Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •            OFFICE   OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL           OF TEXAS
    :‘onoreble     %dney Latham
    “ecretarp      Oi 3StO
    .;uot In,    Texas
    19&,    rsguestlng  the
    stated therein
    htm dlitrtbuted   t$‘tfie appropriate     looal   election
    ti~lcl~l          309(b)).
    \ “T~ID&hi? envelop8 wescribed       by the United
    :Ibetch ‘iirr RAlot   Coumlcdon  for the return  of the
    exeautd     beX1ot.v contelns a space for the residence
    oddrac;pf     the votlnq servlcemsn,  but doae not pro-
    01Cs 8 space to show the voting precinot      of tha
    “It la tee intentloa      ct this ot’tlce to distrlb-
    ute  ouch ballots   to the yrowr county clerks;        but it
    ~3.11. be extremely dll'ficult.,    especiully   in the lareur
    counties,    23r the county clcr.3      to mice dfntributfon
    CI~ thss~ brlllots to the proper precfirat ~fficI~!ls.
    ^uch envelopes are not to be opened by tiny person
    other thun tie locaL electlcn        0rfi0ials.
    !!cn.   Ydney    Lethan,    page 2
    *The Federal ballots will be cast only ror
    candidates ror president and congreacmen, there
    being no United States senator to be alectad In
    Texas this year.
    “In the 11&t      or the above facts,, will you
    please advlaa this      department upon the rollowIng
    ‘1.  Can the Federal War Ballots      be
    legally   tabulated all In one precinct      in
    each county, end the totals    added to the
    county total    In order to save the coniu-
    slon of the county clerks In undertaking
    to distribute    them to the various pra-
    cinots without surrlcient    IdentIiIcatIon
    on the envalopas?‘v
    Public Law, 277, 78th Congress, commonly known se
    the soldier   voting sot, among other things,    prasorlbaa the
    oath of electors    in the general election,   the forms to ba
    printed on eaoh envelope,    the form of ballot,   eto. Paragraph
    B, or Section 309, of Title 
    3, supra
    , providea:
    “The Secretary of State of any State, upon
    receiving     any ballot    cast under this title,     shall,
    at an appropriate       time, transmit it to the appro-
    priate election      offlolala   or the district,     preolnct,
    county .or other voting unit of the voters’ rasldanoe.
    Such officlsla      shell take oath that they will not
    disclose     to anyone (unless required by law) how any
    absentee shall have voted.          Such orrIoia1    shall
    determine,     that the oath required under sections
    303 and 304,has been executed end that It Is an
    order, pursuant to Section 311, to open the oificlal
    Inner envelope;      whereupon, such ~oitlcials      shall
    compile R voting list of the na;nes appearing on all
    such Inner envelopes received rrom the Secretary               of
    State.    ;Jo person other than such appropriate          eleo-
    tion orricial      ohs11 open any oi:IcIol      outer or inner
    envelone purporting       to contain a ballot    cast under
    this title.”
    FOll. ?idney        Lethsn,    pepe 3
    I‘sragraph       8, of “eotlon    310, Tltlo         
    3, supra
    ““aoh Cooretary 0r “tat0 ah011 prepare 8
    re?,ort of all ballot8     reoeived by him nnd transnit
    it to the various rlootion       ofiiolala,   end wlthln
    thirty daya after the last day for aousting absentee
    ballots    in any eleotlon    in which ballots   are oast
    under the provisions      of this Title,    each 7eoretarg
    of Sate ahell transmit suob reoort to the Commisolon.R
    Artlolr        2936,   V. A. C. T.,    provides;
    “All voters ahaL             vote   In the eleotion          preolnot
    In whioh they realde.m
    Article        2956, V. k. C. 7..      pertelnlng         to sbaentee
    voting,     provides,        In part:
    n       Upon reoeiut   or any suoh ballot,   ;t d
    neeled’i;   ito ballot   envelope duly ondorsed,th,
    clerk shell keep the same unopened until the
    seoond day prior to such election,       md shall
    then enolose same together -A th the eleotor’a
    appllostion    and eooompmylng .pspers, In (I 1orRer
    oarrler envelope whloh shall be neourely sealed
    r.nd endorsed with the name and orrlolal      title  or
    suoh clerk,    and the words ‘this envelope ooatl&PD
    an absentee ballot     and must be opened only at the
    polls on elcotlon     day, ’ end the clerk shall forth-
    rlth rail sane, or deliver      in person, to the pro-
    gldlng   Judge of the eleotiun,    or to any assistant
    judge of election     in arid preo1not.v
    There 1s no appellate      oourt decision    that iye are
    able  to fled passing      upon the q,leatlon involved in this opti-
    loll; Considering    Pub110 Law 277, aupre, together with the
    foregoing   Tcxaa statutes,     it la our opinion that the Tederel
    “‘sr ~~1lot.a cennot be legglly      tsbulated all in cne precinot
    lo each county.     .?teted in enother way, tb       Federal ‘:‘nr
    hallots   should be tabulated in the precluct        tihera the voter
    has his lefq31 resldenoo     clhd la eutltled  to vote.
    Yours    vary   truly
    AZOEli,Y ‘GI’iJZ.R:.+L
    ‘0” T?XX??                  CPlNlC
    ‘--.-, ,7

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6203

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017