Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • Honorable R. S. Qche
    County Auditor
    Gregg County
    Longview, Texas
    iiearMr. Wyche:                           Opinion No. O-6007
    Re:   Liability of'a depository bank
    for paying out the public funds
    upon duly dram checks bearing
    forged endorsements of payee,
    under the facts stated.
    Your   requeSt   for 8 legal opinion upon the above subject n?atter
    is as follows:
    "In 1943 and 1944 the payrolls of Gregg County were padded.
    Checks were dram in favor of aertein individuals who actually
    did no work and who never received the check. The payrolls were
    also padded with regard to rental of trucks. The perscm to whom
    the checks mre written never received them and never endorsed
    them, nor authorized anyone to endorse them in both oases. Two
    persons were indicted by the Grand Jury for forgery, One has
    hem convicted and some 26 cases are pending against these
    persotsJ The total amount of the forgeries exceeds $ll,OOO.OO.
    "These warrants were dram in favor of these persons and
    were to be paid by the Depository Bank. A bank at Gladewater
    accepted most of these forged checks and, in turn, collected the
    money from the Depository Sank. May B Depository Bank and the
    other bank be sued for recovery of these various sums of money?
    *Please give me your opinion as to whether or not a
    Depository Rank is wholly responsible, or both banks."
    Undoubtedly, the depository bank is liable to the county for
    any loss sustained by it through the payamt of a oheok bearing a forged
    endorsement of the name of the payee*
    There is a contraat relation existing between the oounty and
    its depository bank, the essence of which relation, so far as the
    depository's liability is concerned, is that it will safely keep the funds
    of the county and disburse them only upon the order of the county author-
    ities duly drawn. Any disposition of the funds, otherwise then to the
    Honorable R. S. Wyche - page 2               O-6007
    properly-drawn order of the county, wcul* be a violation of its duty
    as a bank, and any payment, therefore, to one other than ,thepayee in
    the oounty's order, would render the bank liable for any loss therefrom.
    In other words, in making such unauthorized payment, the bank would be
    paying cut its own money and not the county"5 money, and would have no
    right to charge the county's aocount.
    The general rule throughout the country is thus expressed in
    Corpus Juri.sSecundum, Vol. 9, p. 734, 0 356:
    "Since, under the contract between a bank and its
    depositor, the bank is bound to pay checks only to persons
    designated by the depositor, supra, 0 340, it becomes the
    duty of the bank to its depositor, at its peril, to determine
    the genuineness of the indorsements on his checks and pay
    only where they are genuixs. Where a bank actually pays a
    check bearing a forged indorsement, such payment, of course,
    does not discharge the bank's obligstlons to the drawer:
    in legal contemplation it is considered that the bank has
    paid out its own funds rather than those of the drawer.
    Accordingly, the bank has no right to charge the depositor's
    account with the amount of such a payment; and if ,thebank
    does so, regardless of its good faith, or freedom from negli-
    gence, it will be liable to the drawer, ***.n
    As to the intermediary bank mentioned by you it is also liable,
    and may be sued by the county at the oounty’s election.
    In Fjdelity 6:E&posit Co, of Maryland v1 Fort Worth National
    Rank, 65 S-W. (2) 276, the Supreme Court adopted an opinion by the then
    Commission of Appeals in whioh the very question was presented; saying:
    "Though there is some suthority to the contrary, the
    great weight is on the side which holds that 8 collecting
    bank which accepts a check on another bank on a forged in-
    dorsement aaquires no title thereto, and holds the proceeds
    thereof, when collected from the drawee bank, for the rightful
    owner, who may recover from the collecting bank as for money
    had and received. even though suoh hank has fully paid over
    and accounted for the same to the forger without knowledge
    or suspicion of the forgery. Michie on Banks and Ranking, ppO
    522, 523, and 524. See, also, annotations under note 79, p0
    524, same authority. Of course, the right of the payee or
    rightful owner to recover on this class of cheeks from the
    collecting bank is conditioned on the ai~enae     of any fault or
    laches on hjs part, and on  the absence of    B ratification
    of the forgad.or unauthorized indorsement by him. l**“(
    Honorable R. S. Wyche - page 3                  O-6007
    The case of Home Indemnity m. vn %ate %blk of Fort “ovd~,e,
    !Iowa) 6 N, W., (2) 757, has a very thorough and oxhnustiw, disfiouss;o~.
    of the question citi!zgand quotifignumerous CSS% ,throughout. the ~~)~:~~?;py,
    and holds to the same effect as to the ~liehi1it.yof thn in.te~medlrir~
    The liability of such intermediary bank is not prediwted
    upon any theory of relation of depositor and bank, but on the contrary,
    is predicated upon the theory of conversion, or as for money had and
    We call your attention, however, to the possible danger ,that
    the county by a suit against the intermediary bank might waive its rj~ght
    to sue the depository drawee bank, We do not dRci.dethis quest-;aa,how-
    fn the event the county should elect to *iuethe depository bank,
    undoubtedly that bank would vouoh in the intermediary bank upon its
    guarantee of prior endorsements, under the unifwm wstom of hanks
    guaranteeing the genuineness of all prior endoPsema:,t:r,
    There could be a possible sjhwtion     where neither bkn?i:      w:lu!d
    be liable, We refer to a case where the cheek or chnoks In~o~lvndware
    knowingly drawn, payable to a fictitious ;7er6on%nd not tn a Sni‘iCCs:y -
    contemplated person as payee. 2he endorsement of suoh check by sno*zhnr
    in the name of the fictitj.ousperson would not make the dopos?wry bank
    liable, neither would it make the intermediary bsnk liahlQ9         fnr thq
    simple reason that a cheak thus mdo,   p8y~ble   ,to a flctj~t~ious    pe’won is
    in law a "bearap" check, which the depository bank, or any o':hw batik
    may with impunity pay to any one prnsen,tingit, Tn suoh a 01;s"ti‘.il         bani:,
    whether depository or intermediary, woul~lbe entirely wi.tfi;~r       P!.sright
    to pay the cheek, and would not be ,liab'Le  to the county for avy .!rss
    sustained by reason of euch payman% out of the aoun~ty""3       fvnd*:.,SRR
    Zollman, Eanks and Hankjng, 1701~ 6, 0 ZR6:i.
    It is hardly necessary to add that in any even,tthe intiSv;dual
    or individuals forging such endorsements would be personally I-;n.tUe
    any loss sustained by the oounty,,
    We trust that what we have said satisfactorily SP.SWCPEyolu

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6007

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017