Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • Honorable Geo. H. Sheppard
    Comptroller-of Public Accounts
    Austin, Texas
    Dear Mr. Sheppard:           Opinion NO. o-6158
    Re: Form of deed to be executed
    by sheriff of Lubbock County
    to the State where predecessor
    in office failed to execute
    deed in delinquent tax sale.
    You request our opinion as to the form of deed.to be ex-
    ecuted'bg the present sheriff of Lubbock County in conveging'to
    the State, lands that were sold by a prior sheriff to the State,
    by virtue of an order of sale issued by the court in a delinquent
    tax foreclosure suit.
    Article 7330, V. A. C. S., provides in part as follows:
    "In all cases in which lands have been sold
    or may be sold, for default in the payment of taxes,
    the sheriff selling the same, or any of his successors
    in office, shall make a deed or deeds to the pur-
    chaser * + l *.'
    A sheriff in executing a deed to the purchaser of land at
    a delinquent tax sale is performing a mere ministerial act, and by
    virtue of said Article 
    7330, supra
    , the sheriff who sells land, or
    any of his successors in office has the authority to make deed to
    the purchaser.
    You enclosed with your letter a copy of the form used in
    making the deed to the State, when the same sheriff makes both the
    sale and the deed. We are of the opinion that in the fact situa-
    tion presented by you, the first two paragraphs of said regular
    form should be changed to read as follows:
    County of    Lubbock         1
    .    c
    Honorable Ueo. H. Sheppard, p. 2         o-6158
    "THAT, WHWRAS, by virtue of an order of sale issued by
    the Clerk of the District Court in and for Lubbock County, on
    the         day of             Lp& on a certain judgment rendered
    in said Court on the          day of           1926, in favor of
    the State of Texas as Plaintiff, ana against                  as
    Defendant for the sum of                   Dollars, interest and
    costs of suit, said cause being numbered uoon the docket of said
    Court No.    .      and said oraer of sale-commandina
    ~, to levv
    my predecessor in iiffice.       - uoon.
    .~ , seize
    ~~~ Andy se?l~
    ~~~--~--- the
    therein described, and make the amount of said judgment. *he -ame
    being for taxes, penalty, interest and costs due on the'herein-
    after described lands for the years
    together with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per '
    annum from date thereof, and costs of suit; and whereas,
    then Sheriff of said County, did upon the       day of
    1926, levy upon and seize said land describedin said order of sale
    and hereinafter described, and whereas, he did advertise said land
    for sale upon Tuesday, the      day of .        1926, at the court
    house door of said County. bPivinu    notice of the time and olace
    of sale as required by law, and for-the length of time required
    by law, and, whereas, upon the said day, the same being the first
    Tuesday in said month, between the hours prescribed by law he
    offered the same for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder,
    and there being no other bidder for such land the same was bid off
    to the State for the amount of said judgment, interest and costs
    adjudged against said property, to-wit: The sum of
    Dollars, and said State being the highest and best bidder for same.
    "Now, therefore, I,             present Sheriff of Lubbock
    County, and by virtue of the authorit$ vested in me by law and by
    Article 7330, V.A.C.S., and for and in consideration of th& amount
    of said,judgment, and the amount of               Dollars interest
    thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from date of said
    judgment, and the further sum of                        Dollars
    costs, have barnained. sold and conveyed. and do by these oresents.
    bargain, sell aiia convey unto the State of Texas ana its assigns, .
    all the right, title and interest of the said
    defendant, in and to the following described land, and all the
    right, title and interest that said defendant had in and to said
    lands at the date of said judgment, together with all and singular
    the rights, privileges and appurtenances of the same belonging;
    the same being described as follows, to-wit:"
    You also enclosed a copy of a "Re-Sale Deed". It is our
    opinion that in re-selling this property for the State, that this
    "Re-Sale Deed" form is sufficient and does not require any changes
    as to form or substance.
    Trusting the above and foregoing fully answers your in-
    quiry, we are
    Honorable Geo. R. Sheppard, p. 3           o-6158
    Very truly yours
    By s/W.V. Geppert
    W.V. Geppert
    APPROVED SEP~13, 1944
    s/Gee. P. Blackburn
    Approved Opinion Committee By s&B      Chairman

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6158

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017