Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •                                                                            694
    Honorable   Cullon   B, Vanoo
    county   Attornr~
    Jaokaon Oouatr
    Edna, Taxa
    Dear Slrr
    trmwl in 118~ of a pald-
    8 pollay,     both amount8
    lunedlatr    pqment to
    iilrd    rrprr88ntatlrr  of
    t 9, 194.4, you rmquert thr
    olloul,iog que8tlon8 and the
    oplnlonfromrourdo artment
    loa 18r tit1010 392% or th0
    able to the tollowing rltya-
    a Temporary Mm.linirtrator     18 appointed
    00118Oting and I’8081ViLQ3 mOWJ dU8 the
    and bonu8 a8 a Morohant Marln8         eald
    money at th8 tl=e applioatlon    ror Temporary Mmln~8tratlon
    UaB mad8 bring On drposit    in thr Unit8d Stat88   Dlstrlot
    Court Southern Dietriot,    n8r Tork, and bring rubjeet to
    inmediate paynmnt to the quallrled    18gal r8prermtatlrs      0r
    the d8OOa88d.                               ~.’
    yonblo        Qullon 1).Vanoo, pa60 2
    ‘Bhr qaortloa or whothor tho oeamia&~ rt &O &lf
    Ot On8 pOr OOEt 18 pt%pOr&p kMn0    b tk80 dtUUth8
    18 kPutOrh1   48 h?  I@ rtiOOt
    oi the OOWtyrod&o.lnaamoh
    lBwaa00 8Jip~te h-82         it pX’OpU4 mblo,                                       lt    would
    lOOr u6to thhrbonoilt Ot.tfiO Obmwr
    l.    . l
    1 0~ Or    M 8-h d r    Or    On0   p 8r   08Et
    0r   woh    rz8ou$or,        ~drilli8t~~tO?
    lolon 1, Art1010 3926 fr A. c. 8
    trued la oomwtlua dth t&o word;’
    w -04          in A?tlokor 3689 and )@O,
    8 to thr mmirrlon8       allarod
    n ll'&8? t0 USit0 at             t&8 8lUlLi~
    bt8lld8d            tho ~8&8l~tUl’O,
    The   m80         Of la118 lt ti. tr -07,      26 8. W. (2d) 286,
    (Tonrkwa           Qmrt           or Olvll Appwlr) wpllodloa     for writ of lrxor
    r8fU8.4,     O~&‘UO8                tho Word8 “oaah ?OOOi)tO,* in th0 dOTO 8Om80-
    lion a8     iollwrc
    loUtO?      OthU th-    tb      OUb W OO?)U ,@i th8 UbtO        rhi8h
    -8    011 hWd rh8a th8 t8OwtOr diOd, bOONl80 tho rOti@ 'iA8Od
    point   to and imp4   that     Mania&      Aad, too,    uwthor 8OOtiOn
    or tho 8titUt0,    b8ari.4        OE th8 UBO   Wbj8hMtt8r       Or
    oompmration      WkOa   it    .lgPdont that 8U.h Wa8 #b,U rWw
    that th8 h‘i8htUrO         latrndrd   rhoad b8 put lppOn th8 trrm
    U8Od in the prrsont4                    wtlolo. Thhr 0118 8ootlon
    Of   th8     8tatUtO          8taiId8     a8
    th8 OOIhUt Of th0 0th.r      ati   th8r
    MJ    b8 0fmkpu.d   und        tO&8thM a8 a -El
    road          Or &iq&     to the
    iUrgU~8    U88d th8              lntondod b tha Logl8laturo,
    suoh 8eotloM                   89 and %9@     lx88utor8 and
    tratorr   an   8lhu8d    oom1.$88ion On 'all 8uM thof mar l8tually
    morlvr    in 8a8h' but rhloh rhall not b81abo 'w           la8h whloh
    Wa8 On hWd at th0 tim8 Or th8 aOath Of th0 tO#taO?              O?
    intortato.     . . .   Thor0  18  no diifrronoo  ia  thr meuh      0r  th0
    tunu *aotualu       rroolvr   in oarh,’ a8 orod la lrtlelo        89, and
    'a&&,    Oa8h l'8OOlpt8,' a8 U88d in 8rti81.       3926, . . .”
    b             .                                                                             636
    1       .      t
    .I 8
    konorabl8        Cullrn   Be Van08, pagr 3
    In tha light Of the abovo 0pin10n, rhloh 18 the oon-
    rtruotion    approt8d bf th8 SUpr-8      COUXt     Of ‘i’8Xa8,    it  18 tho
    opinion or the drpartmant in anemr to your que8tloa,                    that
    8inC8    8aOh Or th8 mUILt8    in qU88tiOll    lr. liquidated         8Um8 Or
    money due to the 88tat8     Of  the   d8OOddmt and parable la Oa8h
    upon   th8  drnmnd by and to the lOg8ur        q~llflod r8pr888ntatlto
    Of droodmt~r      88tat@, 8uoh 8mOUIit8 OOn8titUtO          l p a r t Or the
    oarh or oorpur of the 88tat8 whloh Wa8 011 hand or immblatoly
    payable upon the aoath of the intertato,            and ara thusroro          not
    taxable 9nd8r th, prori8ionr        Of Subdltlblon       1, htiOl8        3926,
    V. A. C. S. 1925, ior th8 P-Et           Or f808 to th8 COMtr              Jude0
    or faokroa    County, and honoo would not b8 palab                to taok8on
    County Und8r the prOVi8iOn8       Of  thr “~rinura       f80”   8tatUte8.
    Yours      very   truly
    ATTORNEY           QmRAL      OF     TEXAS
    0. K. RiObard
    cm:       AMif

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6155

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017