Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • I of,I
    . ’
    gr. in. 8. rking,Legislative 4+oo0untant
    Joint Legielativa CoLmitte@
    ,,ustin11, Texns
    reading as followa:
    ltod by the foregoing:
    Eoure Bill Ao. 176,
    eenent of tbo board oT
    dietriots  oonoomod or
    ed by a ma)ority of the
    ora oi the dbtriot  and
    he approval of the oounty
    nt-,and the State Superin-
    tendent, a district whioh raay%o unable
    to 'Iaaintalna tiatiefaotoryilchoolmay
    transfer Its entire eoholaetlo euroll-
    ment ror one year to an aooredlted eohool
    or higher rank. If the reoeiving aohool
    reoeivee State kid, the aoholaetlo oensu6
    rollo both white and colored shall be
    combtied, the per oapita apporti-nt
    shall~be paid direot to the receiving
    school, all local taxes oi tho sending
    contraoting dletniot, eroopt thO84 going
    to the interest and ainking fund shall bo
    credited to the receiving eohool by the
    tax oolleotor as oollootsd, and tlm teacher
    pupil quota shall be bassd on the oomblwd
    census total * * **
    Wk large numbar of sohool dietriots throughout the Stat4
    carried out agraemsnts,to oontraot. In oartain ln4tanoes
    it was found that a f4u sohool diatrlots did not hollow
    the law and roquortsd oanoollation   of said oontraot. This
    Is partioularily true in oases of sohool districts oon-
    tract&g to roooiving sohoolr which did not maintain an
    aooredltod oolorod school of higher rank. In other in-
    stanoes schools oontraotod to Rooelvlng   Dlstriots whloh
    did not maintain an aooroditod   sohool.
    *It is assumed that tM rooelving sob001 aoabimd
    the scholastic oonsus roPl8 both whit4 and colored and
    the per oapita apportionment of the sondIng oonttaotlng
    district was paid to the reoelvlng rohool and all looal
    taxes of the sonding oontraotlng district, rxospt those
    going to th4 interoat aud rinkl~ fund, was orsdit4d to
    the reooiving oohool and the toaohsr pupil quota was
    based on the oomblned census total.
    nArtlol4 6, Sootion 1, of Hous    Bllllfo. 176, roads,
    In pert, as follows:
    **The trust448 of the distrlots     authorlaod
    to apply for aid undsr th8 provialonr of this
    Act shall send to ths Stat4 Yuporintendont of
    Publio Inetruotion on form provided        by said
    authority,   all  information  that may be ro-
    qulrod  .  said rorms will lncludo a budget by
    which the amount of Salary xld to which a
    sohool will bo ollgible shall be determlnod.
    The roooipts as shown in said budget will in-
    oludo t&e &ate, and Copsty Available      and looal
    maintenanoo balanoso     brought forward iron the
    prsoeding par,     State and County Available and
    Local Malaintonsnoo   rooolptr for tho current
    year, tuition    to ba oollootod locally, end
    misoellan4ou8 r8oalpt8. The orponditure will
    inoludo salatktisof traohers as drtsnained b
    the salary sohedulo stated hersin, and a mexI -
    mum of One Hundrsd Eighty Dollars ($180.) ger
    teachor per y4ar in aooreditod sohaol8 and
    One Rundred S:r'CyDollars ($laO.) per tcraohor
    per year in unaooroditod oohools for otbsr
    current expeneos; * * *(
    "a joint departmental policy wae followed wherein
    dletrlote oontraotlng to a Salary iiidsohool it would
    not ba ncoessary for the sending oontraotlne district
    to submit au applloation. This procedure, by canoella-
    tion or the oontraot, &ids noosesary the filing or an
    application by the District whloh had at an earllar
    data executed an agreement to oontraot.
    further from Houee Bill NO. 176, iwtiolo
    2, Seotion B, which reads a6 follow8r
    "*?llln Data. All applioatlon8 for any
    aiduthorisod   herein, exaopt tui-
    tion aid, ahall b4 on tha fll4 with th4
    3tato Department of &luoatIon in Austin
    not later than Ootober 1st Of saoh sohola8-
    tlo year ior wbI4h ai@ l8 ask&.    3ohool8
    Who84  appllcationr for Stat8 aid ar4 fllod
    let82 then Ootob4r 1st Of 4a4h year for whloh
    aid i8 aSk4d, Shall b4 inaligfblr for any
    typo oi aid;*
    *From the abovo izuorimtlon   w4   wish to SUbnit th4 tollow-
    ing qimation:
    wan th4 Offi    0r tbll Legislatiro AO-
    countant aoo4pt a lmtr riling  dats of an
    application when muoh oontraot was oan-
    ool.led after October 1, of the roholas-
    tic year9 * * *"
    In opinion No. O-154135,w4 hold that the rcqniro.mnt that
    all appllcatlone for any type of aid, 4xoopt t&&ion aid, ahall be
    riled not later than Ootobsr 1st Of la4h 8Ohola8tiO year is maada-
    In that opinion i# found ths following     l4qymg4:
    "findfrom the opinion of the court in the
    oas4 of Gomoe V. Tlfaon,le8 5. w. 666, wd
    quote tha r0u0wing:
    “‘-A    Ol4U84       18 dlrootorf whim the QrOVi-
    8IOn contains wro matter of direction and
    no mcm4; but not so when followed by words
    or poaitlvs prohibition.* Bladon v. Phlladol-
    60 Pa. 466
    ; Pearoe v. pdorri8,2 Ad I
    &i. 96. Prohibitory Word8 oan rar4ly if over
    be direotory. Them is but on4 way to obey
    the 0omm6nt*thou Shalt not " whloh is to
    abstain     altogothor      from dofng the aot iOr-
    biddon.    ’
    *Thus, tho eonera    rId4   18 mu-ostabliehed
    that statutory provisions atilrm8tlvoly worded
    Andy8etting forth the t5.m in which an act is
    to bo dono am usually dlmotory; but where
    the provisions in nogatlvely worded or oontaine
    nogatlvr words rrrtraiain$ tha doing of the aOt
    aitor such time, th4 provl8lon 18 nmmlatory.
    540 the rooont ease or Narkowskyet al. t.
    Newman et al., (sup.~ct.), 136 s. w. (Ed] 808,
    offhming this role.
    RNow,let ua apply the84 prino~plos to Sootion a,
    Artlclo $3of the rural aid bill. Section Z door not
    sisply road: t.ipplio8tionShell be on file ~by Ooto-
    bar 18t.e ft (lo48auoh further and 18 muoh strongor,
    for It reader
    "'All applications for any typ4 of aid an-
    thorized heroin, oxoopt tultlon aid, ehall bo
    on tll4 with tho St&o Department of Muoation
    in Austin not later than Ootober l.efof saoh
    8ohola8tio year ?or whloh aid ia asked. Sehoo18
    who84 applications for etats aid are filed Later
    than Ootober let of etlohyear for whioh aid is
    BE INELIGIBLE for any type of aid.*
    asked, sK~l.3,
    (Emphaeis ours)
    "This provision 18 ol4arly in wgatlvo Minguage.
    ~ovt8ionl:i8 I&ad4th4t the application8 shall be
    fil4d Rot &tOr th4n Ootobor lat. &on 80, the
    LegIel~o    was not taatirfiodwith this alone,
    for it atied th4 provieion th4t School8 Whoso
    appllaatlons are filed later thsn Ootob4r 1st
    shall bo Ineligible for any kind of aid.
    *Thie provision ia not only iR nogativ4 words,
    but It also oontairu a positive prohibition or
    limitation. Th8 provision 18, therororo, manda-
    You BPS thorsror4 advised   that seotion
    k%4s    the in~lf~ibIlify~posItivo and dofinite
    beyond any deolsion or aotlon on the p4rt of th4
    Department of Eduoation or any other body.
    "The Lsgfslatur4 has in the plainoat and most
    poeltlve lsnguaga made a dofinlte determination
    that Ootober 1st 18 the deadllns for the err40-
    tlvo filing of all applloationr for aid exoopt
    tuition aid. Any oonol.u6lonothar tlmn thr one
    whioh w4 have raaohad would bo, in lrroot, hold-
    ing that th8 Le&elaturo is power1488 to ret a
    time within which applfoatlonr must b8 fihd.
    The absurdity of suoh a oonolu8lon is apparent."
    Your   QUOStiW,   thorororm, 18 amwersd   in tlm n4gativ4.
    Your8   tory    truly
    ATTORN6Y GmU           CF T6XkS
    C. F. Gibson

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6248

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017