Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • EonorablaSldrmy L6thga OpinionNo. O-6065 seoret8wyof state Rrr Authorityof seourltiss Austin,Texac Divialonto lssw Aaal Estate Sal66m6n'sLicsmee ‘mQ6~’ AFti 65738, V.A.iX., to pslwQn6not to b6 mqlloyad by a llC6M6Q Beal Rstaok Dew-1 I&Q&r. Your office,throughths Xomrable &rQCe 8. 8666ion6, SecuritiesC~snlon6r, ha6 r6cpent6dan opl.nlOn of this depfirt- mant an t&6 fr3llovong nutt6r: aSoatlan 2 of the Aat emmtonly lmmm m tha Real Rstak D6al8r6Llo6ns6Aat, (Ark. 6573r, Venon~u Anno- tst6d Cl711 statute8 of Texas)befin a Rml 'L3t6tn ~~lgf&l sRwllmwb3 s6l66Mni6rtb6p 0866 Ot . fhatloa 236nwerak6 ae~taln lx e r ans 'T p t to the66 d6fititiMU QYMIjWOVid66 that ths Act 6w1 have no applicationtkmrsto. W6 wish to lmow w&tbr the secwltlm Mvlrion 18 authorlrad,unasr the *bo+s provlrion6, to ir6u6 Ro*k Betat6 SalssPIn*rLlo6n6ea t8 personsvho ~~~notto k asployetlby lic6su6dRaal Rstata Dwlare, but who UI to b6 6mploy64by psnon6 srsloptul SPCISsuch 1166a668uader tb6 Ad." bf6 find M %@6XR6 d6oi6im6 bQPw rrpojl tht6 q&166- tlm anndWI must tlssreiomlook to t&6 etatutsslnvolveufor mr armmr. Relevantwrtlons of Art1616 557% ar6 a6 follsiav %C* a. la6 followlrig t6rms shall, Imlsss the context oth6rvlseindicat66,hrve the f~lbvixag rstmnincsst ‘(8). (1). Th6 t&m 'Rsel?sutatsDaaler shall l.BchKb 6VeX’y p6FQQBQl'CaogmY, OthSrthQll Q 66166ZNIIl, snllucm6eQ aBd P6glstur6QQtkrmeys, vho for smrther oroth6rs for casp6n6atlanor oth6r vQltmbl.6 6omlcI6rQ- tion,or whovithth6 int6ntioa orln th6 6%p6cktion of upon the proal6eof a6661** or coLl6atlngaimp6n- aatlon or other valu6blrconsldaratlon,fl8t8 for 8816 lSefl8, OXOh P6tlt8, or 0W6r8, b”Q’S, 8 or attmpda or tip3es to oolfaotrsnt for thn we of real ertste, or' ncgJtlat68,or off6r6, op att6mpte4,or a&r966 tc nego- tiate s loim, securedor to b6 eocuredby mortgage or other lncumbranceupon or tranefsrof real estate;cm Honorable Sldm~yLat.hm,paee 2 auctiona, or oSfers, or attempts, or agrees to auction slyr X'6ti 66tQts; Ql' U~&iOW Or OffW'S, OX' QttmtS, or egrees to apgr8lss any r68 i eatate; or who advertiaee, or holds ltaelf, hlmsslf, or themsalves out Qa eng4qecl in the buSine8S of SolLLi~, exch6ngLng, buying ranting, or 1rQslng MQl B8tQt@, or QQliStll or direct8 ln the pcuring or proapec ts , or tha negotiation OF closLr~ of any tranaactlon which 6~~8 or ia calculated to result in tha sale, excbQnge, leasing, or renting o; any real OlltQtO, or who buys or orfero to buy, sells or offor8 to.r&l, or Otherwlee deala ln op@ions on renL eetate or in the lmpmvessnts thereon. l(2). Tha t6rm 'Real E8tata Dealer' shall also include my p6rmm or ctmp6ny eQ~ployed by or on b&alp’ of the ovrmr or ovner8 of lo,ta or othsr parcel.3 of reel f3itcto at a stated salary,ar upon a comniselon, or upo:? a ealary tmd comloslon besls, or otherwlss, to sell euch real estate in 8ny parts thereof, in lots or Ckh@P parcels, %nd vha sbal]. sell or exchfinge, or offers, or attenipto, or tqrsea to negotiate tha sale or exchan~a of anr such lot or pcrrcsl of real estate; provided, hwmver, if tinemm? of lots OP othm pamals is en- &QgcSd fn ths bUSiaeS6 Of bUylIt& sslliXa&, 6Xchen(&& l.easlng, renting of popertg md hoOadin& hlnwelf out RZ a Pull or part-time doeler In real setate, then suc!i person employed by sold owner rnetybe 1Lcmeed as a nnlss- am of' aald owner 3.f oald owner hro baen llamesd es a dealer in real 6stst6. “(3). The tam Vtedl ratate OsQlar* shpll al80 fnclud6 any p6reon or coq36ny din tb6 bulins68 of buying, mlllng, exchQn& lng, renting of poparty on hirs or ltu own account and holding hlnmeli 3r ltsalf out as a f&ill or part-timn dealar in real eetatn. "(b). The term 'Real Eatat Salsanmn~ ahal‘L awan md include 6x1~ perem m company employed or mga&cru bg or in behalf of a licensed rim1 estate decnler to do 3r deal in any act, aacs, or tranaactLona a& out and comprehended by the d6Slnltlon of a 'Real Fatatc lkalsrp In 3aotlon 2, Subreotion (Q) of thls Act. "(c) If the s6n84 require8 It, vorda in the present tense incluQ the ruturs t6n8e: in the nrrrcullne gmder, include the tetinlnsor nsuMr gentler; in the alngulsr nmbar, Include the plural number; in phral number, include t5e singular nw&w; tmfls my bo rbad *or * : mi; (or’ mr.y be rc~d ‘cJIQ’. Honorable 8ldneyLemam, pi&p 3 R3t3C. 5. The proviaionu of this Act ahall not apply to, and tha temos ‘Real YCaCato Datllar’ ana ‘Resl Eata* Salesmen, an above 6bflneU, shall not Lncluder “(a). A&y person or cosqmny vho, as owneb or losaw, hall perform any or the ecta set out in Sectton 2, Subdivision (a) with rcfarence to property owned or leased bar~theui,of to ths ropder tmpl3g-ees thered w:th roferenca to the property omnaci or ltased by such param or company vhere such ~acta &we parformsr! ln the regular ~course of, or a6 incldant. to, the mngge- ment of uuch proparty and the fnvnstxmnt timrein, unlear 9cch person or compnny is engage4 In the bua~tna~s sf buyIn&, selling, ezcheutglng, leasing, or renting cf property adl ha- hlJMelf or irsalr out 8.s PI full or pert-tire8 dealer i.n reti eatate. “(b). Paraona netInS aa En atzLoneg f.n facti mdnr a duly cxecuIx?d pnver of sttorneg rrm th owner lwthorlz- Ing the final conuunrmatfon bg perScwmnc* of ring cmtrect fey the sale, leeslng, m exchange of ma1 estata; aer- iricsa rendsred by fin attorney et lav, recaiver, tms~ec in bankPupt.cy, cdmInlat;rntor, or exet~tirr, “or an parson do- any of the acts ageclfled in Saothn 2, S,ubdivinLsn (a) of thic Act under order of any coert; a rrustae act- ing under R trust egrsanrent, dead of LX&, m will, c? ths regular salmlsd employees there&. Eonox-able Sldmg Latbalm,pflgtl4 la, according k, Section Z(b), a pion or by a "l%emmed sleek% dealos and under section 6(f) an a@fc.atlon asl. a 1laloemn~8 lloer+e murt be accoupanlMI by a ver3Jled VFlttsn statement by the dsalar into whose eervice he 1s about to enter, certLf~glng that in his opinion tlm a+cant Is *nest, truthhl, and of good reputation. . ., . ve conclude that the aeowitlec Mvlaion of ths offics of tbit sacrotary of State 16 not autharired to lmuaa RealEatata Salhman~sllean15e to appUomt who iam to Y ahov that he its to be employed by a icansed Real %Mate Dealer. It vould follow t&t the employra of' one exempt under the Act rsmlwho holda no Real Rotate Dealer'e Llcsnoe, voold not be a propar subject far a sales~~s license. It 18 slnoercrly hoped that opinion wll.1 pro-fe th9.s of 80s~ eeelatmcn to you In adalnleterlnz the Act. very truly your8 ATTOm '3ERERAL OP TKXAS OK BU APPROVZD OCT. 1.3, 1944 (signed) CAM&S ASIiU!X FIRST ASSXYI’AWT ATTORR8Y OKRBRAL APPROVED O?INIQ?J oowu~ By B.W.B. ,chelman

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6065

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017