Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • 3 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNEY GENERAL HonoraI3Xq.&tyneBatterfle$d, Commlesloner ,.'Y: .: Flremn's pm8ion Commls8loa P. 0. BOX wfjg Awtla, TeioS Dear Slrt , uesting an opin- ion,from this de ortages in the aondltlona.,aam to work overtime ment are -not requlr- ertlme lb paid on flremn vho work oa'the basis oi~thelv r should they pay into it ou the erg plus the overtime?" retoiore advised by this department in 3 aa follovrr "Miter a aonslderatlon of the bill 88 a vhole, the purposes OS the Aat and the manner of carrying out the provis.lonathereof, ve are of the oplnlon that it vaa the intention OS the I,eglslatureto repulre the payments to be made on the basis of the aompewlatioa aotutilg re- ceived by the fireman/" Hohorable Bay& gatterilbld, page 2 fMOi&C a8 the iaate vhlch invoked O~lnloa O-4323 were lom6vhat different from those aontrlnud in your later request vu have again uxamined the provlelane o? Howe Bill 24, Paty-fifth Legl8lature, 1937, aommonly kuovn ae the Mate Plrercmfe Wellsf 6ad Retlreurat Law. We find nothing therela oomtalnud vhleh would ohango our oplnlou ae preoiouely state+ tleatlon 10 of thl6 A6t ir g-ted ln our earlla oplnlon and porldue that the'dedwtlclrs are to be made iron thu member’s ealar_lor thy overtIn pay reoelred by e fireron, G 1583 of thu Pea&l Cade, must be uoaelder- ed a part of his ralary or uampu~8atlon aocordlng to the well reoognlxed de~lnltlolrsof those words 6e set out Zn I our eaPlier oplnl.oa. Pour attentloo is also d%reoted to .thledepart- ment's oplnioa Ro. O-4787, vhereln we held: “Fireman B, who reoeivee a salary of $lOO.OO per month a6 a paid fireman, and In addition la pemlttedto live ln th6 Sire station with hle~ folpilywithout payment of rent, rhould aontolbute to the~ftmhupon the b6ele OS hle iull,oaapenea- tion - 88bPy, @US runt --land th6 lo&al Board . ehould d6turmlM the 6Mou&t.a66ord%ng to the fair : and recuon6ble runtal va&ieof th6 querture sup- ' &&tud t0 thU~~firUmak¶.This 18 a faot inquiry by/ the Board to be dstulml.wd upon pert,inunt uvi- &MS to be hard 6nd UOWldured by it.' Tru8tlng this fully ans~ere your inquiry, vu are v6Fy truly yallre BY /J. 3. 68-L 6b-0-k-a H. T. Bob Don6hue

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6004

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017