Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • . ’ 489 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN KonorableGeorgeH. Shappard cmptrollera? PubllaAuoounk Austin,TezsS atate$&Sithis federaltax may be paid from \; “2. ia red oap servioea legalohargeagainst StatefUrid5. “3. If Ql8lJtiOZl #2 s!aOUld be SIISVBX’& in the effirtaative shoulda distinction be dr4wn between per- sonaland offiolal baggagei” 490 Bonorable OeorgeH. Sheppard, Pago2 Seotloa 3465 of Title26, U. 8. C. A. road8 ln part 88 followat * oaitioaaad rat. or tax "(8 '"p Thor.ahall k imp0aad8 "(1)Telaphonsati talqz'cgh, eta. “(A) Oa the amouatpaidvlthiathe UaltedStaiea fo``oht@Mnoarndloklophaw nearageor ooavmmtbn for whlohthe toll obmga la more than 24 mats, a t8x e~ua%to 20 pas oentum o? the emouat40 pal& X? a bill ia zwadawd the taxpayerfor the aervioea draorlbad la thlr aubpara- graph,tha emouat upoavu& thm tax ahal k baaad shallbethe smofall auahobmgea lmludod iatha bill,andthsksaha``~bebradrrpan~ ehmga for eaoh itea!, separately, fnoluded ia%the bill. "(El)oa the alnouatpaidvmlln the UtitedSteteafor eaohtelegrapk, aable,01?radio dlspatohor muaaagol tax equalto l!3pm oeatumai the amount ao paid,exoeptthatln the oaao of uoh lateraatlonal tolegrapb,oable,05!radiodlmpatohor messagethe rate aballbe 10 per omtum. It a blll is readeradthe taxpoyarfor the swvt~a desorlbed ia this subparagraph,the smouDt upon vbioh the tax at each of the zateain tblasubparagraph aballbe baaed shallbeth@ sumofall apohobargda6tthat rate Lnoludedla the bill,8ad the tax aballnot k baaedupoa the 48arga for eaohitoat, 8opanto4, iaoludedin th bill." 5eation3466 of aeidTitleprovldea tZi0exemptionrr .. w~?&!i%a?be imoaed underreotp88t~ reaeivedfor aerviosa* fao 1% 1 q upon any paytaeat furalahed to say Stats,Terrltory of the UnitedStdsa, liti 1 bdlvlrion themof, or t&a Dfatrfotoi %~bla "& & oorporation ometed w Aot of Congraaa to eot 1; amtteraof raltsfundo the treatyof Geneva 02’August22, l%k . ." Honorable Qeorgo?I.3heppmd, page3 mustbe as apooIi'ioall7 providedin the appropriation bills. whileVI hev. foumino nferenoeto itema9s Pedor81 taxation la the Texnastatuteso 8pproprIatlon bllla,alnoo theFederalstatuteprovldearor the emmptlan of the tu ou telephona aervlaeand telsgrrmaof the Stateas shown la Sootion 3Jh66, aupra, it14 anrcrpinianthatyouereaotverrmtedd ya``sy;d.~;emsSt&e fumlaj thatauohtu.8 amriot , andthotycmwryproperl~dmluotedsame lOOOUllt fromthe ezipensr referredto In 7ourqueatloa. With rderanoe to the aolealled %ad oap* mervIoe, ve observethe languageof the appr latlonbill (Aota 48th we5., 2. s., 1943,Ch. 100,Sea.2,T 13)d) underWhIohwe are nov operatixyr "Bees,as tips to miters 00 dinlag oars, a@ st hotelsalpreatausaata,,ahllnot be paid out of statefuAda.* Despitethe reaaonlngempla)ud b7 pus azIIa8atIn his letterto you, we oannotegme thatthe ltiltatlon tnrpoaod ln the quotedlmguage 0888 be 40 aarmarlyoanrtrwd84 to permit tlpacm gamtuitlaa gumrally. Shouldv. hold thatb7 auohimp uagetheI&gIalatweIatendmlth&ansrqrlapeo ofth@State aould not pay tlpato waiter8on dialogoar@,or to mItera at hotels, or to waitersat reataureata, hut oouldtoraoothpmamual7 or OthwWi44"4644the ltahingpati"Of BUOhas rallrcmdptOr4, hotelbollhops, oab-drivera, hotelmaids,tillinsstat1 attond- ants,elevlitorop4rator4, 4ad 40 on,at the expen40of rhe tax- Gayer,ve Tear we vould do ooatemptouavioleaaeto the Legiala- tlveintent. 1Cdste4d of the quotedlaonguage be~vithlnthe rule of "ejwden @merlea or the mexlm“~roaato u~luaeat exol~alo alterluan,ve thl.nk It obtiouathe refereuae“as tipa to nltera on dialngoars,oz at hotelror reatauraata" la solely exampleand tbet aoae of ua We prItile& to uCt4tig&4 %I 3.f to pleasantassvaatrand thea expeotthe Stateto relrdbur84 ua. We 08x3 visuallaelnatamsavhmeln aaaiatana* Is not onlydesirable but neoeaaary in effeotIBg the tr&map~tatI~ of offlolabaggage. In auohinatanoes a deflnitoand reasonable oontraotprloefor the "neoeaear7" 8exMoe shouldbe eatabl:ahed and a reoeiptobtAImd theretoruhovingthe aemloe reAderedand honorable George8. Sh4pp4rd, Page 4 theprloeoh4rgedtherefor.Abaentthe reoeiptrequired by Seotlon2 (l2)gof the Approprletlon Aot, 70x1 are preoluded frompayinganyupe``eaadvano4dbJenyperaoatravellngln behalfof the StateOthers thanfar,llwl4. l?odo not thinku- ;;J~JSofperaonalluggage ahouldb4paldbythe StatoSnanf . Tru8thgtheabmre~I.Uldoquakl7anmrerfour question, v4 are EBHEtALOFTEXAS

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6310

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017