Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • . 909 OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN i Honorable ~3dm~dha.m Secreta Awilll) %a xae Dear Sir: Attention: Kr. 8. 3. Long1 our0 a permit to do esr in t&e State of ,‘and related watt-s. Uainfstrations of. thlo depart- t such oorparat ion8 em not re- “1, Is a non-profit eduoational~, oharitable, religious benevolent fore1 aorporatlon, or any noa-profit foraisn oorpaxat r on, reqalred to eoourb a permit to do bueineee ia this &ate? ‘2, If suah oorporat ien8 ire ‘retpaired to Be- wfe a permit, what riling fee should thla deptirt- 5ent request? . I 910 tbnorablo Sidney L&ham, ~38 e “S. If luoh oorporatiorra are required to seoure a ~p etla l hotid this depetimnt it, EollbOt a franohiao tax for their operations In this State? “4. If aaah oorp0ratlona are not reqalreb to secure (I pefndt fro- thla 0rri0e, are auah oorperatlona aothoris& to Ilo buainarr In thI8 Steta without a permit?* Art$olq 1589, Vernon~a Annotated Civil Statutes, pro- rides: *Any oorporation for peounlary profit, ex- oept aa hemigdter prevideb, o?ga,aaiwb. or oreate nndo rthe la wa o ?l4 other Sta ti, o r o f‘a 4ter- ritorl W the Uslted Statra, 0s any munlolpallt~ ot anoh State 01 territory; or of tiy foraign &oven- ment, anrerelgnty of muzkiolpalIty, desiring to trena- got or aolicrlt bwiiaeaa la Tsrar, of to establish a general or 8peelal oifioe fr thI8 State rhall file with the Seoretary ot State a duly oerdfled @opt of its artlalea ai inaorporation; anb thereupea luoh offisial shall ieaue to *al6 corporation a parrit bp traneact bualnen in this State ior a period of tea yeare from the date OS 80 illlly lald artifolor ot incorporation. It eueh oorporat ion 1 a created too more 3h.m one purpose8 the petit may be llalte4l to one or more purpoae8. It in stated la Hildebrand*a “Texas CorparatIonr,* v01unI, 4, page 131 lAoeordLn& to Vernon’s Annotated CIvIl atatutaa Artiale 1889 only foreign oorporatlona for peounlarr prorlt that tranaaat or wllslt buaineaa Ia Texas am required to take out a pWalt. A torelgpr aorporatioa for benotolent , rell&ma, philmthroplo purposes where the charters provide that all of its revenues except reasonable expenses will be devoted to one or more aueh purposes is not organfeed for peouniary prsflt. Suoh a aorporation doea not @one within the prerialoa oi the Texas statute, and, therefore, aould reaover 08 a oldr due It without proving that it obtained a peralt. h oorporction organiced for the abovo purpose has au- thorIt to buy land reasonably neaeaeary to further its oharter power*;* Xn the oaae of City of Saa AhtonIo. et al v. Salvation 137 3. II. 860, In oonstruing itrtioler 745 d 745 Revised ta utea, 1695, whloh contained 6-P praatIaa117 the %e la&uage as hrtlolea 1529 and 16S0, Vernon’s Annotated Clvll Statutes, it was said i a* l * The aorporatloa not being organtsed or operated for &n~ou.niarf profit, but by the terma 0s its inoorporatloa atriotlp prohibited from beIn wnduated for peeuni~j pmrit, etiolr I46 sad ‘144 have no applloation to it, and it was not required to obtain a petit to operate and eonduot its ai- fairs ia Pexaa aa a oandltlon pree8dent fo Its mebitalning this aatIo&* titer oarefull~ considering Utiole 1539, rupra It la apparent that auoh statute applies only to SoraIgn eorporatlona oreatsd for peaunlary p0rit and a088 not apply to any ncbn-profit $(rrign eorporatioacr which ate not lnoorporated for paoaniary pro- . la view or the rorei5oIng authoritlea, wa reepectfallP amwer your first quo&ion as stated above In tha aegatlte. As we have anawered your rirat question in ths negative, It neoesaarilP follow8 that 70~ aeauad and th.lrd queatfonr require no answer. Ia view of whet has heretofore beea said, your fourth question i8 rospeatrolly answered in the afrlr5ctlve. - k-dell Nilllema Aaaiataut AIrIy:RP

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5998

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017