Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

    i3onorable    0. P. Lookhart, CCalrran .,
    Board of     Inauranos C~amlsslonero
    Austin, Te;ue
    us1 6886sar,ent8
    OS Of thG:A' QbQ-
    the sinounti of the an-
    aid'io   periodio   in-
    t%..oath     or tbe>.in-
    ur opinion that your reyucot-da   frmmd should
    6 negative; but suQh‘kinwer, whcxr oonofderod
    in GOllII6CtitiXIwith aozle oz t&3 lW?o 00vorln- zxLtilta1 as8bss-
    xaoni issu+ance xm?.oaint~lozo and oqnpair-..?; !h eubjeot to qual-
    IfloaWons,    as will bwqlnaftor    bo ehovm.
    All rsfersncoa anda hernin to atntutes'will    be to
    Vernon’s Ann~tsteU Revised CIvll Zitatutee of.1925,    nnd ecoend-
    nents thereof.
    Artlole   SOSS-1 (Chapter 22;Tltie   78)~ agplles to all
    insurance conipanlo8 and easoclations      whlah Issue poliolos  or
    ocrtiflcetss     or insurenob  on the lives or per8on8,   or provlds
    ’           .
    .           *
    !:onoreble     2; F. LOCkhnl’t, pclab 2
    hcolth and aooldent beotflta,  u,wn the so-osllei    nutusl a&686-
    rant plan, or whose Cusxls are derived from the assessrant of
    Its policyholders  or memtars, en% applies, ln Ceot, to all
    life, health and tcoident bOq31inle8 or associations    nhlah do
    not come within tho provlslans  or Chapters 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 18,
    19 or 20, Title 78, oi the iW~Is~d,CIvll   Statute8 oP Texee.
    The term “a5sessmentw,         es wed    in said law, ls_de-
    ,’titled08 follows:
    **fis8e88zumtt’ ehall Include pr@ilns and moan
    any and all noaey or valuable thins paid in consld-
    erbtlon 0: such Insurance ae.is afforded by thb Qer-
    tiriaw.-                        .A
    The tbrm '9abmbarshlp tee",   es used in aaid leu,      is
    dofined      LLSfollows:
    wWi~berahlp fee' shall be tho amomt          of the
    first   aeGee5ment or b88ebsu!bnt8 permitted       by,the
    Board to be plaoed~ln the expense fwd of           assoola-
    tlons,   repreeentlng coat of solloltiag   or      proourlng
    the member,.*
    SbotlOn 9 of seld   Art1016 15, in part, 88 tollaxs:.                 *
    n2W3ry polloy or oertirfoate     or Insurance
    lasued by an aasoaletlon ahall state definitely
    on the front page the amount or death benerlt to
    be p&id, and the airoum8tanoe8      or conditions   un-
    der   which It shall be paid shall be plelnly
    stated   In the pollay.  isvery health, scoldeat or
    other benefit shall be plainly      stated in the
    polloy,   and the terms an4 oondltlone     un4cr whiah
    thsy ohs11 be paid shall be stetod plainly in
    the polloy.’
    SoOtiOn   11 Of eald f&iOlb    is,   in part,   88 fOllOWS:
    *&oh aseooistlon    eha,ll levy ro&illar and
    periodical   assessments by whatever name they
    mzy be c~1LeU.     These esaeasments rn,uet be In
    such rmounts and et euoh propar intervals      Be
    will meet tho reaeonable operetlng expenaee Of
    ,,   the association,    and pay In full the claims
    arfslxg under Its oertlfloates.      whan or if In
    the course 0: opsrntlon     it ohs11 be apparent
    that the olalxu8 0ennot be met In run mp3 current
    Bonorabl6   3. .P. Lockhart,     pa&s 3
    a8ooosmenta and SunSa w       hand, the ernount nuet
    -be inoreasbd     untll they are adequate to meet
    such clalna,    en4 the dosrd ah611 so order.*
    section   13   0r aald f.rtlclc   la,   in pert,   a8 roii0ttf5:
    *Xt is the prlasry purpoao ol- this hot to
    secure to the nembera 0: the aaaooietlona       end
    their   ben6cllclerlea the full an4 prompt pey-
    sent of eU olelnxi according to the fnexlnum
    beneflt provided in tholr cortlrlcotea.       It la
    therefore   required OF all ~assooletIo,na that
    all olalrna under osrtlSloatea   be paid in full
    within sixty (60) days aitor.reoeIpt      or due
    proof or 0ia8.*                .
    Simtlon   17 oi said krtlole      is as followat
    "Ii the payments of 'the ma~bera~of say
    saaoolatton    coming wlthln the acop or this
    hot, on oertlfiuatss      issued and in Sorce whcta
    this Act taker effoat.,      or the rcinaurfinco or           :.
    r6ncwala of such C6rtiSlcstca,         t&ail   prove ln-
    .‘~.sufffolent    to pay aatared dsatt: end dkxibll-
    lty olelns la the noxtr,uatmouat stated la
    such policirs    or certificates,      an4 to provide
    for the orsatloo     and xmlntonnnce or the fuwia
    required by its 16~1, au!! casoalatlon            may
    with the epprovcl of the Board of Insurance
    Comi8alonera     end ester    proper baring       before
    said 3oerd provide ror raestlag suoh deflclanop
    by additloael,    lncr6err~d, or eftrtt rates or
    peyrnent, or by reduction      In tho mxinum beac-
    iits etated La such poliolca        or.certlfloster
    then in rorce,    or by both euoh laormsed          pay-
    A8XAtS end re%UOCrb mixlsrm bermfits,         or the
    menbora nury be @ren the OptIOn OS aereein6 to
    reduced rrparlmor?bsneflta,      or of making ln-
    oreeebd geynenta.a
    -I-        We fini nothlag In said P~tiole,       the zaaterlal portlona
    or which nre above set out, to prevent         the levy of nn annual
    eaassomnt    in advance, with provlalon       that the amount tb6r6of
    can bo paid in pbrfodical       installments,   ~0 lOXi& 85 8-h haaO55-
    mento er6 la auoh amuM. as ~$11 met the reasonebb               OpWtttIng
    bXpYln888 of the aa8ooistion      and gay In cull the 0161~5 arising
    .under 'lta certltIoetsa.     This would not apply, howeve:, to a
    nu6mberahlp ree"',     but e separate    uaaeeament should be made ior
    rioonoroble 2. 7. Lookhart,      pa&e 4
    that    purpose, or a part or the annual asseeszmt               be set aside
    thtrefor.   (@&a &t$o&&oes          nOt,,.sUth.Q~~~~hA,.unpaidlliDI
    &a$lncnts     ()I ,&he adftual.~~~~~~~~~n.~-~,obe,:~o~~q$&,.Cm~          kh&
    -death                                  of  ~h~‘iiisured..
    Xs hereinabove ateted, .wtlole           5068-l (Chaptz       22
    Title 78) applies to all fnaurunoe co~ppsnlc5 or e*soolatlonl;
    whloh do not 00% within certain ohapters the nuxbere of
    whloh are there set out, and this would leevc Chapters 6, 8a
    and Oa, Tit16 78, which aovcr the transaotion               of lnsuranoe
    suoh 88 irr lnoluded in your quostlon.             Chapter 6, Title      78,
    we8 repaaled by Artlols       4860a-18, whloh-le a part of Cheptor
    9 , Tltlo 78, above rercrrod       to, but Chapter 9 deal8 with mutual
    .Insurance end not mutual asssoqmt            lnsuranoe,      an;i besides,
    oaid krtiols     &860a-18 provides that such rcpoala “shall              not
    apply to dr effect      any Conpanf or Xeooolation          now doing busl-
    ~88s under the laws repeelad,         and they shall oontlnue to be
    govarasd by the regulatory        provlrrlons OS euoh laws.”          Thore-
    rare. suoh’ooapanlos       or assoolationa    68 are still       dolng.busl-
    nam und.er Chapter 6, Title 78, era governed by the provialoma
    Artlole   5068-1,   Seotlon   15, provldes.in    part a6 fol-
    -The provfslons    or this Act requiring the
    ru     papent    or olaims shall not apply to any
    groups, alub, or olase prrviously       organized and
    sow operating 00 the post-mrtbm        or asssasnent-
    as-needed plan and any asaoolatlon       having suoh
    a group, olub, or alaas may aontlnue to operate
    it on sold plan go long aa any ruoh @‘oup, club,
    or olass has a atiiloient       membership et the
    aosesanent rate ohar&ad to produaa, and so long
    as it rlo~s produoe, for the mortutry or relief
    runa et least rlrty (50% par cent or the max-
    11nu-avalue’or    tha lergest   polloy in said @hap,
    club, or Olaaa.      In the event the nembcrshlp of
    olub or olass is only euttlclent     in
    ~b%“tuf*pay       between rmy (50$) per cent and
    one hundred (lOO$) per oaat or the mazlmi~ value,
    It shall be the duty or the orriaer of Bald
    assoolation    to have printed on etloh assossnent
    n0tiO.3 the prrooritage    or the aiarimum value 0r the
    oertifloate    aotually paid on the last death olaiar                '
    in said group, olub, or olasr . . .”
    Hononblo   0. P. Lookhurt,    pa&e 5
    Artloloo~C766-1799 (Chaptor 6, Title  i8, repealed)
    p&wide ror the organization   or a oorporetlon  to tranract
    looldont ln8wanoo burlnero upon the 8o-operuto    or mutUa1
    la8eoount plan undor end rubjoot only to tho provlolo~      or
    8eid ohaptor.
    '-oh oortiiioato   of Mmborrhip, polloy or
    other oontraot or ln8urenoo io8Ued by 8Uoh oom-
    pany lhell boar on it8 moo In rod lottorr         tho
    r0ii0ring woraor 'The payment of the banoflt
    heroin pr0via0d ror 10 00nditi0n0a      upon it0 being
    OOlleOtOd  by thI8 oompany frOIQl88088QOntO end
    othor lOUroO8 a0 provided in it8 by-lwm.'
    Nothing in th18 ohaptor ehell bo oonntruod to
    prevent tho oreatlon    or a ro8orvo   runa by my
    luoh orgeniz8tIon, whloh fund, or it8 oooro-
    tlOM, or both, 8ro to bo u8od only for the pay-
    ment of 108808 or bonofltr,     a8 provldod In the
    by-law8 of ruoh oorporotlon.       Such oorporatlon
    may oherge a membrrrhip or admIoslon ieo of not
    8xOeedlz& throo dollar8 upon eaoh p01loy 108ucd,
    tho prooeoda or rhloh may be pleoea in the ox-
    pensa rm, and 8t loaot 8lxty per oont or all
    amount8 realized fion a4 other l0~roe8 ohall
    be Uoed only for tho payment of 10o800 or bono-
    rit0 00 they ooour, or the balanoo theroof ro-
    malnlne lrtor poylng luah looreo or benerltr
    tranrirrrod to luoh ro8ervo     fund.   Such mombor-
    #hip fee may al00 8pply a0 a payment or oredlt
    UpOn tho initial l88a88DBnt     Or pX’OM.iUm, if  the
    by-law8 0r the oorporatlon 80 pr0via0. Aoto
    1905, p. 311, AOt8 1915, p. 255.”
    *Eaoh notloe or looos8mentr made by 8UOh
    oorporatlon    upon Ito membero,  or   any of them,
    8hau truly ltete the oau80 and purpooe 0r 8Uah
    eroe88mont,    om0unt paid on the lart olalm pala,
    the oeUoo or dirabillt~     or death, the name of tho
    member ror ubooo doath or dl8abllIty       8uoh pay-
    ment war made, tho m8xImun raoe value 0r tho oec-
    tliloat0    or polloy, and, in oa80 Of di8ablllty,
    the mulmm      amount provldoa. for In 8UOh polloy
    or oertli~ioetoror 8uoh dI8ability, end, it not
    paid in full,    the reason  ~horofor.    hot 1903,  P? 174.”
    Gi P. Lcickhart,
    ;;.onortiblo                     pee% I
    Art1010 4797 la es r0iit3ti8:
    ~ivo~y pollo~ or oertlrloeto         ls~ued by eny
    such oorporetlon         shall spoolr’y the sxa oi money
    WhiCb      it  prO~~iOt%   t0   pay Up02 the aontIn&anay
    insured acalnot,          and the number ot day5 after
    the receipt of satIsl’c.otory           proor or the happen-
    la5 of suoh oontln+:ency at whloh SUCh payment
    ‘. shell ba sado.          Upon the hoppanlng or such eon-
    tlr-saoy,       euch oorporatloa       shall be liable ror
    the paymant of suoh amuzzt la rull et the tine
    80 Bp6Oiiib4,         subject    to puoh legal 36fMlS6S as
    it nay bavc agalnoti scimo+ If the siup realized
    by It from 88sessmcnts mado In acoordenoo with
    its      by-laws to meet 5uoh p.eyment, together with
    such other, su.. OS its bplaws              mey rovlde shall
    be used for that purpose, shall be Pnsti$lclunt
    to pay !iuoh's;lcp la rull          for uhlch it la so lla-
    ble, then the pay'rmit 08 the full aaount 80
    realized       shell dlsoher&o such oorporatloq        from
    all llablllty, by rensou of the happening of
    s.uoh oontingonoy,         and In t&t event, ouch car-
    goration shall be liable            only for the errAunt so :
    aatuelly raollzed.            
    Id. Sec. 12.
    It ia our opinion that 011 compan$e8 or essoola-
    tlone do;:*4 buoiuess un3er ;.rtloles    6784-4799 are doin   busl-
    ness on the *poat-xorte1;? or aretsomant-as-nc-edsd*    plan as
    referred to in Agtlols     5068-1, Section 15, as tho notloe or
    assesommt raqulyed by Xrtlole       4795 would be aeanla&lcss   un-
    1~5s appllod to essoonments medo after the losseshad already
    aoorued.     Thororort, it would be imposslblo ror suoh oom-
    paalos or assooietlons     to levy an ennual asaeesment in ad-
    VLLAO~ and make provisions    for lt to bo paid’ in perIodlo la-
    ~rtlole    48591 (Chapter      S/L, Title   781, Seotlon    1, is
    as r0u0wi3:
    “380. 1. Any oorporatlon     drganlzed end ln-
    oorpo?ated under a pre-exlstlng       law In this State
    without capital     stook and not ior profit,     whloh
    la;v hao beon mended or ropcaled or reenacted,
    and which was operotlng      and aotualy    oarrylng on
    In this State ImmeUlately prior to Januery 1, L933,
    the state-wide     buolneos or mutually proteotlng      or
    iASrlr:Ag    the lives of its mombers by asoossnents
    tcade LQOAit8 membwe m8y ooniply with the terms of
    lionorable   6. P. Lookhart,       pat33 7
    thlr, iot,   subJeot      to the subsequent        provial    onr
    Seation   9   or   said ..mIols     Is,    In part,     ab   roli0rrs:
    “The rbliCt funds or any oorporntlon        ooiu-
    ply&       with and operating    under the term or
    this hat shell be. orontod by assessmcnta levled
    upon thb mbllbera 02 s&I3 oorporatlon.         Such assess-
    ix&s my be made pcrlodioalty           upon such boo-
    tinlfencios   as my be provided in the by-lam o$
    the corporation,     or at suoh steted periods ss in                           ’
    the disorotlon    or the r&ma&ng ofrloer       or or-
    there     or the oorporatloa    rwrg be deemed nooessory.
    Tbo banePIts to be paId by ouch corporation            shall
    be .dbpendent upon the amount realized        from asaess-
    3enLs upon the mti’JershIpi      end the ~asrtlficoto
    shall so provide; and.the certlfloete         shall also
    ‘sthte the aiaslnu~ to be paid.        Such corporation
    &hall provide In Ito by-laws ror the portlon’or
    Its essessments to be allottsi        to tho rioartuary ’
    fund. and msy provide for the peynent out or sail
    .~ortuary fund 0r all ettorneys*       ieca end necessary
    txpenaes arIsIng out or the derense, settler&ant,
    or peyraent of oonteetsd     olelms.~
    SectSon   11 or asid      Artlole    Is,    In part.     as follows:
    Wo oorporatlon     hereudar   shall Isscle any
    ocrtlrioate     or polloy upon a lllclted payment
    plan, nor guarantee or promlso to pay any type
    oi endowment or nnnuity bonefits,        but shall ooa-
    rIne It6 operation      to the Issuanae ot oertlti-
    aates looklng to oontlnuou        payment premium or
    yi3;mmt0        $urIng the lire time 0r the polloy-
    .. . .
    Sootion   12 or aeM hrtlole          IS as follows:
    -30 borporatlon      operating under this Aot
    shall write any policy or 0ertlrIoote          0r Insur-
    enoe celling    ror a naxlnum bensrft in exoaes 0r
    Five Thousand Dollars        ($~,OOO.OO), nor any polioy
    or oertliloete     ot Insuraaoe unless the nembershIp
    or oaId corporatloa,       liable   for assessmmts   on
    said poliog or oortlrloatb         or group or olass or
    club liable    therefor    shall be ourrioient In number
    :ionorabl   G, F. Lockhart,   par;e 8
    at tbt aaoonsmnt rate oharywd seIJ olass to pay
    rift+ par cent (5%) or the maxI:m4 bcnerit afit
    rorth In said polloy or certlfloata,          In the evoat
    the menbarshlp in say group, 01888, or club 0r
    said corporation    shall rall below suoh nursber,
    then the oorporatlos     shell inmedfately      aotIfy the
    mmbera OC suoh group, olsss,        or olub, ani Il
    saii amcberahlp Is not lnarcaaed to mid nuber
    within six (6) mx.Me tharearte0,          sold group,
    olaos,   gr club shall be ‘oonsolldated      wlth SOW
    other group, olass,.or      club, or disoontinued,
    Dzet’d,o,6,y,tn;,E$ corp.ratIon    hereunder has only
    or club, ,then in ths event the
    ~nembershlp of se&l aorpcrztloq       shall at. any time
    rell below fifty    per  oent ($O$) or the nuabcr
    roqulred at the assosscxnt rate obarend to pay the
    r?oxIaum benefit provihd by any one or its pol:oIos,
    or oertlffaates,    the oorporation     shall~l~edlatsly
    notlip the members 0: tho oorporatIoa;,and           uulese
    the uembcrshlp Is Incroasod tq said number within
    EIX (6.) months thareattor,      the Attorney Sonernl
    shall takt steps under Seotlon 13 or thls Lot to :
    brIcS about the llquldatlon       or’ said oorporatlon.”
    Seotlon 13 of said .QtIole      Is, In pm,, .a8 rollowsr
    “At any t1r.e the 30ar3 o$ Zssuranoe ComIs-
    sionars,   ai’ter Investl~atlon,     shall ba sa~leiIe3
    that aaJ: oorporatioa     operating under the provi-
    eions or this &at In this Stete IO Insolvent, *bow
    cuse the denth 01eI.m due and unpaid vfldohhavb
    zmtmed ‘under polIoIas written after suoh oorpora-
    tlon complied with the tmzs of this Act exceed
    th6 assets 0r the corporation        and asseasrcp,nts or
    perIodloal    payments ceiled,    or to b6 oall.ed, or IF.
    the process 0r oollectIoz,       or which axy reasonably
    be nade egelnst tho membera subjeot to ussesaiZtnt,
    or Sas eqxsded     Its pomrs,     :‘alird  to comply with
    amf provlolons    or the lews or thla State appllca-
    ble to It, or has a nmb,rrshIp of less than rive
    hundred (500) payinS their assessments,          tho i‘coard
    ski&l1 rsport the fact to the .:ttOrney General Of this
    State who shell thereupon apply to SW court In
    Travis County &evinS jurlsdlctloa         thereor for leave
    to rile a cult in the nature of ‘quo warrant0 to for-
    feit the oharter of such oorporation          or to require
    It to conply with the law or to SatISrY the SOard as
    to Its solvenoy.     . .v
    The above quoted statUteo      tuthorite    the csekingof
    perio;ilcsl    P.SsL.Cazesnts upon tklo .?163iber’ROf oorpor~~tlons or-
    sonfzed thereunder,     eni it is o.ur oplnloa thct suah assess-zente
    can be mid0 in my way dtdrea,         thst is, onnutilly,   quarterly,
    rxmthly or othenvlse,‘ao       ions as the required Sunda are eeoured;
    but ;Ne Sind no authority      Sor the deduction Sroa the lace mount
    OS t&o policy ttie unpaid port of any tmnual aaeensmcat. xe
    think this latter     holdlnc is further supported by the prool-
    sion in Zeotion 11, above set oat, to thr cftcct          that thf: cor-
    porutfOA so organlzcrd shall l*ooM’ino its operctlon        to tho io-
    sullnc6 of ocrtiflcatea     looklag to oontlnuoao prbniua ;aymentn
    Or ~SS~SSQ~ZStS&UrilltJ th0 Iii'0 ti716 Of 8. poli~gholdsr,”      t?nri
    It 1s clersr Srocn thls provision     that the Lo&lnture      did not
    lnzend Sor ey ungald purt of an'atinaml        asseaemmt to be
    deduot6d Sron the Saoc amount 0,C the polioy eStor the. death
    or the ins-ureb.
    @tLole  6875a-l--b875a-31    (ChaptGr 9A, Title 78)
    provides Sor the organization    OS local mtual tid assoolotlons
    psylf3.rbcnerlte where the Sun.ls are prooiiibd by eosesszmat of
    the ziwi5ers ca needed.
    Article    &875a-5 outlines what mst be done in order
    to or~cnlze a local nitua 1 al.? assooiatlon,      but the latter  part
    o: S;lb-division     (5) thereof ?rovidcs:   “That the, prool&me of
    t&lo SXOt~OA shall not asply to any lwal        nutual eli tissocla-
    Con SOWoc~zn?zed enl opzzatlng whose total ziecmberohip shall
    at no tixe exceed Qaa Thi’uoaud (1,000) iaezbtjars and which shall
    never char@ ror amual dl~a or asseaemnts           in excess of Cm
    (;1.30)   3ollar enok, ati wboso membership foes &.a11 at no
    tic;e exceed Two Dollars cn3 Fifty Cents (32.50)..*       Ye think it   .
    is a16ar fIDS6 thi8 prOViaiOn thfAt Said eXO8pted au800i0ti0n.5
    cm not authorized        to levy imnual ~sstmiments in advonoe a&almt
    the polloio's    of their aenbers..
    c         Article   4535a-1   is aS fOllWa:
    @This Act shall     spply   to enp, r6,Wate    the
    buo1ness    of looel nuttml aid oesooiationn        oporat-
    ins for    the purpma of >rovldlng bsnetlt     for    ~em-
    bum orid death benefit ror the benerl’olurles         OS
    doaoese~d members, on:1 s&i&l ooaprehend and include
    ali cooietlos  and aseoclotlons    or any sort operat-
    ing en insurance business and paylne suoh benelite
    where runIds are providedtgl   assesam6ats upon    i;h%
    members 88 needed, except thcqe herelnarter        exewtod.*
    fionorable   C. P. Lockhart,      page 10
    Art1010 6875e-2      i8 00 rOmJ/S:
    “Any person or i)6r36m ;!oslrlng to oqanlze
    n .locnl   autilul   ol?l ussoclatlon     to be opsrstsd
    upm the usseammt          8s ncedod or slallvr      glaa shall
    be pcmltted       to do so upon the. te,rzs and ootil-
    tions herelndrter       sst rorth.     !I0 person, rim or
    ‘. oorparntlon shall hemafter           operate I.? this State
    auy sort 0r a 1006l Mutual aid soolety            or assoclatlon
    ?c;yln& e %eath becsfit       or othrr btn6tit.s an1 pro-
    vldl~   its Pun& by assesments            ES n6eded, exoept
    under the provisloas       hereo:,    or under other spo-
    olrlo p,-ovlslons of the laws OS this State.”
    Article   6875~1-13 is 8-i r01iows:
    The benefits  to be puS& by sqotr essoclatlon
    sixsll be dspea3ent upon cho mount reellzed     Sroti
    ass6ssnmts   upon the mezbershlp, ti the certificates
    issued shall so provide;  and the ocrtltioatea    shall
    also state the mxinun to be ge?d..
    krtlols   4875a-14   is as tallows:
    “An c8soolatlon    shall not lssu6 oertirloptes
    -Wovldlxq for a level pre5lium or guaranteed benefits,
    nor ror surrsnber    of loan value8.~
    Artlols   4675a-17is; in part,.as
    The S’unjs OS the assooletlon   shall be derived
    rro::: mezxbarshlp rees and enseescwats.    Lssessments
    shall be auUs upon the xtmberohip to wet brnetit
    slalxs and for surplus runs and Sor erpctnses. Calls
    tar esseossients mst epeclry the purpos6 for which
    made. . .”
    ‘Eihlle there my be sme oo;:fllot   between ths provisions
    hsroinabova c;uotud to tha efiect   t&t associations    or~un1ze.d
    under Chapter 92, shall sooum their fun::8 by assess08nts       upon
    the mnbera    89 nrs3ed end the provisions   that asssssnents     shell
    also be cede upon the xeenber$hip for surplus Suds,      it is QUr
    opinion that the Le&slature    intended to provide that a11 OS
    such Sunis should be provided by essessmints     85 needed, whloh,
    ln OUT opinion, means .by post-Etorten essessrients.    Theretore,
    it is olur opinion that any oozpani6s 0~ associations      opertitia&
    under said chapter 9A tsnd whioh were so Oporotl%3 at the tits0
    Eoaorablo          0.    P. Leokhart,            pa80 ll
    Art1010 ~068-1 beour lttootlro                             ore not outhorlmd           to levy
    baawl losomkoato la abvoaoo,                             with   rorioloa that          tho
    o uua t
    o r ma o l
    huouaeato                             na yb8 p a16)
    in p a r io b io~o~l
    o o ~-
    Thooo guolitioatioao   0r our aogativo aamor to roar
    inquiry ua booo4       a t&o ooaolwloa  that a0 l8ooouuat oaa
    bo nod8 upon the po  $8~ of an fn~uro6 oftor hi8 do&h, and
    that ho would be require6 to w      owh uoooomoato only until
    tho     tlu       0r hi0      do*U.            or 00~00,        ii u     UUI~II. ~~000~84t
    ho 8b o o n
    a do aad th o a ir la 8 p a r t           rhioh wa s
    o r itunp a id
    &AO prior to the do&h of a& inourdd; than tkat pwtioular
    pod       d&t       bo     doduotod           from    th* 1Caooouuat        or tho polio
    but our holdimg io that                        luoh goliorholbor          oanaot bo nqu I'rod
    to    pay oay rrmmmat                        lxoopt thot whirl          Qovoro llo iu a a
    lower         u    until      the      tbo      ot hlr dooth 6n4 t&at ,-no               or      nid
    mm        lut gorho
    tho dodurtior 0r tmpd                                   bot~lmoato       0r      on
    umuol rooomaoat ?roa tho taoo lnouat                                   of tho golloy         aftor
    tho dooth of tho iaourod.
    Truotiag             that     thio    latiofootorlly       laoworo     rotu      la-
    wr?l,         1* -r

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5996

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017