- OFFiCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ronarable PO RO Chamborm, Chairman Revenue and T8xatlan COmw&ttee tlouaeof RsprsaantatlVom Austin, Texoa Dew Mr. Ohamberrr Oplalon ao. 04R9n A rte: ConmtltutlonalIty cif nk lpnrO- Tour request ?or matter la am tollora~ 669 e Warned at t.he Regular CounoiY 3 &,deolan?d to be a *joint gotemmenta) agency of thla the pther atatem which OOOper8te With 3t.O (SeO.9) ens or this set forthin Cowiaaion are Seo- tlon 4 of th?-Aettcand comprlme wholesome Raremental objeo- tirea- The Aot I tselt earr3ed no apnro7viatifm, and so Par RI) re are adriwd, there has never been mr Rpmcsriatlon made to ce8rry ntrt It* purwses. There are, of Cfwrs09 certnin con&i tutI.nnaY fnhihl- tfono govepnln~ the approwlation of muhlic ?oner hy t.ho rerzl?r- honorable 1. Il. Chambers - page 1 lature. Eiret of there in importanoe Is found In Seotlon 44 of Artfale III, forbidding any ‘grant, by approprlatlon or otherwise, any amount of money out of the treaarry of the State, to my lndlridoal , on B olalm, real or pretended, rhen the same shall not hate been provided for by pre- existing lawOm next, of oourse, there la the familiar Seotlon 0 of Artlole TIII deolarlngr ‘lo money rhall be drawn from the tre8aury but in purouanoe of mpeoifio apDronrlatlonm made by ‘la w, l l l.’NOW, Senate Bill 110.187 la a etrtu- tory enaotment entirely auutfiolentrltbln ltaelt to oonstl- tute pre-exiatlnp IaT for an appropriation to oarry out the purposes therein outlined. Since a oopy of the proposed appropri8tlon bill djd not accomrany the request Por opinion , this Department la not attevntlnx to pass on any quemtlon oi' the mafiialenc~ of the bill itself. Oi course, any approprlatloa made in this connection would hare to comply with the requirement of apeoifionea~ of' purpose, but there is nothing different in this respect from other ordinary appropriation bllla~ mstinp thst what we have amid rjll answer the ln- qulry In your mind, no are Very truly yours ATTORWY CEXERAL OF TEXAS OS-MR
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6395
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017