Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •              OFFICE    OF THE      ATTORNEY GENERAL     OF TEXAS
    Honorable C. C. Randle                                     3*
    County Attorney                                          !     i
    Ellis County                                              1\    \:
    Waxahachle, Texas
    / -1;         4
    Dear Sir:              A:tentlonr     Mr. F. L. ~~ZSOZI         ‘,.
    Assistant    County e&ttorney
    Opinion Ro. O-6182       "\                 '\,*>,:'
    Fl0:  Use of School bus .‘fm extra-            %’
    curricular  activities,   and
    related. queq;lpns.     i
    .F..           .~
    Reference lJ.made to your letter           of August
    28, 1944, which Is as,,folJowsr                -,L+Q
    "We vi11 appreciite         your opinion,
    ‘..        ‘. !
    “1. *‘Do the members of the sohool
    board,welther      officially       or personally,  have
    any llablllty      for operation of sohool buses
    on extra-curricular         activities,     such as ath-
    letlc  trips,otc?
    \                      I
    ,     '~._.
    “2.   Does the bus driver’s  statutory
    bond apply when the bus Is being driven on
    mlssfons~described    In question above?
    ‘*,“T.  Could the school board legally
    buy, from non-tax funds, llablllty   and property
    damage Insurance protecting   the school board
    and the bus drivers against its liability    arls-
    lng from outside activities  menr.loned In
    Question So. l?”
    Ron. C. C. Randle     - Page 2
    It Is veil settled that a school district Is
    not llnble for the torts of Its agents or employees vhloh are
    consultted in the performance of a governmental function.
    School trusteis   are vested under our laws with
    broad powers In the control and management of schools.         They
    are oharged with the promotion of eduuatlon vlthin      their re-
    spective dlstrlots,    and in the sbaenac of statutory    llmlta-
    tlons they are vested vlth large dlscrotion In thr exrrciro
    of their povorr of admlnlstratlon.       state Line School Distriut
    va, Fame11 School DIstrIct,      48 9. ii. (2) 616.
    It Is recognized generally        in this State that
    athletic    oontests,    interscholastic     league meetlngs, and other
    extra-curricular      activities    have become a necessary and lnte-
    gral part of our educational          system,    The plena for modern
    school plants have been designed vith the vlev of providing
    proper faollitles      for the furtherance       of this program.     The use
    of a school bus in aid of these aotivltles            has been deemed
    essentlal,ln     many instance8,      to equallre   the opportunltlea    of
    pupils who, In the absence of such use, oould not participate.
    It follows    that the use of a school bus under
    such circumstances    is but the performsme of a governmental
    function,  and in the absence of an abuse of discretion     on the
    part of the trustees,    they  are not legally personally liable
    for the operation   of the bus.
    The bond executed by the school bus driver In
    accordanoe with the provlslons  of Art1018 26878, V. A. C. S.,
    1s made for the benefit  of the children to be transported.
    Robinson v. Draper, 
    133 Tex. 280
    , 127 S. W. (2) 181.     The
    statutory bond of the bus driver would apply vhan the bus Is
    being driven on euch mlsslon provided the driver’s   contract
    with the school board, and on which the bond is based, obll-
    gates him to drive the bus on these ocaasions.
    In response to your third question,  this is to
    advise that this department has held in Opinion No. O-1418 that
    public funds could not be used to pay premiums on insurance
    policies  covering school busses for the protection of third
    parLies against damages for which Lhe school district     itself
    could not be held liable.    We concur in such holding,   and are of
    the opinion that this includes any public fund, vhkhsr it be
    tax or non-cnx,
    Bon.   C. C. Randlo - Page 3
    We trust   that   this   gives   you    the information
    YOUrI'     VOW   tNlg

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6182

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017