Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •               THEA~~CORXEY                  GENERAL
    Honorable D. H. Utley   Opinion NO. 6208.       .     ,,
    County Auditor          Re: Who in Legel.l~:liabla  ,30x. the penabby and
    Clay county             Interest due on delinqueht:tama i4herr~thetaxpayer
    Henrietta, Texas        gave hir personal check to Te+ Collector,    who then
    ianued and delivered t&x rece,j@;:buGafter     check wee
    not paid by bank, and returqed to Tax Collector    on ac-
    count of improper endereement~9nB Wax Collector    then
    Dear Sir:
    We are in receipt of your recent letter in which you request
    our opinion upon the above captioned matter. Your opinion request reads,
    in part, as follows:
    "There existed in Clay County; District Court a lawsuit
    styled Sims vs. Firestone, and an appeal'had been taken by
    the defendant, and this occurred in 1940; the suit was still
    on appeal, and the plaintiff secured the attached order from
    the District Judge of the 97th judicial District regarding.
    the payment of taxes, in 1941 the photostatic copies of the
    checks used are attached, these were honored by the bank and
    payment of taxes made, again in 1942, this same order was
    again given the plaintiff whereby the taxes were to be paid,
    and again the plaintiff gave checks on the same escrow ac-
    count, for taxes as the order directed, and the bank re-
    fused to give credit to the Tax Collector and returned the
    checks (attached photostatic copies) to the Tax Collector
    who in turn recovered the issued tax receipts. Qusstion?
    -- Who is legally liable for the penalty and interest now
    due on the delinquent taxes?"
    The court order referred to by you in your opinion request,
    a copy of which was attached, reads as follows:
    "Carmen Firestone Sims, et al, vs. Tom Firestone, No-
    6313 in the District Court of Clay County, Texas. On this
    the 14th day of October, 1942, it having been called to the
    attention of the Court that the taxes on the property in-
    valved in the above entitled and numbered suit for the year
    of 1942, are now due and unpaid; and the Court being of the
    opinion that it is to the advantage of the estate,that the
    same be paid before they become delinquent,
    It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the
    Court that the defendant, Tom Firestone, execute checks,,
    Honorable D. H. Utley, page 2 (0-6208)
    drawn on impounded account, in the sum of $69.20, the cor-
    rect amount of the County, State and School taxes on said
    property, to the Clay County Tax Collector; and that he
    further issue a check in the sum of $25.20, the correct
    amount of City taxes, payable to the City of Henrietta.
    It IO further ordered that the above taxer be pald
    on or before January 31, 1942,  (Signed) Earl P. Bill,
    It will be noted from an examination of the photoetatic copies
    of the checks that the following notation was placed thereon by the cashier
    of the bank upon which they were drawn: "0. K. when presented properly
    It is the opinion of this Department that the facts as stated
    by you constitute merely an attempt to pay the taxee, and that the same
    person or persons are now liable for the taxes, penalty and interest as
    would have been liable therefor had no attempt at all been made to pay
    the taxes before delinquency. Our conclusion above expressed is based
    upon the following authorities:
    The Court in the case of Graves vs. Bullen, 
    115 S.W. 1177
    held that although tax receipts have been made out and delivered to the
    taxpayers, a county may still recover the taxes unless actually paid.
    The Court in the case of Ward, et al, vs. Marion County et al,
    reported in 
    62 S.W. 557
    spoke as follows:
    "Collectors are not authorized to receive anything
    but money in payment of taxes. Under the testimony and
    findings in this case, no money came into the Collector's
    hands by reason of these receipts. The taxes indicated
    in such receipts were never paid or collected, and the
    right of the County to recover for such taxes has always
    existed and!still exists."
    In 40 Tex. Jur. Sec. 127, it is stated: "In the absence of
    statutory authority to accept payment otherwise, taxes are payable in
    currency." Citing Bryan vs. Sundberg, 
    5 Tex. 418
    ; Austin vs. Fox (Corn.
    1 S.W. 2nd
    601, affirming (Civil Appeals) 
    297 S.W. 341
    The rule is further stated in 40 Tex. Jur., Sec. 127 as follows:
    "The Collector may not accept checks or other paper;
    should he do so, he personally takes the risk of payment
    of the paper upon presentation, and the taxpayer takes
    the risk that the Collector will duly account for the
    proceeds, even if~an official receipt showing that the
    1.      -
    Honorable D. H. Utley, page 3 (0-6208)
    tax had been paid was.delivered." Citing Scisson vs State,
    1 S.W. 2nd
    , 7030
    The Commission of Appeals in ihe case of Austin, State Bank-
    ing Commissioner vs. Fox, reported in 15. W. 2nd 601 in affirming the
    judeplentof the Court of Civil Appeals, used the following language:
    "Some relevant formula+ee may be stated: (a) A tax
    collector has no authority to receive anything but cash in
    payment of taxes. Figures vs. State (Tex. Civ. App.) 
    99 S.W. 412
    ; Ward vs. Marion County, 
    26 Tex. Civ. App. 361
    62 S. w. 557, 63 S. w. 155.
    (b) ,Private ar&gements   for payment (differing from
    the statutory method) made between the collector and tax-
    payers, and performance thereof are at the risk of the
    parties thereto, snd not of the State or County. Ibid,;
    Orange Co., vs. T. & N. 0. R. Co., 
    35 Tex. Civ. App. 361
    80 S.W. 670
    (writ refused); T. & N. 0. R. Co., vs. State
    43 Tex. Civ. App. 580
    97 S.W. 142
    (c) The State or County may adopt or, through asser-
    tion of estoppel, get the benefits of such acts or arrange-   :
    ments (Ibid., Morris vs. State; 
    47 Tex. 592
    ; Webb Co. vs.
    69 Tex. 456
    6 S.W. 781
    ; Mast vs. Nacogdoches
    Co., 71 Tex, 384, 
    9 S.W. 267
    ), or, in case of loss, a
    breach of the bond can be rested thereupon (Ibid.; Wilson
    vs. Wichita Co., 
    67 Tex. 647
    , 4 S. ~.,67).  If results
    that liability of the property owner persist6 until such
    acts are done as amount to payment of taxes in the statu-
    tory way, or until the State or County, etc., does some
    act, etc., which amounts to ratification of what had pre-
    viously been done informally by the owner and collector
    with consequent release of the tax lien."
    It follows as a matter of course, as stated above, that the
    owners of the land would be liable for the delinquent taxes, penalty
    and interest because ~of non-payment and the County and State have the
    legal right to enforce its tax lien by reason of the non-payment of the
    taxes, before delinquency.
    Trusting that the above and foregoing fully answers your in-
    quiry we are
    Yours very truly
    mmovm     sEp 27 1944                   ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS
    /S/ Grover Sellers                      By /s/ W. V. Geppert
    ATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS                          W. V. Geppert
    WVG: iv:lm                                          Aseistant

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6208

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017