OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eononblo Traylor Rurrrll Dimtrlot Attornmy 76th Judicial Dlatrlot Yt. Plenaant, Texas D6ar airr i 28, 1944, you robmlt ra. v opinion 0r thir a fraa your lotkr arm rubmtantia1l.y rm lpoaltory bank ha.WtCellmotorli date &ax08 are. oon- agraog,&Cher liltan Ithe rrlr County, bs$orr m due the Collrotor r0r the ts taX86, and who 16 the proper parson, or auak approval end the prooadurr a8arrsary there to 1 3." Are aonth2.y reportn shoring lotor rehlclr regletretion feea oolleotsb rsqulrod to be epprovad by the Copunlsslonare* Court or moaa other egenoy or person; end Ron. Traylor Ruaaell, Pa&e 2 4. If suck report8 are riot required to be approved by .soma eganoy, or pareon, Is th8 dapoaltory bank llebla to the County for par- mlttlng the Collrctor to raoelvs oomalaalona for the oollsotione of tha mama evan t&ough tha Colleotor may make an error and rroolvm more oomiaIaaIon than ha la satltl~d to; In other words, Is the 48poaItorp benk raqulnd in effect to audit auah aooounta to see that the Collsotor Is rso~IvIng the propmr oomala- alons? The monthly report refarred to In your requrat Ir not to be oonfurad with the fiaoal re ort requlr#d by hrtlolr 3897, but we oonstrua gour request so Pely aa rsletIng to with- drarala prior to Its epproral or mattloment made with tha Cosp- troller an cortenpleteb wlthln Artlolaa 3896-3901 Inolualva, V. A. C. 5. In our oplnlon Ho. O-1090, approved July 31, 1939, $ oopy or whfoh Ie hanto attaohed, 10 hald that where e Tax Collabtorwas oompmmtrd on an gnual rrs barn18 and dipoalted the fear and oommIaaIons he would br authorirad under law to retain In tb dapoaltory bank, tha bank'ha8the rI&t to ro- quira 6UOh flduoiary ofrioar to Wnlrh pm0r or the aaount lagsll~ due tha Tax-Collrotor am a oondltlon prooedrot to the wIthdrawa or mame. Thr mtatutea thereIn cited es6 partioclnt to thir Inquiry and we consider maren without recopyIn thsa at le th, wishing to poiut out, how8Wr. that Paragraphs Nos. 4, 53 ana 7 or Article 7260 and NOS. 4, 5 and 6 or ArtIole 7261 wara omlttrd ee Irrrlavant to the question oonaIderrd In the above 0FfnIon. &+a406a It partlnmt hare t0 Sat forth SW&I psre@rapha 4, 5 and 6 of Artlolo 7861, readlag as follows: O4. At the aaxt regular meting or ths ,CommIrslonars Court, thr Tax Collector shall ap- pear befOx maid Court and m&e a 8uamarIzod stfito- wnt, showlag the disporrltion or all oogeys, both or the Stats end oounty, oollaotad by hIi% during th6 previous three (3) sontha. Said statement muet ehow that all taxes cum. the Stats have bean Ron. Traylor Rua6611, Pqgo 3 pronptly rsaiitted to tha State Trsaeury at ths and of each nonth, and all tare6 due the oounty have bean paid ov6r promptly to the County ‘IYsaaurar and ah611 flls proper vouchsre and M- WJiFt5 ahOWiK@ 66m6. “5. The CoamlaaIonera Court ah611 6xamIns such atatsnent snd vouohara, togathrr with an It6mlzod report and tax rrorlpt atubr fllod eeoh month, and shall aompsr6 the away with the tsx rolls (md tax reorlpt etuba. If round uorreot In every partloular, and If th6 Tax Colleotor h6a prap6rl.y aooountad for all hx66 001180t04, 6s provldsd sbovr, ths Coa!6Ia6Ion6ra Court shall rntrr an or&or approving 6aId report, and the ~l;;;6;pprovIng ammo shell bs rroordrd In thr . “6. Th6 Tax Collootor shall flually adjust and settle hi6 aooount with tha CommIaaIon6ra Cuurt for tha county. tax86 00116cto6, at the 86me tlm and In th6 amno manner as Is provIdrd In tha fOrmgk&& Atticlo In his aottlreunt with the Stat& Acts 1893, p. 90; 0. L. vol. 10, p. 20; Aotcl 1937, 45th tie., p. 1.328, oh. 491, 8 1 .* The ~666 or Nsw Am6trrdam Osaualty Co. vs. Plrat Rational Benk, 134 8. Vi. (24) 470, Involved a ault by tha Pl6lntlrr a6 aur6ty on the bon4 of th6 T6x Assasaor and Col- laotor against the dspoaltory bauk for loss wEt6In66 a6 a re6ult or wr~rqml appropriation 0r 6xoaaa rr.6. Refsrrlng In Its opinion to ArtIal6 7260 and 7261, V6rnon’a Annotated Civil Statutes, In the%& sntlraty, th6 Bl Paeo Court of Civil Appeal6 enld, and w6 qtiotsr “‘rh666 portions or th6 statute 86em to us to plainly forbid ths pagaent to Ohs county Ool- lactor from the public money In the de-pository 0r hi6 eerned r6e6 until his aeoounts are approv64 by th6 oomml6e.lon6rs* court. Austin v. Klssr, Tex. Clv. App..
277 S.W. 411, afilrmed, T6x. Corn. App., 286 S. vi. 1082; Knight v. Harpsr, T6x. CIv. APB., 279 S. ::‘. 589, 590; Austin v. FOX, Tex. Civ. App., 297 S. w. 341, 343.” The forerain oaa6 in clted aa authority by the 5th Ciroult Court ot Aqxala in Citizen’s ?;utioaal &XL%of “iaco v6. IIdolity and ZMposlt Coqahy ol &zyland, 117 .L’ccI. (26) S52, aartiorori dsniad, 61 5. Ct. 947, whersln it was held that the C;Lunty Commtasioneta were tha only mea tluo ti;aC the power or sutllorlty to approve feea of thi3 Tax-:.sses- sor and Collector. Articls 1637, Revised Cl+!1 Statutes, 1925, pro- vldee: “To axa.nin% iiA%nC% %OooUnts.--The 001&111ie- alnners ccx.trt shail, ‘at aneh meular term, cx- amins all accoslnte 6nd rcoorts r%latln(S to the tinanoea of t&a oounty, and coolpars the. aame with the voucher% sccoapanyirq $h%a, and o%use such oowx.otionr ‘to be n%d%as are necestmx.v, in ordrr tc sake said Doaounts end renorte oor- r%ut, and ah811 onuee fill Ortl8rS sada by tbsrii, sF,“ert%lnlne, tc safd aooounta and rapcrts, to b% properly %nt%xod upon tha minutes of %aId oourt ‘anti noted upon %a10 accounts and r%portsew .hrticls 3696, V. A. C. 3 . , prOVid%%that in CCunti%% haring no county aubltor, it shall be tha duty of the corolla- slcaers~ court to make tha exaainotion of the books and aooounta of each district, oounty end precinct officer ahov;irr,c: all fess end comisslons earned by hfm. Article '3897 of such Statutes, contains the provision requiring a copy of the fleeal rsport (on form designeted and aTproved by the Stnts Auditor) to ba’fllad with the County Aud- itOF, if %lny; othsmisa, SS.P%co be filed witk the oommiasionsrs~ court, an$ Artlo>.% 3899 (a) rel;uZes to tha morn .:mnthly expsnse report repuirsd ox enoh Tax ;\saes%or and Colloctnr com!enaat%d or: c Me basl$. .“zt~ola 3937, v. A. C. s., conbe.ix thu followi~ prcviaion: ,* . . . . Hon. Traylor Russ%ll, Pags 5 “Tha commisaionsrs~ oonrt shall allow ths %SS%SSor Or taxes Such auma of .%onsy to bs paid mnthly rrom ths ocunty tr4aSury. a6 .xay ba neoes- aery to pay for clerical ‘ffork, tekfng ssseismente and .JakiJI& OUt the tax rolls Ot the oounty, (duah su!aa SO allowed to be dsducted frog th% asouSt al- lowrd to the na86Saor as co% %n%atIoS upon th% olroplation of Said tax rolls f* progidsd, the amount allowed the esseSeor bi thu oo~iaeionors’. ,; court shall not sxcesd the oo;lp%nsation that may br due by county to him for aaSeSs1ng.n ! Artiolr 3939, R. C. EL, 1925, provides for cud fixes the oommiasloa payeble to ths Tax Aososrtor and Collaotor rOr the oollsotion of both Stats and oounty taxre. i Under ths foregoing authorities, thr oommlrsionsre~ court la th% only lrgally aonetltut%d gw%rumntal body or agenay authorlzsd to ,approo% the monthly r%portS ct ths Tex Assa%Sor end Collector of Korria County. Thsro is no author- itg for thr county dspoeitory requlrlng auoh r%port% to bs ! approrsd by any othsr govarmmntal ag%noy aa a condition pra- c%d%nt to the withdrawal of ooePlieeione %am%d by the Tax ASS%aSor and Collsctor and dspositsd In th% d%poaitorp bank. It is, thereron, our opinion that your question Eo. 1 ba and it is h%r%by answersd In the mgativs. Thie disposes of question ho. 2 Submitt%d oondltionally and baaad upon en afflrmetiva 6nSwm to qasstion No. 1. It was hsld In Ammarl6an Surety Company OP New York vs. #apner &%tinnal Bank, 13 r6a. Supp. 295, that there was no law which required tha recsipts from motor vehlcls regle- trations to be d%posit%d ln any particular institution. SlAO% a% ar% considering eolaly tha officer’s oommiaaione, and undsr the t declaicn, Said comniaslone r%mein solely und%r ths control of the officar insofar ~8 the depository bank ia concerned. . reporting f! nnd aooou,nting to the State and oounty for the funds collaotsd undar ths Motor Vehicl% hegiatration Aot is s neoesoary port oi ths Tax Aeaessor end Colleotorl% duties since he perlams such dutim as a Fart or the OffiOlal Hon. Traylor Ruamll, Page 6 dutlrs of his offior as Tax Aeesseor and Collector. Harris ~;;;ltg9~. Hall 172 S, W. (26) 691, State v. Glass, 167 S. W. Under tha latter ease the Court held that suoh fees ear&d by the Tax Assessor &d Collector was B roe or orrice snd must ba rooountad rar. Under question No. 3, you rarer to automobile re,qIstretIon rsoeipts, presumably oollsotad undrr ArtIole 6675a-lOa, V. A. C. 8. We give primary oonaldetatlon therr- rors to those fees provided In Artlole 6675a-11. EFeare not advised, howGv%r, In what manner they atra daporlkd and held by the depository bank. RsIng Is.38 0r 0rr100, Harris county v.
Hall, supra, they are to be accounted ror by the OrfIorr. Article 6675a-11, V. A. C. S., aontalna the roilowing provision: ” Out or the oompenaatlon 80 allowed County TaGoileotora, It iB hereby expressly pro- vided and raquuirsd that they shall pay #a entire axponas or issuing all license rsoeipts and nuabor plator and. ohauiieura badges Issued pursuant harmto, including the oost or l.bor psrrorm@d In Issuing aald rsoelpts, numbor plates and badera and the cost of postage used in mailing 55meto applloanta.n bhethsr or not the monthly expense report of tha off’lcsr, Artlals 3899 (a), Inoludss or ehould Include euah isas, If material, Is not desmcid neoaeaary to decide. Slnao you state the Cormnlaaloners* Oourt Is approving a monthly raport of suoh fees, It would appear that your question of withdrawal of these funds arrects only tha depoaltory bank. ‘In amswer to your question No. 3, It I0 our opinton that the Commlaslonsr~e Court la required, at each regular term to look into and exemina the reports and aocounts relatlog to the rinanoea or ths county as provided In Article 1637, R. C. S., 1925. This stetuta la to be eonstrued with Art1016 3899 (a), V. A. C. 8. . Insofar es the iaote submitted relste to questIon Ro. 4, It appears that aana primarily oonoerns the tax assessor and oollector and the depository bank. W8 say this for the Hon. ‘Baylor Ruresll, Page 7 reason that Wee and oommisslons earned by the oiflorr and ool- looted within the limits of the annual aa~lmum and exoe8a toss he is entitled to retain are not etrlotly the property of thr Stats or oounty but are ooneldrred public f’unda where drpoaltsd In the daposltory bank uneagregatsd, and we oannot aasuma any unlauf’ul withdrawal or State run4s lnvol``d. At most, the ’ quratlon or llabllity on thr part of the doporitory bank 18 one or raot, dependent fUrther upon a situation oonrrontlng you as would propsrlr ralas the question. At any euoh time you are uonfrontod with a question of aotual lose or State or County runde 88 a rsrult of withdrawals by the Tar Asersaor- Collrotor iron tb drpoaltory bank, we will be only too glad to go Into the question of liablllty by considering all faots in oonnrotlon thsrewlth. Youra vary truly ATTORNEY jX+SAL OF Jl’EXAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5994
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1944
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017