt1J,Out
    of or tram pub110 hmd8 Or iO.8 ot Otfioa of any kind
    or oharsotrr Hiat80avar.w
    Artiola   435 of raid Coda protidar:
    qo ofrloiror othar  par8on lnolud8d within
    tha third pnordlq5  artlole rhall apprwa     av 80-
    ooqt or draw or 8uthorlza th8 4rawl14gof say war-
    aal  8alary.  frr or om   an-
    Ea   % Yz%i%Gi      bla offio8r   or parron, itorlug
    him to ba 80 inaliglbla.*
    A8 8hom by tha fOT88Oi4, th8 8ppOtitWnt O? Mr*
    aTi8 18 11~340 by th8 ~88iO~ar8’      COUrt,  whloh irOt, to-
    gather with thr prO+l8lOa ia tha Orda? Ulet h8 *8h811 k
    orrrird on th8 h88lth unit payroll et a 8818ry Of $lSO.OO
    par mo nth, lff8OtiVa a8 of Juna 1, 1944,' ooapri888 all tha
    faOt8 before u8 with mfrranoo    to hi8 lp p o la tta or
    a nt,
    a m-
    It 18 appnnt   ?rom tha foryoiu$ that Mr. mli8
    18 aa amploys of th8 Oount~,  on tha County payroll, noair-
    w   h18 dar&natad ronthiy ~la?y tror pub110toad8 and
    ZioaorabloMike AnsUn,      Pa&r 4
    mane8 in hi8 preaant  position Within tha prohiblkc drgr*O
    of ralatloa8hip by afiinltyto tha narly qualliiad bunty
    frrour wiaioa No. o-1408,approvadsopteaimt
    1939,   thla mpartamnt    ha14    that   wham a County hire8 II
    drltor    by the month Who latar baoamr (I son-in-law of a
    Comairrionar, such rrla tlonohip 0a.m         undar th8 punier,,
    Artlola 432, Penal Co48, an4 tha auditor           should not a l to
    payment for hle aervlorr. Th18 rulln4 appoarr appllJ
    JOUr   SitUfltiOn, end to   WI01088    II OOPY Or Bli14 OQiAiO?
    htl8Wril@ YOU& qUa8tiOU8,     it 18 the OplJl~t";?t;;t
    Dopartamt that undrr the faots aubmlttmd, tha paQ         l,,
    mlary o? the appolnter of tha Commisslonars* COU;,,~,
    violation of                        The faot that su&   t0  the
    rroaitsd his a       an6 and 888Uod hi0 dutlrep the pro-
    slrotion or 8        Caamiseloasr     who stands wI~,``,~ hia
    hlbitrd dagraa of relationohlp to hla, would nr
    position froa thr Nopotl8m statutaa*
    ,:y   truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6406

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017