Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •  6                                      -...:...
    &“I” srl&raa
    rmr*er’ c&lrdL
    Honomble R. A. Jeml~on,        Commlsrloner
    Deprtanent of BRnklDg
    Auetln     14, Texas
    Dear Mr. Jamlaon:
    l&ion       into a State
    we am    requested to
    AD herdaabove
    0tia ha8'not fua0r0n
    there hem bean aaser lflth
    lar, lnvolvlng   the aonvor-
    rlon of 8 StRtls oharterod assoolRtlon      into R
    Pederalawoalatlon.        we are therefore ln need
    of advlos as to the app(~lflo requ%Msslts
    vhlah ehouldbe     lmposedbythlrDspertPMnt8s            -
    a oonilltlan preaedent to the appFati1 or the
    propowl nev organlzeticm      under a State abarter.
    Honorable 8. A. Jaznlalon,     Pa&e 2
    "Our study of the building and loan law
    .   suggests that   perhaps Saotlon 21-a and Sea-
    tlon 55-a slmg ulth various other sections
    which have to do wlth the Inaorporatlon     OS a
    aavLngs and loan asaoalation    will be Invoked
    In the enumeration of requirements or steps
    that must be folfoved   to bring about the
    conversion of a Federal aaaoolstion    into a
    State chartered aaaoalatlon.
    50 appraalate   the fact that the appro-
    prtate Federal 8genoy will igpoaa certain ra-
    quIremfmta partalnlng   to the tranaaatlon but
    ot thoao we ara not aonaerned, but rather as
    ta requlmrmnts vhIoh M should Impose.
    “A apealflc   problem vhIah oeoura to us
    la  represented    by a question a8 to vhether
    or not thzwugh auoh a conversion the nsult-
    3ng State aaaooIatlon      would acquln     all of the
    right,   title and Anterest in 6x4 to all pro-
    perty of eve= kind and ahanoter, vhttther
    ~1,     personal or rpixed OS the Fedenrl aaaoois-
    tion by opalst1on OS law end vlthout any ooa-
    veyanae or transfer vbatever.         In thla OQnnOO-
    tlon your attention      la dlreoted   to Subaeotlon
    (d) under Seotlon 554,       aaptloned Wonvenlont.
    This, ag oourae, has to do with a State aher-
    tored aaaooiatlan     teing aonverted Into Q Fod-
    era1 aavlnga a& loan aaaooiatlon,         in vhloh
    event lt follow      through Subasotioh (d) that
    the resulting Federal aavInga and loan oaao-
    olatlon aoqulrea all of the right, title         and
    lntenat     In and to assets    of every nature and
    kind by opemtlon of lav and vlthout the detail
    oonveyanoe thatolghtothervlso          be requllwd.
    "In other vorda, we an wondering If this
    right, vbloh la a valuable one In napect to a
    tranaaatlon aaibmaing tha eonversion of a State
    aaaooIatlon   into 8 Fedemsl aaaoeiation,    can be
    oonstrued to vo* ln reverse aI3loo it EappesFa           .
    under SubaeotlonSoS      SeatIon 55-a that it vaa
    the Leglalatlve    intent to provide a rule vhIoh
    IIonimAble H. A. Sam%aoa, Page 3
    _ woul$ work both vays insofar as it was vithln
    the jawladi.0tion of the Stito Lagialature to
    leglalrte    on mettera   effeatlng   Me-1   asao-
    1) . . , . a
    The gtitofyour     Wulry   2s otidenoudby    the follov-
    I.128 statement in your letter,   to vitr   "We are therefore in
    med of advloe as to the apeolfio      requlrmenta    vhiah should
    be lmpoaed by this Departsmat as a oandition preoedent to
    the approval of the proposed new organ.imtion under a State
    Your question la 0017 ~~eral,     %ndeod, it neoeaaar-
    lly must be st this time, elnae there la no of3norete quea-
    tian before you.      Our anewor, thel*fon,    muat of neoeaalty
    be Ukevlaegeneml,         llthoughve  thlnka~hgeneralmaver
    Sewtlon 54-A of the Build-   and Ian Aaaoalatlona
    Aat (Vernon@a CodlSloatlon  of the Olvll Statutes) Artlole
    8814,  Bubdiviaion 2. la a8 follovaa
    "AnyFoderrrlaav%aga andlanaaaooia0lau
    aharteredand    operating utvlt3roBoderalrot,
    atherviae eligible    to beam   a atate bullding
    andlocmaaaoolation,~y        oanveti Into*    St.&e
    aaaocirtlan  in acoordaaoe with    Federal lava aad
    aubjeat to exsMnatlon     end appmml by the Bank-
    ing Canmiaaloner of the State of Texas.”
    Private  ahikrtera are the grants of rovereignty
    orestlng artlflolal     persona -- leg81 sntltiea    -- vlth the
    powers and duties therein oonferred and Imposed.         Ho aovereIgn
    state may grant a aImrter authorlslng       its oovpanrte entity to
    eixgage in its oorporate bualneaa la another aovenlgn state
    vlthout the consent of the latter.        Thla, of oour50, la aub-
    jeot to the explanation      tht a Bedmel ohrter to a private
    oorporetlon may authorize       it to aamy on its osrporate b+ul-
    neaa in any state of the Union, reg8mUera of the vlahea of
    auoh state; but thla la not In oonfl%ot with the dootriue of
    ~olualveneas     of lndlvldtml    sovereignswith referwoe    to the
    twanaaotlon of burlnera vlthln its bordwa bJ prlvstely-
    ohartered oorporatlona.       Racsh state of the. Union la a part
    Honorable H. A. JarleOn,    PaSo 4
    and parOe   of the United   States   as a aovenlgn.
    From this fundamental aanalderatlon       of aavereIgnty
    and aorpomte povers It rollova that no state aharter pay
    be Laaued in this State to a bullding and loan aaaooiatIon
    exaept In oomplIanOo +th the Texas statute govemIng the
    or@uUatIon    of auoh oorparatlons.     It llkevlao   follow
    that no Federally  lncorporeted   awInga and 10an aaaooIatIon
    may be arganlted or dlaorgaeited    save ln aoosldance with
    the lava of the United States.
    The word *convert. ” in the last-above   quotation
    iron Artlale 8&a-54-A la used In its popular sense and
    not In any teobnloal or legal sense. In other words, It
    oontamplatea the abang0 of a Saticinal or Federal awInga
    ywt;n     aaao4siation into a state bulldhg     8nd 10an aaao-
    ThIa In legal 00ntarplatIon   0an be aoocepllahed
    only by-the disaolutl0n     0s the one InoorpcwatIon, &ad the
    Ineorpwatlon    of another as its au0oeaaor In p~wera, rQht8
    snd duties aoaslatent    with the lava governlag the new in-
    o~ep~c.8t&lo and aoaeptable    of OOurae, to those SovemlnS
    The govemlng statute vlth reapeat to the ar-
    tlalea 0s aaaooIatlon    for building and loan aaaoeIatlons
    In thla State la ArtIole 88l.a-29 of VernOnwe Civil Statutes.
    Any aaaoolatlon    being organbed for the purpose of canver-
    alon of a Federal afwlnga and 10en aaaoolatlon,        must of
    neoeaalty oappQ vlth the xwqulmenta of thla~ statute be-
    r0m It aan reaelve a olrartea or have a oorpomte exIatenae.
    Perforce 0s the express statute      ri2-d quoted the Bmklng
    Ccmmlaaloner upon being tatIafled,      la authorlred   to laaue
    ~~~oertlflaate     of the fIlIng of the artiolea     0s InOorpors-
    In this oonneotlon, however, you will bear in
    mind (as your letter    lndloatea   you have in mind) thst there
    la no statute In this State, and Indeed there could not b0,
    provldlq    that upon the conversion of a Federal aavlnga and
    loan aaaooiatlon    Into a State-ohartered     bulldIng and losn
    aaaodatlon,     the propertlea, rights and the like 0s the
    Federal should be veat*d in the State aaaoolatlon~         so &t,
    before approvln~ the artloles      of aaa~iatlon     of your or@+nit-
    lng State build&g and loan aaaool8tIon,         It would be neoea-
    aby for a proper tnmsfer of the property 8nd rIShts therein
    Honorable H. A. Jmlaon,    Page   5
    0s the federal aaaooIatlon   to the State eaaoolatlcm.
    At leaat, 8uah tmnaior    ahould follov forthwith the aor-
    porate organIa8tlcm 0s the State aa~ooIatlon.
    We aannot advise further In dotall,   nor la it
    n6oeaaary to attempt to do so at this time, but we ohall
    be glad to advise  further vhen tha neaeaaltIea  therefor
    may orlao.
    Pourproblmala    Iadeedanev    one in the jurla-
    prudemae of thla State and your anxiety to prooeod vlth
    proper offleIal  dlaoretlon  and legality  In all reespeota'la
    moat oaamundable.
    Very tmly your8

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6058

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017