859 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorabla B. r. YoKea. county AuAitor Hldalgo CountJ Edlnburg, T-8 l8tfor a no p inio n “ROOOJm there Ear hon 8omedirotlrrlon aI to tL, Le& l if o f. th8 wtkr, a na l rwont o r M a w$ lt k lmrrt~ato0 b7 tho n- 40 of the county aaa 0 a060rrimti08 lrtOWb,thM M a d0 Or JWtthi8BOE8~ OOMtitUt.8 t.88 Of Offi aPd 8hOUlbbo t-E& WO? t0 tb ColmtT.~ lionorablo B. 1. YoKao, Pago 2 l0briOU81~, it 18 l bon8iit to haro tb of- ii00 bpt OpOA iOr tl?OSr 00~108, 81UO~ it .A- .- __ lDl88 ON 011 OOmpNiiO8 to p r Op a r O,fOBr imr a l 6OTOlOQUbOAt, lIAdlihfiH, it 18 ObViOu8,tJmt the Olork i8 Aot bound to k.op the Oifioo opoa at Al&It8 @Ad 011 SUAdOr. Wo hwo not prorlowly sona into tlm mattot booauw wo l8usmd that unbr thO80 8irouutanoo8, tho Oouaty would ha+. ae outsol antIwoul4 not bo lAtitbd t0 tbr lbAOr, hOTOr, iA TiO+ Of m 418eU8tiOn it w-r8 that *r tight bO ia error ard that t&m COUAty might bo Ontitled to thf8 lono79 -0 roul(Lllhr tO kna lf ondor tarn O&r- 8~8t6nO.8, th. pqmont by the Oil oom MiO8 for k00pin Ofif OpOIIOA Otb? WA U8tUIP OtfiOO hour8 f8 l r c 0of.ofrioo, aAd )&nforo, b&m ClOrk ;,8l000~&8bl0 t0 th@ ~OUAt~ iOP 8AR0, Of if&i' ahe BOnOT Oi tho COUnty Oluk aAd Uio _’ l* hebltant 8 htiOA Of Hi&d@ @OoUatl 18 105,059 in- A# to t)u 1940 n4or01 00~8~8. ~A8OqUWlt- 17 8ai4 rePlt$ oporato8 rudu tlm nlu7 ryrtom in rrgard to it8 OOUJLtt OffiOr8. &?uOlO 1948, 8. 0. (1. 1988, provide8 a8 fOlh8: OtiOA OAd lXMiAA- ha-0 UN right to 861 HOnorable B1 F. tiK80, Fag8 3 Arti 3904, R. a. s. 1986, prOVidO8 88 sOiiOW8l "10 Ohrk Or jU8tlO8 Or tho p.eOO 8&U. bo OAt1tl84 to eAy roe r o r th4 le!AiAat~OA Or any pepor or raoord in hi8 o?rlo*, nor for rlli prOOr Ot Qe&Mr i.88Wd b7 him aAd rrturnod7 $7 OOU?b, Mr rOr mOthA Or jUd@OOAt8 UpOn EOtiOA8 ior 88orulty ror 008t8, nor for teklng a& appror- ins a bdad ?Or 008t8. A jUd&lllMtOOlitldAiAgEOf- are1 ordrr8 shell be oonslduod a8 one judgment, enb on1 OA@ fee shell be ohargo bl aald olerk or jurt1om for rnterlng or rendorfq the 8ea8.9 The next above toted rtatuta prohlbltr th8 oharg- lllgor any ?eO for the lxemlMtioA ot any reoord or eel6 Clork'r 0rrioh Thir re8triotiOA 18 epplioabl8 whethrr bur- iAg 0rri0m hour8 or at other tiPO8. IA th0 Oe80 O? IlruOO8COuAtr V. CUiriA&tQA Ot ei., 182 3. W. 681, th. StI~mutH Court Of TOXa8 iA it8 O&lion dd thb a. . . a ?cr paid a publio ottloor ror the pariormcmoo of a duty enjoined br statute i6 a ?W OOiiOOtOd ~JIaA O??iOid OepaOitYa It 18 equally true that tie88 A ir8 18 provldod bl law for aA 0rfioiai son108 roqdrod to b8 jmr- rormod md tbr emount thoroaf rixed bJ law, AO~O oe!! 1awfUuy br Ohargrd tbrrefor. do.8 AOt ?Oiim however Uiet l 00U&*“i08:tOit1- oial OOllUt8 e for wrongfUlly, but UAdOr oolor O? O??lOO, i8 AOt 0Atitl.d t0 hare Barm dOJ%8itOd an4 paid over in thr 88m manner a8 ir roquirod for dilrpO8itiOA Or ?W8 rightfUllY OOllOOted. . . ." Th. kOOQiA3 Of the C-OuAtJ Olerk’8 Offi OPA 80 that the rooordr be ln8poOtOd aad wamlrud at lll thereof 547 TOa8OAAblO time8 18 a dutl OAjOh0d bf ntetut4, but it i8 not tho duty 0r thr olrrk to keep mm0 open eftrr hi8 mguler roe- mnable oftioe houro. -tbFBWO, BOt Oar18 thU0 BO ?OO provided br law for moh sonloo@, lltbr auri offloe hour8 or aftor offhe hOU?l, but it 18 l~m,881~ prow 2 a.8 t&t the olork 8hall Aot be rntltlod to any ?ra ror thm lxaular.tion0r uld roOOi48. 862 Booorabla 8. 1. Koxoo, Eage 4 1% I8 lppennt tht the roe1 INUp for rhloh th oounty o)er$ war pi& ~a8 to pmrdt an lxamilution 0r tb l'OOOrd8iA hl8 OfflO@. This bolng mo, 10 bellrro thet eAy r00 0011.ooted by thb olerk for th8 lxaalnetlon or the mo- 0148 e? hi8 0rrioO rh*thu during orrio hour8 or lfter off100 hourr, mull be ooll8otod under oolor or 0rrloe end, elthOtI&hwrongtrrlly oollrotod by him, it would k hi8 duty to lOOOUAt iOr end pry lam0 into thr 00uAty traerurr iOr the bonefit or th8 orriorr seluy Fund. TmrtiIq the lbon ?ull~ UIOWOr8 you iaquiry, wo arm BY Robort L Lettlmre, Jr. ai8d8teAt
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6392
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017