- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN . GROVERSELLERS GLNEUAL A,TORNEV Po:loroblo CoorFe N. Shcppurd _ Coqtroller 4f r’ ubllo Acoounts o- (347 _ ,lustJn, Texas opinion doted Dece.%bor 29, letter rr0s SiTAH. C1888, h ror Siorris County, fron rm on !.:ok;lnney . . . . block huvln& church bulldinr:s upon it. 'CO chanfo in octuol us0 Of the cntlro half’ block as a ~p’looe ol” rel.l~lous :rwshlp by the Church has ocourred. The doclslon to tox the lown Erew out of tin aFree-mut betmen the 3hurch end ‘:r. Ccorp 5. Cohen of !;oueton , entored into in Eebruury, 133, s . Iionoreblo C~ori;o I!. 3!%ppnrd, pa@ 2 aopy of nhlch Is aert attached. You will note . thut thla 6Froer;nnt provided ths t Llr. .Zohen my mi;c csrtoin poymmts. Ilo hs:s aotually !ade the in?tlal. poymnt of .%70,OCG,GG, end four amual paymnts thereafter of $75,OGC.Gir each, an sgcre- p,ete of .~675,OOG.CG *Our cltestlon thorarorn, is ussumlnf. thnt the lawn Is a part of the property ect%lly used for rolI(2Ious purposc8, Is It orsnpt 03% taxation?” The attsohed CO:ltrrrot is ose prcntlne to 5ohon an option to purohzoe the ontico half block for the price of ~l,E50.OOG, .$37C,GGG.00 hnvlnf bean ;ald upon exeoution of the oofitreot, rnd roqulrinc tte poyzcmt of :75,CCG.G0 each year Sor ao cxtuncsion Gf the cption for an addltlofial year. The riGht or tha Ckuroh to c5zit imc its ~38 srid occupenoy of thn property untjl the tlze of’ the oxocutioa of a deed to Cohen Is yresorvod. Yoor rcqucst eroludoe fron our consbicrc~ion any cucstion of !~hethm the progorty Is a&mll.y used for religious purposm, or vihother suah use haa been abandoned, OP rhether tha property lnquirnd about I8 roosoanbly necessary for tho USC cod eujoyxsnt of the bolsEce of the :Icli block es 8 place of rcllelous worship. Therefore, tbia orlnioc shall In no *ioy bo oonstrued us psosing on thsse mesfIcns, Under Art lo13 BIff, Section 2 oi tt:: Texie Coz3titctlon, sad Artiole 7150, .S;cction 1, ‘c’. 5., tho use 3n;l owierehip oi pro- perty Control the q#?stion ot exuzption,~l non. Thl3 gu?opnrty Is mncd by the First Fresbytorlsn Cimrch, and tte lettor of .‘jE !:. Class re?uIres that 1+3 essix.0 for fho purposes of the oglnion thet seic! land Is actually &trip used by tke Church for rall~lous xorshlp. On t!lD bEl16 Of such e%uzqtIon, ue cm ooncl.udc only thst tP.s property is exsz;t fron tzxetion. TruStinF that the forapo?np fully enswors your in-
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6347
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017