Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •          OFFICE   OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL                 OF TEXAS
    Honorable   George 8. Sheppard
    Comptroller    OS Pub116 Accounts
    hl8tlR,   TUXU
    Dear   sir:
    MU h6V6 POW
    l6tt                            , Ilr which you
    6lrC1OU6 a COPY Of 8 16ttUr                             you, rrcal 3. II.
    Ralsy,   Assesror-Co1                                   J, ulth reference
    to the dlrtributlon                                      a tax sale 10
    cost due 011 the
    tt6r dated  &In6
    i0Wl   faat8   6r6
    n?aluy’8  16ttUr,     as Sup-
    , UP6 bri6flJa
    by   the   State
    of Tuxas
    dlrtrlcts,   filed a mm-
    let court   of uharton
    066 tb6h’ tU lielli3.    Judgmntr
    the plaintiff8   f.or the aaouats
    &?lU8 iRtUl’66t,, pU!lCLltJ aad 608t8.
    16 VU lasusd alld iP 6OCUpliaIIC6
    laarrd Va J ldvsrtixed and sold.    Th6
    property, in a0190 06868, uas prUraha86d by lrrdl-
    ridualr vho paid 111Or6th8n th6 tU68,    pUQalty,
    tit6rUSt UId 606t dU6 OU the prOp6rty.
    Your question  is:         What dlrpo8ltiorr should be R6d6
    of th6 ex8sSa thus obtained?          We pr66m6   that the tax 8alaa
    to vhich you refer wee6 mad6         under the authority   of jub@ents
    IioaoraLle    George ii. 3hepparC,, page 2
    obtained     In acccrdance with the prov?.aions   of Article     73;i5b,
    V6rn0a’S     AMOtSCed   Civil 3tStUteS.
    Artlcla 7328, Revised Cirll Statutes  of 1925, re-
    lotlng  to the disposition  of the proceada received by the
    shariif  from the sale of land, sold under a Judgment Zore-
    cloalng a lien for taxes, ;rrovldea in part, as follova:
    0      and after tha payment of the taxes,
    Interek;   &x.``lt~ and costs  adjudged against it,
    the remfader   of the purch886   price, if any,
    shall    be paid by the Sheriff to the clerk        of
    the   court    out of which  said 6XeCUtiOn OX’other
    flual proceaa      loaued to bs rUtain8d by him Sub-
    ject to the order of th6 court far a period of
    tvo years, unless OthUrUiS6        ordered by th6 court,
    aftur which tiIS6 th6 COWt        rPay order the Sap)6
    to be mid       to the State Treaaurur,     who Shall
    hold 8tme In trust       to be paid to tha owner
    against whom said taxes uere aaaessed;          provided
    any on6 claiming       the Same shall make proof of
    his cLalm to the satiafaotloa         of the 3tate
    TruasU.rur Uithin thr6C y66P0 ait6r the Sale
    of said land or lots,       Sitter which th6 PUMB
    Shall be goverued by the lav regulatlag          US-
    ChUat.      . . .*
    Arttalc  7328 ua8 6akaadud La 1927, and the words
    we have above untieracored vtre omitted frca the bill   au
    passed by both houaca of the Ieglalatura.    Said uorda uere
    also omitted from the enrolled bill, and consequently    from
    the printed statutes.    This omiSalou,   bad same beea legally
    done in accordance   vlth the Conatitgtloa   of Tex66* would
    have had the  effect of so amending tha Aat of 1927 a8 to
    have caused same ts read as it aov appears     in th6 prlatad
    statutes  of Sxas   a6 Article 7328; lo other vorda, th6 lav
    would nov be as same reads with ths words und6rraoruU      by ua,
    omit ted therefrom.
    We have tad6 a CSrSfUl    iIJv8stlgatlOn of the   facts
    surrounclug  .&his omlsslon,  and of th6 lar applicable     there-
    to.   And from the applicable   authorities   we eW6 of th6 Qpin-
    100 that this omls%ion of the uadaracored words from the
    amendment  of 1927 was of no legal force or effect,      and that
    Honorable       George       EL Sheppard,      page   3
    the under8cored  vordr, ootvIth8teoding their omission from
    the ameudatory  act of 1927, cemeln, and mey be properly  con-
    sidered, a psrt of said lav.
    We are       forced   to Mid     conalusloa    by   the following:
    The   ceptiorr of said                  actr yof 1927 reads
    lma nda to
    es follovs;
    *Aa Act to emsod Article 7328 (7689) of the
    Revfred  Civil  Statute8   of 1925, vhIch Article      r’b
    late8 to and providea     for proceedlugs   ln tax   8uIta
    atad the mallper provided by lav In ordinary fore-
    olo8ure  auIta Iu the dlatrlat     aourta  of th18 atatet
    end vhiah Amendment to aeld Artiole       7328 provide8
    that sales contemplated      la tax foreclosure    suits
    shall be mede In the memer pzeacrlbed        for the
    8ala of real eatete     under execution;   and dealar-
    lag an emerge~cy.~      (See lava of Texea 1927, Ch.
    99, pa 260).
    Au In8peotiou   or eald title, or aeptiou, diraloaea
    that the purpose of the amandatory sol,     aa dlaaloaed by said
    title, I8 the SIMiIE PURPOSE of proridlllg    “that ulea  con-
    templated   ia tax rorealosure  auita ehall be made in the
    !nenner prescribed  for the aale of real ertate under exeau-
    Said caption  in uo rap mentiona or indlaatea any
    purpose to amend the statute  a8 the same vould rtand amead-
    ed If the vorda underscored  by ua vere left out of the lav.
    We thua have berore     u8 l a ituetlo n here    ao a&sad-
    etory aat expreiraea a purpo8e,      In it8 oaptlon,    to aaend a lav
    in one SpeCifiC partiaular,      thua 1imItIw    the emendmaut to
    that particular,    but ootvlthstandiag    thi8 lIaItatIon     In the
    caption,  then etteapting    to further   mend the lav by the
    omI88loa  therefrom   of a provl81on    not meatloaed la the cap-
    tion, and not germeae to any purpoae rumad In the oaptlon.
    The rule             of comtructlon         applicable    to thla   8itUa-
    t1On 18 a8 fO;llOVS:
    “Although       an act   mey be amended In aaj ger-
    mane   particular       by an emendetory    act, the title
    of vhlch merely refers       to the act    or article
    8OU.ght to be emended       vlthout    8peCifyiUg     In uhat
    the CUIIendnSXIt
    COn8iSt.8, y6t vhen such title   8t8ce8
    the perticuler respect la vhlch the emendment
    CoDslst8*  any amendment not germme    to that spe-
    clfled 18 Invalid aa being repupenti to the Ia-
    v3bed constitutional    provision.   (388 Rutlege,
    et al. v. Atkinsc~,   et al., 101 S.W. (2d) 376;
    Ward Cattle end Pasture Co. v. Carpenter, 
    200 S.W. 521
    ; Arnold v. Leonerd, 273 3.W.    7998
    Texas-Louislane    P. Co. v. Parneravllle   (Tex.
    Corn. App.)  67 3.W.   2d)  235~ EX parts Heart-
    sell,  38 S.U.  (2d)  Lo 3; Landrum V. Centennial
    Rural sigh School District go. 2, 134 S.W.
    (2d) 363; Also see 39 Sex. Jur , rectloa 48,
    end the ca8ea therein cited and In the      aup-
    plentents thereto; also see CcastiCutica     of
    Texas, Article 3, section      35).
    It la pleln to ua that th8 omlsrlon referred          toby
    us is, under the authoritlea      above citea,     void end of no ef-
    feat under the Conatltutioa      of ?eULS, said omiaalou       not be-
    ing germane   to the purpose   of the amendment      am aame was ex-
    pr8888d   in the captloa   of the ameadatory     Mt.     It aeceaaexIly
    follows that the omitted vorda (which ve have underscored
    above) remela end are a pert of th.8 lav, notvlthateadiog
    their 8eId onlraion    from the aateodatmy     act    0r 1327.
    We &e  fortified       In the aonalualon  juat        atatia   by
    the decl8ion  of the Austin       Court Of Civil Appeala         in the
    ce8e of Booty,    et al.   v.   State.     Thl8 decision      was rendered
    la February of 1941.    The opinion vaa urUtsn    bg Mr. Justice
    Blair.   In the Booty ce8e, the court 8aid that      the sole
    question  In the ca8e InV01~88 a aoaatruation    Of Art.  7328
    and the method8 of sales of property    for taxea therein pro-
    vlded.”   IO the oplnioa,  the court construed   said Article
    7328 to be end read es VB hava construed     It in thla oplolon
    to be end to read.    The court, iP comment&g    upon the provi-
    sion of 8ald Article 7328,    la pert saldr
    ”     . Vh8r8 there are blddar8 for the prop-
    erty dd*it     18 sold for more thra the amount 0r
    the taxes,    the excess Shall be depo8lted vith the
    Honorable 'George H. Sheppard,     page 5
    clerk of the court pendlq      the tvo gear period
    for redsmptlon    OS the lmd   by the ovaer, to be
    disposed   of by the jUdpeAtj    that IiAless it i8
    redeemed vlthln that tire, then the clerk shall
    depO8It   the exce8a vlth the State   'Trea8urer, vho
    ahall hold It In trust to be paid to the ovner
    agaIa8t vhoa    aald taxer v8re 888688ed, provltded
    such ovner or the one olaIailllg the same ahall
    meke proof of claim    to the 8atIrractfoA   of the
    Treasurer   vlthia three yeara after    the sale of
    the lead, after vhfah tf&e the fund is subject
    to the lav of e8ahut.”       (See Booty, et al.  ‘1.
    State, 149 S.W. (26) 216).
    Hr. Ju8tlce Blair, IA said opinion, lrsigned Ao
    reaaone for treatlog the rorda omitted from the 1927 uend-
    meat aa beiag 8till a pert  of the hr.   But ve cannot ae-
    sume that the Court of Civil Appeals 80 did vlthout good
    reason.  Rather, Ye shall am.vae that the aourt vaa Impelled
    to ita aonclusion by the ame line of reasonlag vhlch her
    guided w to the 8a.m conaluaIoA   la thla opInIaa.
    In 1937 the Legislature   eluoted addltlmml     legia-
    latlon relatlq   to the colleatIoA   Or delinquent  tuea    Qhlch
    la aov Article 7345b, V.A.C.S.     IA regard  to the diapoeItloA
    of the exCe88 emount of money reoelved     from the “float   aale"
    vhere the purchmer   la other then   a tulng   uAIt, Seation 8
    of the Act provIdesI
    "Bo property aold for taxer uader decree IA
    such 8Uit Shall be sold to the OYAOr Of raid prop-
    erty, directly or Indirectly, or to anyone having
    an lAtereat therein,  or to any perty other than a
    tulng   unlt vhiah la a perty to the rult,  for leaa
    then   the amouat    OS the adQudged   va luelforeaald   of
    said property       or the &ggregatO UlOuOt Of the JUdg-
    menta against  the property la said rult, vbichever
    18 lover, and the net proceeda   Of any 8810 Of such
    property racrdeunder decree of court IA lald rult
    to cay perty other thm    any rush tulRg  Unit ahrll
    belong aad be distributed   to all t-IA&       unit8
    are parties  to the ault vhlch by the judslaant IA
    8ald suit have been found to hare tax lleaa *what
    Honorable      George    H. Sheppard,     page ci
    such property,        pro rata and ln proportion       to the
    mnouncs of their respective  tax liens aa sstab-
    llshed la raid judgment, but any excess lo the
    proceeds of sale over and above the amouat aecea-
    sary   to defray      the cost8   of suit   and sals   and other
    experwes   hereinabove   erade chargeable  agalnat   such
    proceeda,   and to fully dlraharge     the judgments
    agaiasc   aaid property,   shall be pld    co the portles
    legally    entitled     to uuch exceaa.
    3actlon     13 of the Act provides:
    “The   provisiona    of ihls Act shall be cumula-
    tive   of and in addition      co all other rights and
    reaedler to which any taxing uolt may be entitled,
    but as to any proaeediug brought    under this  Act,  Lf
    any part  or portion  of thl8 Act be in conflict
    u1th say part or post%oa 01 aup law of the State,
    the terms and provisions   of this Aat shall govern
    ae to such proceed3ng.    Phe pr9vlsLoas   oi Chapter
    10, Title  122 of the Revised  Civil Statute8   OS
    1925 shall govern malts brought under this Act ex-
    cept a8 herelo provided.’
    In view of the $r9vlaloa8      of this aectloa it be-
    comer apparent   that Article 7328 aad Article       E&5b should be
    read and construed   together.    Section    8 of Article 7345b
    provider,  simply, that   la thw case of any exams       in the pro-
    ceeds of sale over and above the amount necessary          to pay the
    cost of suit and sile and other expeaser and to fully dls-
    charge the judgzeata against said property it shall be pld
    to the parties legally cncltled to such excess.          To determine
    who Is legally entitled    to such excey      we must refer   to
    Article 7328.    By the provislonu    of that   Article,   ve flnd
    that  the sbcrLff must pay the exaeas tr, the Clerk of the
    Court  out of which said executlca  or other final process is-
    sued to be retainod by hire, subject to the order of the Court,
    for a period   of tvo yeam, mless otherwise ordered by the
    Court, after which time the Court may order the saae to be
    paid to the Stats Treasurer, vho rball   hold the 8)Me la trust
    to be paid to the cvncr against vhom aald ;axea were assessed;
    provlded,  any one claiming the ‘same shall s&e proof of bia
    claim to the satisfaction   of the State Treasurer withlo U-see
    years after the sale of aald land or lofa,   after vhlah the
    aame shall be governed by the 1aU regulating    awheat.
    Eonorable   George H. tieppard,        page 7
    We believe  the procedure outlined           above .fs to be
    followed In all Instances where the sfieriff           has an excess
    of money derived from the “first   sale,’
    In regerd to the disposition of exceaa funds col-
    lected where the property is. bid i;1 by one of the taxing
    units at the “f,lrst  sale* and held for the two-year period
    and later sold at the “second sale,” we refer you to thle
    department’s   Opinion Ho. 0-6OG0, copy of uhlch is enclosed.
    ‘Trusting   this   Sully   answers your inquiry,     me are
    Yours very   truly
    By Ax?.        4-d
    ii. 9. Bob
    biBD : db

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6013

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017