61 OFFICE OF iHE ATTORNEY GENERAL ik - AUSTIN Boaenble George W. Co% stat. Boalth 0iilo.r Teum State Board or Baalth Aurtin, Tour DOI? 81r: therela mntion ited Str terlruotod n Uroh 16, 194) aa horpitil mat.?& 8 Md iafaatr of oa- la mi11tary 8OrT10,. h lo E. P. 29)s 78tb -9ederal SeourlJ 4- Undrr Title 1 the i.o Ilow- I)to State8 ror luorgonoy matomit7 and infaat oare (national drfr.~eIl ?or (rmtr dltlcm to rimilar mdloal llU81ll4 rant oar* for WiV.8 aad in the armed Soroer of the United "tatoe, under allotment8 by the Sroretary of Labor mlplan8 derolopodand ldaLiBi8tOrOdby State Health Agw- 0108 and approved by thr Chief of the Childron* Bureau, #4,400,000.~ Honorable George ‘J. Cox, page 2 vThe legislation rhloh made prorloion for the Emergenoy Maternity and Infant Care Program rwulrer .partioipatlng Stat68 to present plans for operating the rbrriobr to the bite3 Stat68 Chlldrbn*s Burtaa, the a&ency which dls?enses the fund8 and supervises the opbratlon of the senlce8 tkiroughout the rarlour Stat68 l bB6rorb Texas inaugurated a program tar emergbnoy maternity and intent 06~8 it requested an oplnlon of the .rttorney General Of Tbxa8 upon the Iegalltp of almlnleterlng federal funIs under the rultr and regulation8 promulgated by the :Snlted States Chlldren’e 5ur6aU. The Attorney General, in thl8 opinion, hsI this t3 ray wit& r6fcrence to the federal legirlation gortrmlng this sbervlce: “‘The foregoing act bxprc;ssly proVide8 for 8UOh funds to be bdvlnlsterb3 by State health agenoler. ‘-IO oonstrub that portion of the 31rbotor*6 letter 863 out above, toaethbr wlth thb ruleb prozU.lgeted by the SureaJ to maan that the Texas State libalth 3bpertment must only assume rbspon8lbllIty ior the pollolea and espbats of a%r.Inlsterlng the rUId8. That la, to oee that the f*unda are pald t:, the proper person entitled thereto for serrlces perPormcJ aocordlne to the adopt 6 i rUk8, and that the Federal Lgenclee do not require the Texas C,t&te Zealth 36partmant tr, obll- gate the State of Texas to asaumb re8ponsIblllty for the payment ror the berrloes rendered. “The State Health Ofriobr of Taxer pr68ented a plan for inaugurating the Xmergenoy paternity and In- fant Care Program to the ‘Jnltbd State8 Department ot Labor, after sbourlng 3plnlon Xo. O-5583 IrOm the Attorney General of Texas. On Deoember 13, 1943, the State Health Oiflcbr reooived a letter from the X- rector of the Xvlslon oi Health Sbl'ViO68, 'Jnlted State8 Children’s Bureau, Zashlngton, D. C., stating: ‘This Is to lnfora you that your Emergency i’btbrnity and Infant Cbre Plan has been approved.’ *The State Depertnbnt of iiealth lmmedlately put the plan into operation in aooordbnce with the Attorney . 6’ aonorable George w. Cox, page 3 Cbnbral’8 oplnlon and the information 8upplled by thb Ptdtral Bureau. *The ZSnIttd States Childrta~s aurrall lnforned the Tbrtt State Health Grfloer, through ::CIi Circular, No. 14, i88Ut?;i :.%y 6, 1943, that fund8 for admlnls- terlng this program should be requested aa follow6: “‘2. iieqUe8tS for Fund E A. Iii0 conditional apportionment8 or Fund F; are being made to the States ror ths fi??CGi year 1944 slnot the amount of monthly allotments will be based on the number of 08808 tu- thorlzed and the oo8t of oar6 ptr oa8e in each State. B. Enter on 6 ssparote budget series form !.!CH-3a an item number--dlffer- tnt from any number included ln the maternal end child health budgot- for an iten dbbigII6tbd ~8 mIC5bretnoy Xedioal and Hospital Care ior Yothbrs and Inrantv and triterin colt 10 the amount of Fund t, 6stisUted to be needed for the fitoal year 1944. Th6 htadlng of oolumn 10 should be ohangbd to rtad *Fund E.? Thls form KCII-?a should br rubmitted along wlth the regular LGH badgtt for 1946. c. ‘iYhen a State maternal and child health plan 18 approved for th6 fiscal year 1944, approval will not be given In any 8p6oiflbd amount of Fund E. D. L!CH-8, m.2uarterly :. stbGt6s of Fxpend- lture," atrouli sot be subnlt ted for rmd :‘. Insteal, telrgrans should be rubnitted to ths Children’8 ijureeu on the rlrst Jay of baoh month lnclullng the r0ii0wlng laformatlon: Honorebla George Vi. Cox, page 4 *Number of oeeee luthorlzed during ( prerloue month). “The estimated total amount of obll- tetlone Inourred ror luoh oeaea. ‘VThe eatlrurted number of lpplIoetlona that will be authorized during (Month In which telegram la rant). *On the baala or the Information In theae telegrama, allotment8 will be me3e and payment8 or Fund E will be oertlfled to the Stetre.’ *Upon e baele of lnatruotlona aa oontalned In XCH Information Circular, No. 14, the Texas state Health Offloor haa aubmltted to the Children’8 Bureau on tha iirat day oi eeoh month the Inform&Ion requested In this olroular. *The United States Children’s Buraeu hea not al- located to the Texea Stete Department of Health in eo- oordenoe with !AXi Intormetlon Ciroular, No. 14, ha quoted herein. It ha8 allooated fund8 upon e baa18 of unex- pended belenoea, ea oompered with the eatlmated needa ror funde during the ooming month. This la lvldenoad by the following oommunloetlon from the Dlreotor or the Dl- vlaion of Health Sanloea, gnlted States Children’s Bureeu, April 30, 1944: “U.S. Department or Labor Copy ror Ceo.W.Cox, CHILDRSN’SB-JiE4U X.D. E!!IC PiWGRAM NOTXCE OF H.LOTE3?T OF F’iD E FDH TE? XOXTH EXDINOAPRIL 30, 1944 State or Texaa Prepared by Stats Aullta ‘Jnlt April 8.1944 Maternity Infant Caaea Cases 1. Ceaee lncomnlete 88 0r Yeroh 31, 1344 1/ 5g473 1/ 304 2. Eatlmeted new care8 for April 1,963 244 3. Avsrage ooat per oaae oom- plated during March 59.91 6.33 yonoreble George W. Cox, page 5 4. ~atlmatad Fun1 Z needed ror i.prIl: . (e) I;;: ; multlplltd by $327.887.43 3,924.x (b) :“,z; ; multiplied by 117.603.33 1.544.52 (0) T&;)lIttW+(e) plus 445.490.76 3,468.64 5. catlnstsd Fund E needed for incomplete end new maternity end Infant caeee (awn of eaiounte In Item 4(o) ) 448,959.60 6. Total previous allotment ot Fiil Ii 646,000.00 7. Total expenditurea ror oases w$letad through 'March 31, ‘15 (894.71 8. Adjustment: hnount 0r pre- vious ellotmant avelleblr ror oeats reported in item8 1 and 2 (Item 6 tinus Item 7) 630.105.29 9. Allotm6nt Of Frtlli B needed $r April (itea 5 mlnua Item $ 2J--- Vurther!nore, the Znlttd States Chll~ren’e Bureau, tkrodgh P:IIC Circular, No. e, April 3, 1944, haa lnl’ormed the State I!eaith Cfficer aa ioiitwa: ‘70 Honoreble Oeorga W. Cox, pegs 6 **To obtain neoeaaery lnforaatlon for determln- fng the monthly lllotment or Fund ii to thr Stetfa and to provide en eooountlng 05 oeaea for whloh lenloee here been euthorlted by the States, end of expenditure8 made under luoh euthorltetlona, eeoh State pertlolpetlng In the EXC program la required lfter approval of their enoumbrenoe oon- trol to submit every month on Form EL!10 - 8 a re- port 0r oaaea, allotmente, end l xpendlturee of Fund E ior the month and an eatlmate of Fund E needed ior the follorlng month, ee provided for In the regulationa of the Seoratary of Labor. **Form EXtC-8 ahould be submitted dlreotly to the Childrento Bureau in Weahlngton on or before the 5th dey of eeoh month. The rlrat report on Form EMIC-8 Is due on or before the, 5th day of the month following the rlrat month in whloh the ep- proved enoumbrenoe oontrol ia In operetlon. at;:onthly reporta on Form E?UC-6 will repleoe the telagrephlo reports aubmltted in prevloua montha, Special Report No. 1, end Speoip.1 Rsport No. 2, Report8 on Form EUJC-8 will be used In ?hr. future ea a beala ror computing the monthly allotments oi Fund F to States on aDproved enoumbrenoe oon- A. * *Aooordlng to atetamenta ot the Xreotor or Health Serrioea of the kited State8 Children*8 Bureau ea quoted herein the monthly allotment8 to Texaa will be baaed upon the coat of oompleted oaeea. Thla will not, in the opln- ion of the State Xaalth Offloar, be a aetlafaotory beala ot allooatlon, tar tha unexpended balenae does not In re- allty repreaent the emcunt of runda ereIlebla, llnce en- oumbrenoea have bern mede against the unexpended balanoe. Thla prooedure, if followed, will result In the Texas State Department of Fiealth enoumbarlng fund8 In exoe8a of the emount eotuelly reoelred by tha Texea Stete Department or Health. Wonalderlng the above lnrormatlon I ahall appreciate en opinion upon the legality or the Texea State Department of Health Inourrlng Indebtedneaa In en amount exceeding rundo eotuelly received by the Texea State Department of gonorable Ceoca w. COX, page 7 t!selth, oven though the Texea State 3epartnant of Realth haa been assured that rUndo will be allooated upon l bee18 or the ooat of oomplated oeaaa.a It la wall arttlad that no one haa euthorlty to meka e oontreot binding on the State, except where he la authorized eo to 30 by the Conatltution or e pre-exiatlng ltetuta. (Fort Korth Cavalry Club v. Sheppard,
83 S. W. (2d) 660; Nlohola v. State,
32 S. W. 452; State v. Haldenen
163 S. W. 1020; State v. Wllaon, 9 9. W. 155; Stnte v. PerleteIn, 79 S. W. (26) 143; State v. Heglend Cllnlo-Hospital,
159 S. W. (2d) 105). Arter e oereful aearoh of the statute8 end tarloua provlalona dr the State Conatltutlon, we is11 to find any provlalon authorizing the Texas State l)apertnent or Eeelth to bind the State when ln- ourrlng indebtedness In emounta exceeding funds actually re- oelred from the rederal authorltIea by the Texas State 3epart- ment or Eealth even thou&a the Ttxea State 3epertmtnt of liealth haa bean tsaured that funds will b e lllooated upon a beala oi thh coat of completed oasea aa mentioned ln the latter quoted above. Therefore, It la the opinion of thla department that the State Department of health haa no legel authority to bind the State of Texas for any amount or auma of money under the roregolng faota. Ii. R. 2935, 76th Congress, known aa the Lebor- Federal feourlty Appropriation Act 1944 expreaely provides for the funaa appropriated to be admlnietered by State health agen- 0108. It la apparent rrom the feote ateted that federal fund8 will be allocated upon a basis of the ooet of oompleted oases end that the rederel authorltlea, in order to oerry out the plane of the federal agencies, require the State Htalth Dcpart- ment to Incur lndebtedneea in amount8 exoaedlng funds aotuelly on hand; however, the rederel agenolea aaaure the State Depart- ment of IIealth that funda will be allooeted to pay the Indebted- neaa lnourrad under Ita rule8 end reguletlona. Kn oan ret no reason why the State iiealth qepertment admlnlaterlng the above mentioned runds would be prohibited from lnourrlng the lndebted- nese heretofore mentioned In oonformlty with the tedarel rulte and regulationa. Although aa ebore ateted, the State Depart- ment of Health would have no legal euthorlty to bind the State 01 Ttras in oa?rylng out the program of the rederel agencies under the rules end rrgulatlone of ouch agenoiea. Yours very truly ATTORNEYGE-KTtALOF TXAS Ardell Williams ;isslat~ i OPlNlOh COMMIITI
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6018
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1944
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017