Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •                   AYTORNEY           GENERAL
    Honorable 0. E. Gerron
    County Attorney, Ector County
    Odessa, Texas
    Dear Sir:                    Opinion No. O-6038
    Re: Right of candidate for district
    office, State Representative,
    to have name placed upon offi-
    cial ballot when request is
    signed by person other than
    candidate as agent.
    The question submitted in your request dated May 19,
    1944, is as follows:
    'Has a candidate for district office, State
    representative, properly complied with the provi-
    sions of Article 3112 of the Vernon Civil Statutes
    of the State of Texas, when his request to have his
    name placed upon the official ballot is signed by
    a person other than the candidate? For example:
    J.T. Rutherford, Candidate by J.A. Moore, Agent."
    Article 3112, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925, as amend-
    ed by the 48th Legislature, 1943, Chapter 218, Paragraph 1, now
    "Any person desiring his name to appear on the
    official ballot as a candidate for the nomination for
    Chief Justice or Associate Justice of the Court of
    Civil Appeals, or for Representative in Congress, or
    for State Senator when such Senatorial District is
    composed of one OP more than one County, or"for Re-
    presentative, or district judge or district attorney
    in representative or judIcia1 districts composed of
    one or more than one county, shall file with the chair-
    man of the,executive commIttee of the party for the dis-
    trict, said request with reference to a candidate for a
    State nomination, OP if there be no chairman of such
    district executive committee, then wfth the chairman of
    each county composing such district, not later than the
    third Monday in May preceding the general primary.
    Such requests may likewise be filed not later than
    said date by any twenty-ffve (25) qualified voters
    Honorable 0. E. Gerron, page 2         o-6038
    resident within such district, signed and duly ac-
    knowledged. Immediately after said date each such
    district chairman shall certify the names of all per-
    sons for whom such requests have been filed to the
    county chairman of each county composing such district.
    If said name is not submitted 01"filed within said time,
    same shall not be placed upon said ballot."
    The provisions of Article 3111, Revised Civil Statutes,
    1925, through Section 1 thereof, are as follows:
    "The request to have the name of any person af-
    filiating with any party placed on the official ballot
    for a general primary as a candidate for the nomina-
    tion of such party for any State office shall be gov-
    erned by the following:
    "1 * Such request shall be in writing signed and
    duly acknowledged by the person desiring such nomination,
    OP by twenty-five qualified voters. It shall state the
    occupation, county OP residence and post-office address
    of such person, and if made by him shall also state his
    A careful reading of said Article 3112, as amended,
    discloses that the request of a candidate for party nomination
    for any of the district offices referred to therein must conform
    to the requirements with reference to a candidate for State nom-
    ination. These requirements are set forth in Section 1 of
    Article 3111, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925, above quoted. See
    McClain v. Betts, et al, (Civ. App‘) 95 S.W. (2d) 1311*
    It is clear, therefore, that the Legislature has pro-
    vided only two methods by which a candidate for party nomination
    for a district office can have his name placed on the official
    ballot, viz:
    (1) The request for such ~~~~~m~~~~~~~lls~~hi~o~~~~fng,
    signed and duly acknowledged by the p             R
    tion, It shall state the occupation, county of residence and
    post-office address of such pe:rson,and also his age. It shall
    be filed with the proper chairman or chairmen and within the time
    designated in said amended Article 3112.
    (2) Such a reouest may likewise be filed by any ,twentg-
    five (25) oualiftiedvoters resident within such district, signed
    and dulv acknowledned bv each of said twenty-~fivevoters. It
    shall siate the oc&patron, county of residence and post-office
    address of said candidate, whose name is requested therein to be
    placed on the official ballot.
    Honorable 0. E. Gerron, page 3           0-6038
    We have found no statutory authority whereby such a
    request can be signed and acknowledged by an agent purporting to
    act for a candidate.
    It is therefore the opinion of this department that
    your question should be answered in the negative.
    We desire to express our appreciation for the author-
    ities and argument furnished by you in your brief in this con-
    nektlon. We also commend you on the correct conclusion therein
    Very truly yours
    By s/L. H. Flewellen
    L. H. Flewellen
    APPROVED MAY 31, 1944
    s/Grover Sellers
    Approved Opinion Committee By s/BWB Chairman

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6038

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017