Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • ‘. 837 OFFICE OF THE.ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Kooorable F. C. 3oltoa Aoting President Agricultural and Eeotanloal College or Texas Collage Station, Texas rear sir: onirrenoe of Ec?;ool ore and Tea&era 2, 1944, raeda 8s rollowa: ta td Conp- aooounta of ssreral & !i. College cover- &dance on the aid- dalniatratora and he State Superintend- The aooountr bear the nt’of the College and the The Sta to i 0r th090 rrseatsd to that tbs expense ~3 incurred in the transaotloa of *Stste business’, and that it naa definitely the responsibility and duty of the A. k EL. College to send oertsln membere of Its -. stair to the oonferenoe. The Agricultural and ‘ureohanloal College of Texaa is part of the eduoa- tloml system of the State of Tsxae snd as such Honoxuble P. 0. Bolton. Psge 8 baa rraponaIbIllty ror proper partlolpstlon in any program ror the Improvement or sauoatlon In Tssas, particularly whoa suoh proijcrsr Is uda or- fIOIa1 bJ balng pmasntoa as tha orrlolal program or our State Department or E6uoatIon in Tans. This rosponsIbilIt~ or Eha Collags wsuld nko it naooaauy for thoaa wmberr of this atafimoat olosely laaoaIsted with ths gonsrsl sduoatlonal program or tba State, and responsible tor ths r0dti00 ana 00nau0t or outioula ror trmining tosohera, to bo rully ii3r0ma oono*m1ng suoh psogu; and to tht ena, to attend such OQIL- r0r=000 aa tbls. *Thin was a aonfueneo not only oi lohool ldmlnl#taWOr~, but OS ‘TwBhw TU TMlnuS.' train1 0r kaoherr la put or thm rsrenti61 ro- spcmalb “f lity of the Collo(o. Tbo work or thl8 p o r tb mlu no e lspooial1y to tin o o nfuo related Inalurion 0s rtarlals in our pablto lohool our- rloula rolatIn& to auoh raw relations war s.rv!z”% a*~::tz;“2!* ph8i8 on thd wtia w,&itati rdlriaatlon or prnotiors OD ths put oi teaahu-tnlniag instl- tutiolu, 8na nd t0 b4~0 th0 00dmSti0n or both dminlstrators and teaobn in lotual Ohargo or lnatrurtlon. -wa tea tbrt this a*60 is oleuly ootorod by your OpinionWo. O-ub'l, and tht thr tnrol hating baon portorad In aaeordaaoe with tha rulS8 or the mud or Dlnatora or the OollOgo, th0 Ox- pmso thsrsor fr pmapuly oharasabls lpinrt stat* tar. *Th fa e di~itIu8lS wh e ss.xp WSe lOOOU5ta a l-0 Involvd sro; ‘Th b.@n 0r the Sob001 or Arta 8nb so1snos, undo= rhoss l uporvision wurses In Wuoatlon 8r* alvoa. -Tha 8ad 0f th8 Dogartiment or~Agriaultura1 Mua&- Mon. Ifonorable r’. C. Bolton, Faye 3 “The Xead of the 2e,psrtnont of Agronorag, undsr whose euperrfsion the College offers oourses la soil oonservatioa, “I wculd sppreolate ycur opinion oi the natter.R Aa you know, the ourrent appropriation bill permits the payment of trarelll~ erpsnses of State offioiala and ea- ployses on17 when such expsneer am incurred while trsvsllIn& on “State busineaa.* As we sald in our Cpinlon Ho. O-4167: W93tate business* signifies the aooomplish- sent 0r a governmental iunction; It requires that the mans an4 method adopted should ba rea- son8 bly nsoessary; it Implies that the particular govsrnmental function lnvolrsd be one direotly en- trusted to the Inetltutlon or dsartment assuming its aooo?Pplishmemt.w Is our Cpialon No. O-4%$7, sddreseed to your Colle&o, we pointed out that the governing boards of tbr various aduca- tlonal institutions porssss oonslderable discretion with respeot to the seleotloa of the mans snd methods by whlob the functions of their instftutions are to be aoooapllabed, and that their choice or a wrticular menns or method will not ba questioned by tbe oourts or by this department unless it 1s clearly sh0.m that this aisoretlon has booa abueed. Tested by these standards, we feel that ths facts statsd in your letter reveal that the faaulty mmbera mentlomd therein were on State business while attending the mid-winter oonference of Sohool AdEinfstrmt,ors and ‘leaobers Trainers. It ID our opinion that the srpense aooounts under oonridaratlon should be a;prored. Trusting that the foregoing satisfsotori~y nnswer8 your inquiry, we are Yours very truly r nrrnuJED\

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5981

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017