Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • THE ,!$TTORNEY cENEKAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN ~,.TEXAS GROVER SELLRRS Hon. W. J. Elliott. Chief Texas Highway Patrol Department of Public Safety Austin, Texas Dear Mr. Elliott: Opinion NO. 0-6202 Re: Should a one and one-half ton Ford Truck with a corn sheller and grinder attached thereon, used over the highways for the purpose of grinding and shell- ing corn on a commercial basis for various and sundry people, other than the owner of such vehicle, be classified for registration purposes as an implement of husbandry, a com- mercial motor vehicle or a farm vehicle? Your opinion request of recent date has been re- ceived and we quote from same as follows: 'Can E. A, Weyel, Seguin, Texas, operate a one and one-half ton Ford Truck with a corn sheller and grfnder attached thereon for the purpose of grinding and shelling corn for which he receives toll in corn or moneys for grinding or shelling said corn over the highways of Texas without the same being registered in Texas? This truck oper- ates from Seguin over various highways and roads to the individual farms in this vicinity, and he claims that this vehicle with the aforesaid a'ctach- ments thereon is an implement of husbandry and, therefore, is not required to be registered under the laws of Texas- The operator is not a farmer but a business man of Seguin, Texas. "Your opinion is requested as to whether the above vehicle is an implement of husbandry, commercial motor vehicle, or farm vehicle and how should same be registered under the laws of Texas." Article 6675a-.2 provides in respect to registration of motor vehicles, etc., generally, and for exemption of cer- Hon. W. J. Elliott, page 2 o-6202 tain vehicles and "imolements of husbandry', particularly as * follows: "Every owner of a motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer used or to be used upon the public highways of this State shall apply each year to the State Highway Department through the County Tax Collector of the county in which he resides for the registration of each such vehicle owned or controlled by him for the ensuing or current calendar year or unexpired portion thereof; pro- vided that where a public highway separates lands under the dominion or control of the owner, the operation of a motor vehicle by such owner, his agents or employees, across such highway shall not constitute a use of such motor vehicle upon a public highway of this S,Cate. Owners of farm tractors, farm trailers, farm semi-trailers, and implements of husbandry, operated or moved tem- porarily upon the highways shall not be required to register such farm tractors, farm trailers, farm semi-trailers, or implements of husbandry; provided, however, that such farm trailers and farm semi-trall,ersare operated in conformity with all provisions of the law save and except the requl:ements as to registration and license. . . . . . Article 6675a-6 provides that the annual license fee for the registration of a commercial motor vehicle or truck tractor shall be based upon the gross weight and tire equipment of the vehicle, and sets out a table or scale of such fees. Article 6675a-6a provides, in regard to registra- tion of farm commercial motor vehicles, as follows: "When a commercial motor vehicle sought to be registered and used by the owner thereof only in the transportation of his own poultry, dairy, livestock, livestock products, timber In its natural state, and farm products to market, or to other points for sale or processing, or the trans- portation by the owner thereof of laborers from their place of residence and materials, tools, equipment and supplies, without charge, from the place of purchase or storage, to his own farm or ranch, exclusively for his own use, or use on such farm or ranch, the registration license fee, for the weight classification herein mentioned, shall Hon. I?. J. Elliott, page 3 0 -6202 be fifty (50%) per cent. of the registration fee prescribed for weight classifications in Section 6 of the AC! hereby amended, as amended in this Act; . . . Article 6675a-1 gives the following designated definitions: "(i.1 'Commercial Motor Vehicles' means any motor vehicle (other than a motorcycle or passen- ger car) designed or used primarily for the trans- portation of property, including any passenger car which has been reconstructed so as to be used, and which Is being used, primarily for delivery pur- poses, with the exception of passenger cars used in the delivery of the United States mails. the ,,~~;qy,~y 'operated or moved temporarily upon is meant the operation or conveying between different farms, and the operation or conveyance from the owner's farm to the place where his farm produce is prepared for market or where same is actually marketed and return." "(rl 'Implements of husbandry' shall mean farm implements, machinery and tools as used in -tilling the soil, but shall not include any pass- enger car or truck'. (Underscoring ours). ,A~"truck" is expressly excluded from the term !implements of husbandry", as defined in the statutes. We believe this exemption, first appearing in an amendment to said article 6675a-1 enacted by the 47th Leglslature in 1941, was intended to cover every case in which a passenger car or truck had not lost its recognizable identity as such by reason of its use. ,Therefore,we believe it obvious that truck in question could be classified as a ncommercial motor vehicle' m, and as such should be registered under the terms and provisions of said Article 6675a-6. !Irustingthe foregoing fully answers your question, we remain Hon. W. J. Elliott, page 4 0-6202 Very truly yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TFX!X3 By (s) Robert L. Lattimore; Jr. Assistant RLL:rt:ff:wc APPROVED OCT. 13, 1944 s/Carlo8 C. Ashley FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL This Opinion Considered And Approved In Limited Conference

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6202

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017