Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

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    C‘  1,: aI5
    rlyroruri OmdL”.L
    Wxmbla     I;oyall R. Watkinr, Frerldant
    stt:x L;oard of &lucation Of Torea
    .bJAn,  Texna
    CI ?I- Ar:
    State    Toxtbcok
    tko,       to make a
    on   lapplaamntary
    your lsttor of raornt
    uertloar hrrrlaaitar montlonrd.
    order   that proper ocaridrratlon   oen be givao them
    books,   the Board has heretofore  appdntrd    a Com-
    nlttes krown as tha Standerdlzatlon     Commlttrr or
    zpeolal   Cormittes, WhlOh is COmpO8rd Of teachlra,
    supervisors   and school administratora   from variour
    sections or the Stata 0r Texas, to assist      thr
    aoord end the Tsrtbook Advisory Comnittee ia
    -king    au& study ,of seld booka.
    goncrabls      Zoyall   8. Katkina,   Pago 2
    (I. . . .
    “Thle Cowxlttsr has worked diligently for
    the     pust several make, having oom to Austin at
    its mn eXp13M   fOT tW0 UWtingtI, 011aOr WhiOh
    leatvd r0r two dayr.  So far the work or the Corn-
    .zltter and ltr reoonnuendatlona am most brnrflolal
    snd helpful to the Board and the hxtbook   Adtlsorg
    Comltteo,   and the Board derlrrr to hare It aon-
    tlnua and oosplatr   ita work.
    Tou will obesrre Artlolr  2842, with mrsranor
    t,o tha work of the State Board of Eduoatlon, pro-
    vides, among other thin&r:
    ;~seoonasentenor thereor)
    Beforr making any change In the
    :doptad’s&r,      however, thr Coumlselon (BOW State
    Zosrd of Sduoatlon)      ahall, upon thorough lnvostlga-
    tlon, aatisif    Itseli   that a ohange i8 nraeerary ror
    the   best interesta    of tbr rohool ohlldren,   and that
    suoh change 1s oonelstsnt       with ilMnCla1   8conomy.
    . . . 9
    Therefore,    the Board darlrrs to aubmlt to
    you the followlng~i queetionr  iOr your oonaidoratlon
    and adrloe:
    "X0, 1.  Can tiu State Board of Sduoatlon
    use a reasonablr    mm of mo~p to be paid out
    of thr Textbook Fund to defray thr axponssir
    of both thle Speolal or Standardleation     Corn--
    mitt&r as ~11 an tbm Stato Textbook AdvlsOrp
    Committea, to make 8 careful     study oi supplr-
    nsntary readere and textbooks as to proper
    placsmentr,  rsllatlng,  rto.,   and make sugger-
    tlons and rooomenaatlone      to the Board psrtain-
    Ing to th¶ ea!na?
    *Plaass bear in mind that no salary will be
    paid to any member or thr rsspeotlvs   oo!nmIttea8 -
    only actual expenses in oonnsotlon with thr
    ilonorabls   Royal1 R. G'atklns,   pags 3
    zeo8assry work, ln?rstlgatlon  and various dutl88
    required to in8k8 ths study of ths books in quss-
    tlon, and the work will bs solsly    for the purpose
    0r aiding ths Board In ths srlaotlon     or tartbooks
    for ths pub110 sahools.
    "NO. 2.  xi you have answrrsd thr flrst    qws-
    tlonmha      aitlnnstlts,   then can tha Board rrlm-
    3~18 ths mombsrs of this Stsndardlzatlon      Cormalttos
    ror Its aotual and nsosssary sxpsnsss Incurred In
    Its work lnoldsnt    to its two mortlngs held during
    the months 0r April and my, 19441
    nu.      It 18 the purposs or the Board to
    have such eotual end neosssary sx;snss eooounts
    rcndarad to it by m8emb8rsof this Comitt88 ror
    thr Board's 8xaalnatlon  and spprovali. th8rsfors -
    oan touohsrs rOr suoh aOOOtmt8 be lsSU6d by tb
    ComptroLler and paid by ths Stat. Trsasursr upon
    the order and approwl   by ths State Board OS
    3duoa tlon?
    The. pertinent   Artlslss   of thr Civil Statutes govsrn-
    lng tho nmttsrs inquired about or6 as iollowst
    vhs rssmbsrs or tha Stat. Board of Xduoation,
    oreatrd     by this Aot (Arts. 2675b-1 to 2675b-10,
    V. A. C. S.) , shall bo paid Tsn Dollars par day
    whsn in aotual attendancr upon Board Ms8tlngs,
    and shall be 8ntltled       to aotual travsllng      and other
    nec88sary sxpsnsrs lnourrsd In ths dlsohargs            of
    their duties.       Saoh  member  shall   take  th@  Constl-
    tutlonal     oath of 0rm8.~      Artlols     2675b-10, V.A.C.S.
    "said Board of ;5duoatlon shall op olnt a
    Textbook Cornmitt        to bs oompossd Or f Pw neatbars,
    goch oi whoa shall be an ex~erlsncsd           and eotlve
    lz,:nrdlz:ation Comzlttas referred    to in your communl~ation.
    iiall;her bape we discovered     any other statute whloh authorizes
    3uch 3xgensas. “he functions         of suoh comnlttee are provided
    fsr hy 4xlstlra      law.   Suah runotlons are to be exercised     by
    ‘:’   252
    ..;norzola    aogell   ii. Zatklna,   paua 5
    m3   Teztbook Cozunlttae, created by the Stat.@ Board or
    ;duoatlon as required by Art. 2675b-s(f),  V. A. C. S., thr
    mzbers of rbioh shall raoa 1~ the aomponaatlon a8 tbrrsin
    Of oouraa, lt ir pwmlarlbla      ior thr State Board
    of .:duoatlon to soak advlor aud aounsal horn othrr lo ur o ea ,
    .?uch 30 teaohms,     aupervlaora,  aohool admini8trator8,    and
    the iitate Suparlntandrnt     ot Fubllo Inetnaotion,   vlho la ex-
    officio   Ssoretary of aaid aoard.      Uowewr,   In the abaenoe
    2: ststutory    authority,   suoh adrlca and oounsel muat be fur-
    ::kmd,    ii nt all, without e~psnoa to tha state.
    Your quo&ion     No. 1 ia theraforr     answarad in the
    In   view of tha rorrgolz&       your other   quastiom
    raquira      no ammwa.
    Yours vary   truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6056

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017