Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

    Honorable Cerlton.Woore,
    _      Ch8lrma~
    cmttes    on mmntaes
    House Of Rep??rsentatives
    Austin, Texas
    Dear Sir:                                 __--
    ionalitj of
    d    1 RO. 229, re-
    fs In all 00untlos~
    ttee on Couutles, in
    s Legis)ature, I
    e of obtaining
    relative to the
    220, wfiiah
    'This CommIttee
    er the proposed Bill, a
    part of sane,
    iole XVI of
    House Bill No.   b+ Storsy, is a8 foll&~r
    Bon. Carltonl;.oore,page 2
    ACT authorizing a~ndempowering the Commis-
    sioners' Court to fix the compensation of
    Sheriffs in sll counties of this state,
    based upon the population thereof accord-
    ing to the last preceding federal census;
    fixing the minimum salaries of such offi-
    cers; providing the mode and inanner  for
    tne payment of same; oroviding extra com-
    pensation ~to said officers in certain
    counties; providing for supplementation
    of salaries for Sheriffs compensated on a
    fee basis, ,if necessalry;excluding retiards
    from such compensation or salaries herein
    provided; providing allowance of all neoes-
    saryexpenses incurred by said offiaers or
    their dep\itiesin the disoharge of their
    _.:..~.. ~,?
    official dyti,eb,,and designrrtipg We .$uJrde .,_..i,~
    ~Utvk# whidl %ld expenses are to @.paia;
    providing for the purchase of n,eceeeary
    equipment for use by Sheriffs for the effi-
    cient 'operation'oftheir offices; provi,dlng
    thenmodes(ipd.fsanner,ofpaying for said ,&quip-
    ment; and desigtiatlngthe funds out of which '
    same shall be paid f'or;repealing all laws
    and parts of 'lawsin conflict herewith3o~'the:
    extent of the.conflict only; and declaring'" '~
    an emergenoy.
    i ,:
    "Section 1. ExOept as otherwise provided .in this Act, the
    Commissioners' Court in each county of this state shall have the
    power and authority to fix the ,saleryof the Sheriff therein, :
    based upon the last preceding federal census, as follows:              .,.
    "ia) In countriescontaining Ten Tiousand (10,000) or less
    inhabitants, not less..thanThret Thousian:!
    Seven Bundred and
    Fifty ($3,75C.O0) Dollars.
    Don. Carlton Noore, page 3
    :i            I"   ,In COUltibS containing as many as Ten Thousand
    and One (10,301) and not more than Twenty Thousand
    (20,000) inhabitants, not less th&n Three Thousana
    ($3,000.00) Dollars.
    "(c) Iii counties containiag as many as Twenty
    Thousand and One (20,001)  SlldllOt more than Thirty-seven
    Thousand Five Hundred (37,500) inhabitants, not less than
    Three Thousand Six Hundred (<;3,6OOi,OO) Dollars,
    w(d) In counties containing as many as Thirty-seven
    Thousand Five !lundredana One (37,501) and not more than
    Sixty Thousand (60,000) .inhabltants,not less than Four
    Thousand Two Hundred and fifty (34,250,OO) Dollars.
    n(e) In .countiescontaining as many as Sixty Thou-
    :   sand and One (60,001) and not more than One Hundred
    Thousand (100,000) inhabitants, not less thanFive~
    Thousand Two Hundred ($5,200.00) Dollars.     .
    *If) In counties containing as many as One.Hundred
    Thousand and One (iOO.001) and Bet more than One Hundred
    Fiftv Thousand
    ;,*ti&&&d       (.15&0.~0)inhab:i:tants,;
    ````~.,.H&.d~@+pj.;.560~      ,,``,t.~;~gss.:,than,
    v(g) In counties containing as many as One Hundred
    Fifty Thousand and One (150,OOl)and not more than Three
    .             Hundred .Fifty-fiveThousand (355,000) inhabitants, not
    less than Seven Tho~usarid
    Four Hundred (#7,400.00) Dollars.
    v.(h)In counties containing more than Three Hundred
    ‘. I
    . -; Fifty-five Thousand (355.000) inhabitants, not leas than
    Ten Thousand (@O,OOO.OO) Dollars.
    "Section 2. &ll salaries sha.11be paid in Twelve (12)
    equal installments per year, and paid from funds and in the
    manner now provided by law for payment of such officers, and
    providing that in a~ountieshaving an assessed valuation in
    excess of Twenty LXllion (~20,000,,000.00)Dollars, and less
    , than One ErundredTwenty Million (~120,000~000.00) Dollars
    according to
    Hon. Carlton %oore, page 4
    the last preceding approved tax roll of suoh counties,
    the amount allowed such Sheriffs as'salaries shall be
    increased one    r oent (l$) for each One Million
    ($1,000,000.00p"Dollars valuation or fractional part
    thereof in excess of said Twenty Xillion (``20,000,000.00)
    Dollars valuation, and u;,to but not including One Hundred
    Twenty ?Jillion(~120,000,000.00) Dollars valuation, over
    and abov6 the amount allowed suoh offiosr as fixed salary
    by the Commissioners' Court; and providing that Sheriffs
    who art:conybnsated on a fee basis Instead of a salary basis
    shall have their salaries suppl6mented, if nscessary by
    the Co:!unissioners* Court  out of the Gemral  fund of the
    county, in order for the Sheriff thereof to receive the
    salary so fixed or allowed herein; and further providing
    that the compensation herein fixed or allowed for the
    Sheriff of any county shall be exolusive of any reward
    or rewards reaeived for the apprehension of crhinals     or
    fugitives from justice,    an& rewards received for the re-
    covery of stolen property.
    *Section 3. In addition to ,the foregoing salany
    provisions, ~11 necessar expenses incurred by any Sheriff
    or his deputies in the d3[
    soharge of their Official duties
    ~shall.b.8allowed .by,~the.
    .C+rt of the County
    of   theme Sh&rif’f+‘&“   +&id&$,   .‘upoh,-p~operly,‘authorizea   :m   :..
    report,,and paid out.ofthe General Fuhd or out of the-
    Offioers' Salary Fund of the aounty, as the oase may b’8;
    and, upon the sworn requisition of any Shdriff, certifying
    that any equipment (such as authmobiles, radfos, arms, etch.)
    is nscessary for the efficient operation of his OffiC8, the
    Commissionars~ Court of the CoUnty of the Sheriff's residence
    shallzauthorize the purchase of such equipment, and shall
    pay for the Bam6 out of the General Funds of the county.
    "Seotion 4. All laws and parts of laws insoonflict
    herewith are hereby repealed to th8 extent of the conflict
    ?Section 5. The feat that Sheriffs of th8 State of
    TbXas are now reC8iVing inSuifi~i8nt salaries iOr th8
    serviOes‘wi@ch thep are required to perform under the laws
    of this State, creates an bmergency ana an imperative pub-
    lie necessity that the constitutional rule requiring bills
    t0 be read on thr68 Several days in each Dous be SUSp8ndsd,
    and said rule is hereby suspended, and this Act shall take
    effect and be in force from and after its pa6sage, and~it
    is so enacted.*
    lion. Carlton ?4oore,page 5
    Section 61, Art. XVI, or the State Constitution,
    "All district officers of the State of Taxas
    and all county officers in counties having a popula-
    tion of 20,000 or more, according to the then last preceding
    fedbral CBIISUS,shall from the first day of January, and
    thereafter, and subs.equentto the first rsgular or speoial
    session of th6 Lsgislature, after the adoption of this re-
    solution, be.compensatad on a salary basis. In all counties
    in this State, the commissioners' court shall be authorized
    to determine whether pr6cinct officers shall be compen-
    sated on a fee basis or on a salary basis; and in oounties
    having a population of less than 20,000, aooording to
    the then last pr6ceding federal census, the commissioners*
    courts shall also have the authority to datermine Whether
    county officers shall be compensated on a fee basis or on
    a salary basis..
    :          "All fees earn68 by dietriot, county and prealnat
    offioers shall be paid into th6 county treasury where
    88Zn8d for the account Of the proper fund provided.that
    f88S inOurr8d by the state, county and any municipality,
    or ,$n,pas*,..y@@re,       !5 o~a~.~,~,~a...:fila``,~ii``,~,;bs````~d
    .a,,pauper                                        i:;::::.~:iil~-:
    ``.'bountJi"t~ea~ury‘when~'Ooilect6d'and       provided that
    Where any officers 'are compensated wholly on a fee'basis,
    such fees may be retained by such offioer or paid into
    the treasury of the county if the pommissioners* oourt
    may direct.. All ,notary publics, aountg surveyors and
    pub116 weighers shall continue to be compensated on a
    fee basis,"
    In the 5a5e of Bexar County vs. Tynan, et al, 97 S. W.
    (26) 467, it is Stated:
    "In the case of Clark vs. Finley, 93 Tbxa5, 171,
    54 S. W. 343
    , this court recognized that the substantial
    differences in populations of counties could be made a
    basis of legislation fixing oompensation of 6fflcers, on
    the thbory, as th6 court clearly recognized, that the Work
    devolving upon an officer Was in some degree proportionate
    to th6 population of the county. This has frequently been
    Hon. Carlton Moore, Chairman, page 6
    recognized by courts as creating a Sufficient dis-
    tinction to justify a larger oompensation for
    county officers in count168 having a large popula-
    tion as compared with compensation to like officers
    in counties having a small population. Conversely,
    we think it true that if the Legislature ignores
    the obvious fact that the work of cou;ltyEffbere
    is proportionate to ~opuletion and olassifies    coun-
    ties in srlchway that the oo3ipe:nsat:on  of officers
    in counties having a large population is fixed for
    below the compensation allanredlike officers in
    STdl COuIltibS,such action amounts to fixing a
    classificatioa which is arbitrnrj and which has no
    true r8veloncy to th6 :Nrpose of the iegisIation..."
    Under the terms of Zouse Eill Go. 220, the Sheriffs
    incounties having a population of 10,000 or less inhabitants
    will receive an annual oomp6ns6tion of not less ?Gian$3,750.00,
    Sherifrs in counties having a population of 10,OOi and not more,       ~:
    than 20,000 Inhabitants will reoeive au amual ,oomptnsation.of
    not less than $?,OOO.CO. In oounties having a population of
    %``20,000and not more than 31,500 inhabitants, the Sheriff wlll
    an qnnuafi.                  than ~,43'i'~O~z~SO;'
    ,9alary.~-.af~i~:not!..:less        .,:i~*wlll..'
    +e notbd t&t the.Sheriffs in counti6s having a population of
    10,001 to 37;500 inhabitants may reoeive a SxmJler compsnsation
    ":thanthe Sheriffs in co~unticshaving IO,OCO or less inhabitants.'
    JLS stated in Bexar County vs. Tymnn, supra, "If~the Legislature
    ignores the obviousfact that work of county of;icers is pro-
    ~ -,portionatsto population and classifies counties In such way
    that the compensation of officers in countiss having a large
    ~A'po_ouletionis fixed,for below the oomp6nsation allowed like
    i offioers in small Oountlea, Suoh action amounts to fixing a
    classification which is arbitrary and which has no true
    relevenoy to the purpose of the leglslation.W
    Under th6 provision of Section 61, Article XVI of the
    State Constitution, all county officers in co.intieshaving a
    population of 20,000 or more inhabitants, sccording to thethen
    last preceding fnderal census, shall be compensated on a Silrgary
    basis, and in counties having a population of less than 20,000
    inhabitants, according to the then last preceding federal census,
    Hon. Carlton Koore, page 7
    the Commissioners1 Courts shall have the authority to determine
    whether county officers shall be compensated on a fee basis or
    on a salary basis. House Eill No. 220, supra, among other
    things, in effect provides that the She,r,$ffa
    In all counties
    having a population of less than 20,000 inhabltznts, according
    to the last preceding federal census, will be compensated on a
    salary basis. The bill provides for a minimum compensation for
    Sheriffs in all counties and in counties where the Sheriff is
    compensated~on a fee basis, If his fees are not sufficient to
    meet the minimum compensation fixed by the bill, then the
    difference between the amount of fees and the minimum compensa-
    tion must be paid the Sheriff by the county out of his general
    fund. It is olear that the bill leaves no discretion with the
    Commissioners Court in counties having a population of less
    than,20,000 inhabitants, Under the express terms of Section 61,
    Artiale XVI of the Contitution, the Commissioners' Court in
    oountiee having a population of less than 20,000 Inhabitants, has
    the authority to determlne whether county officers shall be com-
    p&&ted   on a fee basis or a salary basis. Under the terms of
    House Bill No. 220, the Commissioners' Courts in oounties having
    a population of less than 20,000 inhabitants would be restrlctea
    with reference to the compensation of Sheriffs. The Courts could
    not fully,determine,whether the She,riffs~Rere,,t~o:,pe,,compepens.~ted
    ;‘;.;':.Tn.     .::::::,
    the!'::&vent  ~'..L
    the Commissioners* Court of suoh oountiesdetermine that Sheriffs
    would be compensated on a fee basis and the Sheriffs failed to
    collect fees sufficient to meet the minimum amounts set by the
    bill; then the county would be required to pay the Sheriff an
    amount out of the general fund sufficient to bring hZs compensa-
    tion&o the minimum provided by statute.
    It is our opinion that 3&I.B. No. 220 oontravenasc.the
    provisions of Seotlon 61, Article XVI of the Constitution, where-
    in said bill attempts to divest the Commissioners' Court of
    counties having a population of less than 20,000 Inhabitants to
    determine wh6ther the Sheriffs shall be compensated on a straight
    fee basis or on a straight salary basis. It is our further opinion
    that:if the Legislature ignores the obvious fact that the work of
    county officers is proportionate to.population, and classifies
    count,iesin such a way that the compensation of offloers of a.
    county having a population of not less than 10,001 and not more
    than,20,000 inhabitants, or a county having a population of
    Hon. Carlton Moore, page 8
    20,001 and not more than 37,500 inhabitants, will be a smaller
    amount of compensation than Sheriffs in counties of 10,000 or
    less inhabitants, such ticticnamaunts to fixing a alassifioation
    which is arbitrary and which has no true revelsncy to the purpose
    of the legislati~on, It is our opinion that said House Bill hTo.220
    is unaonstitutional.
    Yours   Very truly
    (a) k-dell Wlliams
    APPROVED Feb. 19, 1945                       dpprovea
    First Assistant                              0pin:oLl
    Attorney General                             Commltt+ee
    (s) Carlos C. A,shley

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6328

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017