Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • ~OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEYGENERAL OFfEXAS AUSTIN Eonoxreble I.. A. Wudo . LoXmy s? Athqns ln wder that the law not rxa0.Q bb. r8ata rmil- rlntendent did not tuxn in a tub dmn llring tn thoee al8triat8 alad ntary color06 soheol at r\thsnr. suniabars8antaing wee au to the ra08 sd 8lnndy rseeirod the per uaptta aad that thir *ould ooveirthe oost sr instruotion,and he VW38 BO8 h pO8808cl~O~ Or 8hO inrOmIO8iOn th8t tb6 per oapfta ran inaluaed aa roaofpta in the asndiag dlrtrlat budgmt and that he would bare to turn in a Pa- port to orr-sot thi8. when be dlaooverod thha, it wa# M~olJu~o 1, the the ror turning in a report for high Aa a mat* or mat, he turned in a report on Amst*l& on elementary aolored pupils. Wee ArtialO hL, seation T of the wrrent Lquallastlon low, whioh r*- quirer t&t all mgortrr be in thie offlotrnot larber II,-. . Ronorabla L. A. jYood,pa@:@Z than June 1, aontrol ln regard to pupi?.~living in a em- traotrd dIetriot, as authorized under ArtiQle 8 sf the aam law? Stated airr5r5nbly, Is tibiaoffioo authorixed to ao- OOpt t&O reJ?ortOB *uoh 41~8entOly pupIla, rhiah raaob this otrioe on August 1s and to make a grant on aam? ***+I 3sation.e or Artiolo 4 oi the ournnt Xquallzation low reads as tollewar “It shall be the duty o 'the aountv superintendentto reoelre an : ahack 011 hi h aohool tuition l pplioatlonr to dotr ~4.110 the r0XT%--* 0% ag r80t0l 8~5 or pupil, the a: itr1ot In rhloh he-w88 anumoratod, the dI8trlot in hioh ho liter, the di8- trht in whioh he rttmna8 80 mol, tha 4~840 la whiah the pupil la 5ie8miri5d in t LOreealtSag dl8triot, the hi@!beat-rd. tau&kt I@ the ioma d%Hriot of the pupil, .iath elmQunt o fth e th ep tpflwe8 La aotarl atton- danoa a tth erO~i~#.tL~ **a0 vhen lioh ap~lioa$iea .,::::,1- ,, .~.., ,::i:::,, .,,: i,,:hd hw, q@~~-:*g& -@#$*&aik honia 'previaaa ) ~StiO 8&kl'bwprepeFly mvorn Qo b ' raid oounty auQarl8ten- a*nt, Oha preaiamt~ana/or I t4rwry or (rh0OOh00i board ar the wnai,n~diatrla i or the upll, sad tbr 8up8rint5ndeetor the ream m glo h oEoe b o fo raoid r a p- ~li@StiOll hi tZ’OBsdtt0d to ha nfraotor 0r Bqualiaa- t&n at Austin, Tomas, rm b La re eotion, noditloation, o r lDpro*al, *sd no auoh lp p .laatron shall be omalderaa by t&5 nweta. or Irq00iirt lea mlSa* 08s~ bar bwn duly dopbritod rltb hia at A litln,*oriN, within llnty I&l) dry88rw h9.aroBPut )prsad, and '3~no Isatame mar thSB LWQO1 Of t&S 0~ yi0 ashcal yaar.* (Emphaala rupQliea) '6of aSi4 !aw roads a8 iolloua~ Arti.ole “t&on the l@'eownt of the board of truatwa 0r the dIatrI~ta oonocrrae4 or on potitian Sl~glmt by .sl majority oc tha quelifl* vottlra of tbe abmiot Sna mbjsot to the appr5v81 5r me oounty 8uQerInknaont, and the State superl~ntenaant, a alatrlot ti,ieh may be unable to ariakin a 8utlafSotory aSho uy tra~18trr Ita ontire aoholaotio enrol.lreao for one JO&? to @a ao- oredited aoheol of higher rank. If tbo reoelrlag aohsol reoeirue State aid, tha sohelastla OQII~UQrolls both tilts rnd aolorad shall be e%bInsU, the per oepfts appOEItioarrrsnt shall ba ps5,d dimat to the maeIvIn~ sohool,, all looal taxer bf the sending aostraotind diatrlot, sxotspt those ,q~fr@ te the Interset and slnk- ing fund ehsll be orodlted to the reoslvfne 8otuml b the tar oollector as aellea~sd, and thq teaahar-yap1 I quota shall he base4 on the oomblned eenaua total. Zi tb o r eo eitlng la h o o Is l not e Btato ala aahool, the sohalaatlo mmaua rolls both white snd’colored shall ba oo~blned, the par eaplta lpportlonmnt shall be pwia dfrsat to the TOC8itiB& #ahool,~ rll 14OSl tiXe6. ot the selPdIn@eontraatingdI8tri@t exeeph those @&I& to tha iaterest end alakLa(S fund 8hrll ba Or@ditad Lo the ZI- o~IrIng aohcrol b;r the tax ~ollootera8 oolleoted,an4 the aending oontraotia kStitrI@twill bo llI~lble for as muah salary eta as fa aooo8sary to lup p lo matbo a t St&s@ A~aIlabla lnd LOW ~latenaaoo ruBUS, w the .:,::l~,~,::ji;:.;‘ : ~,,..~, ,,.::‘: :!.:;::!;:i;,ro8ola8~~8~ .,.irPn~::~ii;~~~~~~~t,:,nt,OsaQin6.,?,o,:!,WJlllolC-r *.i;;‘:r,.~~:-sr in the reaslviag dfatrlot, to actor the apprevmd soati of 4natruatIen per aobala~tIo In tbe rsod.ving a@rwl., pro- vided that luoh approved ooat ahall not 4meoeU S**oa Dolhr8 ana Plrty cent.8( $9.80) per qOnth rOr ,riVO (6 months r0orhigh aohool StYaoBtO or PI+* Dollrrr (#+S.QO1 per baontb ror flwe (a) 8ontha for elemntary atudoatr.* st~otlon a St Artlolr 4# mupa, r*?sra t0 ati IB applloable to bigb. aohool eppllortItlEUI and b8n a0 mertaao to applfOat:ORB fO7 thiTieBt8X tU.$tbB 8mBtlORea &I ArtfO~O & 1% IUS8 tt3et thara Is la&b Qee3; llao 4Rta riud by this 1Pbfar arti and ywr orfias fa authorlrod to eocrap8 the mport va ouoh eloma- tary puplta nhibb m8oh pur of’tim em Aamat ld ark&to rnahs a gr#at’oB ammo ii the sonog fS Still aoaIlsb1.e. Ymra very trnly ATTOmn OPImAl: OF TZXAB

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6305

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017