Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •              OFFICE    OF THE      ATTORNEY         GENERAL          OF TEXAS
    Honorable   H. A. Jemlaon,  Commlesloner
    State Department   of Banking
    Auatin,   Texas
    Attention:       Mr.   I..   S.   Johnson,
    Deputy     Commiaaloner
    Dear Sir:
    his    date   been
    or.~theJJexlco         Nat&ml         Bvk,     oommonly known as
    Btinoo’NNfon$l            of bf8&&?6 City,         the branch being
    located       in Juwez         kiexlco.       The operation          has to
    do uith       th&ahe&g            of American         money into Msxl-
    can specie         end mrrency         and is reported            to us by
    Mr. Potts        tc* be axerolaed         in the following            manner.
    *. ..I     i
    ROurr&tlj’there            are nuxbera         of k!exlcan labor-
    era belA&spcturned             to Mexico by train             and it is
    reported        by Ifr, Potts       that    the operations           of this
    bank, throu&h its representatives,                        lnolude      the
    posting       of sigma ln the various                cars in which these
    ::sxlosn      laborers      are being transported,                giving    the
    Aaae of t?e bank and other                  lnformatlon         in oomeo-
    tion     with the changing            of money in the MexioaA
    1anCuage.          ilr. Potts also        reports       that    repreeen-
    tativea      of the bank advertise              themaelvee         as such
    Smorable   !1, A. Jamleon,   Page 2
    to the ssld Mexican laborera and he terms this
    3s being u&air oompetitlon,      upon the @OUAda
    that the Bank of Wexloo has no right to perform
    this   function without the OOnflnes Of their own
    territory     or partloularlp ln our State.
    We are enoloslng   the letter  of protert
    nhloh we mantloned above together with a letter
    Of OertlflOatl~    over the signature Of iToe C.
    Zollinarp,   City Lloenea Colleotor   of the City
    or 21 Paso, Texas, oertliylng     that the above
    XAtiOAed   bank hae besn granted a City Ooou-
    Dation Lioenee by the Llcenar Bureau of the
    iXty of %1 Paso, Texas.
    *We seek to determine from your offloa
    whether    or not it 1s our responsiblllty     to
    investigate    or take anp aotlan iA reepsot to
    this  letter   of protest and request    or Mr.
    Totts and will appreolate    your renderlAg a~
    opinion in this regard.”
    The aotlvitlse of the branoh bank with reaprot to
    exobange oarrled on IA this state do not present   any questian
    calling ror aotlon or eny oharaoter upon the part of your
    Ii the lnrormatlon   contained IA your letter  preeents
    a question for any department oi this atate,     It Is the Attorney
    General’s  Department.   We thaAk.you ror your thoughtrulAeaa    IA
    bringing this to our attention,    and we shall avail ourselves    0r
    the IArormatlan which It oontaine IA the event we determine
    that suoh taots oall for our aotlOA.
    Yours very    truly
    OF TiZ%S

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6315

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017