Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • .“,.   .
    Miss Catherine Lyne Barnhill
    County Attorney, Bee County
    Beeville, Texas
    Dear Miss    Barnhill:              Opinion No. O-6103
    Re:     Filing date of an independent
    candidate for sheriff and re-
    lated matters.
    Your letter of’Jnly 5, 1944, requesting the opinion of
    this department  regarding the questions stated therein is as follows:
    “I should like to request an opinion as to wheth-
    er under Articles    3157 et seq an independent candidate
    for Sheriff in the general election,   can file before the
    Democratic   Primaries    July 22, or whether said inde-
    pendent candidate for Sheriff should wait until after the
    Primary,   and file within 30 days thereafter?     I should
    like to have the ruling of the department on whether
    the enclosed application as prepared meets the require-
    ments of the statute.
    “G. W. Robinson, Box 183, Port Isabel, Texas,
    has signified his intention of filing as an independent
    candidate for Sheriff in the General Election in Bee
    County.    He is quite anxious to obtain this ruling, as
    he filed too late to have his name appear on the ballot
    in theDemocratic     Primary.”
    Article   3162, Vernon’s   Annotated   Civil Statutes,   prop-
    “Independent candidates for office at a county,
    city or town election may have their names printed
    upon the official ballot on application to the County
    Judge, if for a county office, or to the Mayor, if for
    a city or town office, such application being in the
    same form and subject to the same requirements
    herein prescribed    for applications  to be made to
    the Secretary   of State in case of State or District
    Miss   Catherine     Lyne Barnhill,   page 2
    Independent nominations;    provided, that a petition
    of five per cent of the entire vote cast in such coun-
    ty, city or town at the last general election shall be
    required for such nomination..”
    It will be noted that Article  
    3162, supra
    , requires   the
    applications  of candidates for a county office to be in the same
    form and subject to the same requirements,       prescribed  for appli-
    cations to be made to the Secretary     of State in case of Stats or Dis-
    trict Independent nominations;    provided, that a petition of five per
    cent of the entire vote cast in such county at the last general elec-
    tion shall be required for such nomination.
    Article    315,9, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, per-
    taining to non-partisan     and independent candidates for nomination
    to State ordistrict    offices provides,  in part, as follows:
    “***A written application signed by qualified
    voters     addressed   to the Secretary of State and de-
    livered     to him within thirty days after primary e-
    lection     day as follows:
    In answer to your first question, you are respectfully
    advised that it is the opinion of this department that the independent
    candidate for Sheriff should wait until after the general primary and
    file his application with the County Judge within thirty days thereafter,
    provided, of course, as heretofore     stated, the petition must be signed
    by at least five per cent of the entire vote cast in such county at the
    last general election and that every citizen who signs such application
    shall be administered    the oath prescribed   by Article  3160, Vernon%
    Annotated Civil Statutes.
    Article     3160, Vernon’s   Annotated   Civil Statutes,   reads
    as follows:
    “To every citizen who signs such application,
    shall be administred   the following oath, which shall
    be reduced to writing and attached to such applica-
    tion, viz: ‘I know the contents of the foregoing appli-
    cation; I have participated   in no primary election
    which has noz+iinated a candidate for the office for
    which I (here insert the name) desire to be a candi-
    date; I am a qualified voter at the next general elec-
    tion under the Constitution and laws in fbrce, and
    1..   .
    Miss        Catherine   Lyne Barnhill,   page 3
    have signed the above application     of my own free
    will.,’ One certificate of the officer before whom
    the oath is taken may be so made as to all to whom
    it was administered.”
    With reference    to the enclosed application,     it is noted
    that said application pertaining to the oath to be administered          by
    each citizen who signs the application follows substantially          the oath
    prescribed    by Article   
    3160, supra
    , however, one word has been omit-
    ted in the oath which is prescribed      by said statutes.     The oath reads,
    in part:   “I participated   in no primary election which has nominated
    ***- and the statute provides “I have participated         in no primary e-
    lection.”   The word “have” is omitted in the application.          We suggest
    that the oath prescribed     by Article  3160 be followed as set out in said
    statute.   Stated differently, ,the oath should be in the same language as
    provided by Article 3160, otherwise, the application complies with the
    statute applicable thereto.
    ,Yours     very truly,
    By   /s/    Ardell    Williams
    Ardell    Williams
    AW :EP:he
    APPROVED           JULY   13, 1944
    /s/    E.    G, Blackburn
    (Acting)       ATTORNEY      GENERAL      OF TEXAS
    Opinion Committee
    By /s/BWB,  Chairman

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6103

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017