Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • ’    .
    nimble 0:P. Lool&art,&alma
    ord of Insulwloe ColmleslQnem
    3r sir:
    and aooiaent
    please crdviaeme vhether ouch an
    an inaurunoe oontraat~'
    The exoe~ts froisthe contract rsfemed to end vhlab
    enclose ere es Pollws:
    "(Aooident       aud Sialmese Benefita)
    YSeotlon 1. Effective a8 of tho date of this
    agreement nn employee who haa thereafter oompleted
    I1 H0h 0. P. Lockhart, Page 2
    sFt months 0r oontlnuous~aomioe shall be lntttlad
    to nlok leave benefit8 in aooordanoetith the fol-
    lovlng tsoheduler
    upon Colsplotlonof contl.nuoua
    Smvioe ofr                        RariioumBenefits AUwed~
    9l.x months to three yedira       Four veoka
    Three yeax.93                     Five veokt-
    Four years                        six voeks
    Five years                        Seven vooka
    six yearn                         Eight veeks
    Seven years                       Iiinevoeks
    Eight yews                        'Tenveaks
    Nine year5                        Eleven woaka
    Ten yorws or mars                 Twelve vaeks
    "Yection 2. Exoeptlon?J:
    (a) An etiployeoshall not be ehtltled to aiak leave
    benefits under this Article if his Illnes? QF injury
    ven due tor
    (1) zotg;ful     intention to injure hlmaalf or
    2   Venereal dlaeaso
    3   Intoxication
    4   Uae of habit fomlng   drugs     0
    II Mllloonduot
    (b) An aqloyoe shall not be entitled to sick leave
    benefit8 under this Artlole ?f an Ill~as or aooldent
    ooow?s vhiler
    1 The employee 1s on leave of ebeenoe
    2 The employee la abaett due to 8 lap.orr
    3 AA employee 18 on a suepension
    "gec~~ou ycciaent  and
    Computation   of Benefits8
    The omount’of weekly sick leave benefit shall
    be oomputed by multlplylng the enployoe'er  eatab-
    llshed straight time hourly rate of pay time8 tha
    number of hours in the employcotsestablishedwork
    week. Fraotlons of the work vo8k shall be coq@utod
    on the basis that the nunbor of days of siok leave
    Hon. 0. P. Lockhart, Page 3
    benefit be&s to the number of days In the employeo'r
    establishedwork veek times the amount determined
    above. Slak leave benefits shall be paid in occotd*
    anoe with the establishedpay periods.
    *Seation 4. Rvery eligible employoo vho 1s
    absent from duty on aooount of sickness or injury
    shall immediately notify the IndustrialRelation3
    Department, and the employee ulli not reoaive bene-
    fits as,provldedln this plan for the the lost pre-
    vious to suoh notioe.
    "Section 5.   Llmltation3
    (a) par the first three 3ohoduled wo;rkir;jdays
    after proper notice has been given Ln aoccdsnos
    vtlthSection 4 of'thts Artlole, there shall be no
    sick benefit gold unless the olckne3s extends Lnto
    the fourth scheduled working day, in vhich aose pey-
    ment shall !.ncludethe first three scheduled vorklng
    (b) Ao employee vi11 be entitled to benefits during
    any annivervaryyear greater th3n the total number
    of week3 ahovn by the schedule in Section I. Unused
    benefit3 during any annlveroary year m2y not be oar-
    ried over from one year to another.
    (c) If an employee entitled to benefit3 ~23provided
    in this Article is abecnt 83 a result.of an occupa-
    tional llln83s or un lndustriol accident 011 the sick
    benefit provLslon3 in thla artiole vlil opply. Pro-
    vided, hovever, t&it the Company shall be credited
    with the coqmsstion insurance paymnt to nn employee
    subject to this Artiole in diach3rging the Comp&iny~o
    obligation to on employee under this Article.
    (d) If 3ny law La orm!ctedthat piovlde3 for any
    or a11 of the benefits covered by this Article, then
    the Compn~- shall be credited,with tileamsuzt of such
    benefLt,sin discharging the Compoxiy'3obiQ:&tiw to
    an czployea a3 provldcd for Ln thi.311r~iclc.
    __--.   --.
    :'gan. 0.~P. LOOldmrt, Page 4
    !.            “seaticm6.      RoooMa
    *~a the agpllaation of thl8 Article, the rwavds
    of'the Cf2zago4ahall be OcuaclUslve in UetenaL~   the
    ecrpl~yeo*s l,eqth of servloe, aalory# wages and amomt
    or benefita to whloh he lo entitled.
    =900t1on7.      Caaoolletl~ of BezU5ritrr
    %n   6t~loyes shell lose all btumfita provided
    by t&la Artlole for the follovlng cesByozuiB
    Dlsohar@d for 08~86
    Acae t4 other emgloymmt during a leave of
    Pexcept aa expreasPf apprcwed by the Compeny).
    overetdys his leave of abeonco
    Absent ulthout 18nYe for three oomeautlm     work-
    (?j %%qj    beCA bl~id Off OKid hsY~hexsf3fter     beOA
    oftered en@ognent by the Compmy d        ot13 or by notioe
    to the mloa, and he does not vithLn five (5) vorld~g
    days thereafter give notloe of eooeptance of such im-
    ploymnt, mid WithiA enotber five (5) worldAg daya
    after giving such notice faila to appear a$ the Plent
    reedy far vorlc.
    (g) Is laid off for oraehundred elghty~ (180) oelerrdm
    Ia off duty for one oalmdar year or more due to
    AOA-OOOU~tlonnl Ok&W5a   oF tAjW.'y.
    "Seotlon a. It ln.~agreed tlmt my abuse oi this
    Artlole by an ezuployweeh011 mclJnhis InaPeclleto
    “Seation 9.- An employae h¬ collect the bwne-
    fits of this Article end the bemf~to of nrtlcle IX
    et the ama time.
    "Seotion 10. Ati employee who lo Ez~Jumd in the
    refinery and is sent home bemuse of such inju.~yshnll
    receive pay ot hla regular hourly rstr~for t!m trolonce
    OS the ezployew's soheduled vor&&~;~, on vhlch the ln-
    jury ocourr(b3.”
    Article   4716 of \ielFAOA'E~nnotete!~Rovlaed C$vLl Stetuteo
    is in part 61sfollows:
    HOL   0. P. Lookhart, Page 5
    I         An aooldent lnsurm-~osocmpmy shell
    .     be deeAd &be       6 oorparatlondoing business under
    eny charter  involving&   the payment of money ox other
    thing of value,    oaadltioned upon the lnjuxy, disable-
    ment or death of persons resulting from traveling OF
    general aooidents by lend or vater,~ A health insur-
    anoe oompany shall be 'deemedto be a oorporetion
    doing business under any oharter inyolvi.ngthe payI
    Pent oi any amount of money oa?other thing of value,
    oondltloned u on loss by reason of dfsabilitp due to
    slokness or 1P l-health. . . ."
    The word ~"lnsuranoe"is deflnwd In 24 Tex. Jurls,;
    P. 650, as follows t
    “~Insuranoe*   is a vord of comprehensiveend
    varied meaning. In .ageneral sense, the tmm slg-
    nlfies an iigreement,for a oonsideratlor.,     to pay a
    SLIOI OS money upon the hnpponlng of’ a pertiouler   event
    or oontingency,     or lnchdfying   for loss In respect
    of a spealfled subjeot by speoifiwd perils; in other
    vords, an undertaking by one party, ,uauollraalled
    the Insurer, to proteot the other party, generally
    designated as the insured or the essured, from loss
    arising from named risks, for the oonslderetlonand
    upon the terms and under the oonditlms reoited."
    The vord "lnsuranos"is defined in 32 Corpus Juris.,
    P. 975, as follOwa:
    %madly d8fined,     insuranoe is B oontraot by
    vhloh one party, for a ooapensatloncalled the pre-
    mium, assumes partioular risks of the other party
    and promises to pay to him or l& nomlnoe a certain           ~~..
    or escerteinsblesum of money on a spooified oon-
    tlngenoy. As.regerds property and litibllftginsur-
    ance, it la e oontraot by whioh one party promises
    on a considerationto compensate or relmburee the
    other If he shal.1suffer   loss from a npeoified
    bause, or to guarantee or indert@fy or 'securehim
    against loss from that muse. With some ?%$;pElgr,
    partloulsrlg Is a contraot of indemnity.
    insumnoe denotes also the act of'inaurlngby the
    oontraot here,d.ofined,as veil 8s the system of
    business of HNch such oontraots are the chnmotor-
    iatic and vital Oloment.n
    . .
    Hon. 0. P. Lockhart, Page 7
    "In one form or another the practice In
    hosry,wlth age. The fermer knows that the promiso
    to hls.hlred nan of gultting early and the loon of
    a horse and buggy for the evening off rill produae
    e big deyis work long before the early quitting
    tine. The teacher knows that the prospect of Q
    half holiday, if there are no ca8es of tardiness,
    vi11 insure the early arrival et sahool of every
    pupil, upon pain of the displeasure of his fsllov
    students. So It is In industry. An expeoted bqnua
    based upon results tends to discourage and expose
    employees vho are lncllned to be lazy, thoughtless,
    inefficient,and vasteful. Experience has demon-
    strated that the psyment of a bonus vorka to the
    benefit of employer and employee alike and, within
    reasonable bounds, is advantageous to stoc~oldera
    of corporations emploglng labor. Courts hove reoog-
    nlzed this kid have given their sinction to the
    practloe. . .'
    39 Corpus Jurirr.',
    Sec. 192, pp. 143-144, lays down
    the follovlng rulesi
    "The right of an e.zrployee
    to compeasetlon
    rests In genera1 upon the performance of services,
    under an agreement, express or implied, that oom-
    pensatlon shall be had therofoll,elthough there
    need be no definite agreement as to the &mount
    agreement 83 to compensation,it3 terns control."
    (emphasis add,ed)                   ,,'
    And Sectlsn 196, pages 147-148 thereof is in part
    33 follous:
    "An employee is not entitled to recover for
    lost time where there 1s no agreement to that ef-
    fect, or where the contract of employment allow
    compensatin only for the days the employee works.
    Where the employee is given 8 vacation with pay,
    or s leave of nbaeti@ls granted, . . . the employee
    is entitled to his vages for the time off."
    xoa. o. P. Lookhart, Page 8
    In the case of Missiwrl, K. & T. Ry~ico. of Texas
    v. Bryant, 1.78      3.
    W. 685, vrlt refused, the Court had ursle~
    oonslderationthe right of an assistant general mana or of the
    ralluny-ocmponyto reoover the balance of salary alafmed to be
    due for time spent on leave of absunoo due to slokness. In ef-
    firming judgment therefor, the Court of Civil Appeals h&Q that,
    since the ebsenae was outhorited and granted In good faith by
    an officer vho had authority so to do, and the authori&aticmof
    said leeve having expressly provided that suoh ralary should be
    dravn du%la the period of leave, the WiSiStSKLt 8SlNl'Ed IllSIlSgeP
    was entitled to psy for the time oovared by such leave of absence.
    Under the rules of law above referred to, the question
    of pay during time off duty by reason of sickness or aooldent
    under the terms and aondltions expressed in the exoerpts set out
    would, in our opinion, not be a nattar of lnowams,   suoh excerpts
    showing no more than an agreement to pay extxa compensationfor
    oontlnuousservices. It is our cplnlon, therefore, that your
    question should be answered in the necntive.
    Trustins that this sntlsfnotorllyonsners gou3?inquiry,
    we remaln
    ‘is;                  Yoyx   vcxy truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6110

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017