Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •       6FFlCE      OF THE AmORNEY      GENERAL   OF TEXAS
    Honorable       Cullen B. Vame
    County Attorney
    Jaokson County
    ltdna, Texas
    Dear Sir:
    @&‘/  4606 R.C.S.) provides
    the return muat be made
    performed, but I have
    d any statute or dealsion
    which the rites  of
    after the laau-
    Articles   4604 and 46040,   Vermonta Annotated   Civil
    Statutes,   respectively   provide:
    “Persons who desire to marry shall pro-
    oure from the County Clerk a lloense direoted
    Honorable Cullen B. Vance,     Page 2
    to all persons authorized   by lav to celebrate
    the rites of n@trimOnY, which shall be auSSl-
    clent authority to celebrate   suoh marriage,”
    “Before the County Clerk shall issue any
    marriage lloenme the man shall produoe a oec-
    tlfioate    from a reputable lioemed phyalolah
    to show that he 18 free Sron all venereal
    dlsea8es. * (Bnphasls ours)
    AU a general rule, when a statute preearibes no
    time v1th.h vhloh an aOt met be done, then the act rhould
    be done within a reasonable  time.
    We have still a Further basis. In our   opinion
    No, o-5755,    dated December 23, 1943, we said1
    * , . * .
    “It vi11 be noted that the foregoing   etat-
    ute prescriber   no time that the oertlfloate
    from a reputable liceneed physiolan shall re-
    main valid for the Purpose of 18suing a mnrriege
    license.    Oenerally speaking, when a statute
    prescribes   no t-e   v1W.n vhiOh an sot must be
    done, then the sot should be done within a rea-
    sonable time.
    "what Is a reasonable  time within whlah m
    act must be done OFddinsrily means 80 muoh time
    as is neaeasary,   under the olraumstanoea,   and
    what the duties reQulr% in the ptwtioular     ease.
    Se! Worda and PhrsLles, PerIn, Ed., Vol. 6, page
    Stated another way, reasonable time is
    eueh'promptitude   as the situation  of the parties
    and the oiraumatanoes OS the aaae will 8110~.
    It never means an indulgenae In unneoeesary de-
    lay or in delay oocasioned by vain and fruitless
    effort   to do the aOt required.    See French Y.
    Lewie, 218 pa. 141, 11 LR.A. 94 Q, N.8.)
    “In answer to your Slret question, you are
    advised that it is our Opinion that the Oertlfi-
    cate from a reputable and lloensed physioian re-
    mal.ns valid for the purpoee OS Issuing a marriage
    Honmmble Cullen B. Vanoe,     Page 3
    llaenne under Artlole    
    46040, supra
    , for a ma-
    ~sonable length of time after      the physician has
    issued suoh oertlflcste.
    "         (I
    . . . .
    A pub110 health polloy .Surther demands that the
    physloian~s oertlfloate   remain valid for only a reasonable
    length of time.- This same pub110 polloy demands that the
    ~s~~~     1lo0~1e remain valid for only a reasonable length
    IS ve should hold otherwise,   ve would, in erieat,
    negativi  the purpose OS Artlale 
    46040, supra
    It is the opinion of this department,   therefore,
    tbat the marriage ceremony should be performed wlthln a
    reasonable length of time aiter   the lsrunnoe o? the lloense
    to mm-y.    ife further believe that a reasonable length of
    time la suSSi.olently derined in our foregoing   quotation
    from our Opinion No. O-5755, rupra.
    ~llt~     thir   88ti8iaOtOZ'ilj   8118Wer8   your   inqui~,
    ve am
    Yours very truly
    By ~m~&df-&&“-

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6069

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017