Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •                                             ........
    OFFICE    OF   THE   ATTORNEY            GENERAL        OF   TEXAS
    rl?ml*c+ Om*s”dr‘
    Ronorablo J. E. HoDeDlld, Caalroioner
    aprtment    of Aigrl6ulture
    Awtla,   Tox8r
    Dear 81r1
    ur latter 0r April
    25tik,reqwrtlng        olw
    VWD      to   WV
    a AMoUted        Poxal    8tatutwr
    QOPa!kt of the raot     tbt       &ah      seedr    or   raata We
    80 eontalaed      lntermlwd vlth rwh O(Lta,
    ln or
    hap, atraw, wed or &raia &all be iimd not less
    than twsaty-five non wre than one thousand dol-
    It shall not be riaoea8Wy to nllem or
    $::a ths+nasm of the owwr of the land but it
    sh ab ll
    r uffia
    l ient     ljege and prove that tM
    la& was not dsfeadi;nt’rr
    Honorable J. &, W~Donald, page 2
    Artlclo 1360, Vernon'6 Aamtat6d Pm61 statutea:
    ‘Ho    person,          of
    asrocl.atl.on  pBr6on6, oorpopa-
    tiOQ, WtCP ~&@GVG6#lit   OP irpi@ti~OQ district
    ounlu& leasing or opeluting any ditch or canal
    Op Pe68rvolP,  op oultlvatlngany land6 abutting
    uoon "ICf~~~~k~,"P;t'3~o~~~~~~te-
    WY or
    Ru66lQrrPhlrtlo to go to reed upon rush re6er-
    voir, dltoh, flmw, ~111~1,uaste-ma OF latepal
    vlthln tea SWfi 0s Ihe high WtoP 11ne OS bi%y
    swh ~o6urolr     ditoh, tlumo, -1,    vsrtr-
    v8y, or later* ib vhem the wao o~~wea or 1166
    upon land ln the ovnemhip OP aontrol of may ruah
    peP6OD,     666G6iaiGa   or   per6601,        ooPpeP8tlon
    matep lmprovomontor lrrlgetioadf8trlot: by
    persoa vlolrrtinga             a? thlr (Lptiola
    shu   b6 a6d  a0t "f011stan  tvm~-riv6   ~0p
    more than flvo huudred dollrr6, OP b6 LPprIron-
    ed in Nil not h38S t&n thirty t%Q'6BOP more
    than 6Ir noath6, or both. 'l!hIr6rtlole 8lull not
    appl to wi6 Green, sterling, xrlon, schleloh8p,
    floll& Eirml6ter,Memwd, Mwepiok, my,
    ValVerde and &a Saba Countler.'
    Article6 7598 and 7599, Vepmn18 AnnOtated Civil
    atatute8,   provide in e6~enee the 6mm aa Artlole 1360, rupr6.
    An    examlnatloa al    the   above       rtatutes     and     other6
    dealing Ulth Jshason &I%66       fail6         t0  di6alo66      any    pPoVi6if~
    mking  16 tmlavful to aov       Johwon          grass     upcn   your     ova   prem-
    ~ECS vlkh the rxaeptloa of Brtlole 1.360,rupra, (also OF+
    bodied in bstloled,7598 and 7599, 6q-W.)
    Hovever, lu fful$0. 8 S. P. R. CO. v* Oaker, 94
    155; 58 s, Y. 999, 5a L. R. A, 293, 86 Am. St. Rep.
    835, the gexas buprsae court, said, la dictum,'In Pthw.tkg
    to the 1~68or lajumtlana by an adjoining Lund omop to en-
    join a la& owner SPW sovl~ upm hi8 OIR la&i the 6eed of
    Joharm *68x
    (I      It astybe conceded fkhPtif @ alr-
    chlevo~8*&as, not ~tumlly govl        upon land,
    3 inevltrbly
    but;brought there by its oimep~ voul
    go spread upon sdjolnlag farm6 a6 to destroy thei.p
    Henorabls J. B. MaDonald, pge                           3
    oapaalty            tt3 poduo~ l&y other               6ZO96,     the iatro-
    duatloa of it would b@ On uW466on6ble   US4 Of hi6
    lrnd by 6UUh OVUer,  b4eWae itvould for44 Oth r P 6
    to forego 611 other u.y   of their ova propmty.
    And 60 it night  be under auoh circumrt6ncea1466
    ertreas Thea those ru~poasd. But it 18 obviour
    th6t to 46t8b116h & lirblllty Of thi6 66P6, the
    OVidW4N         nU6t         ShGV     ths   fW3t6     R4Q4666l7     to     giV4
    rise to it,'
    r a ~ic nro r th a r0r0going and in lr efer$ 0JOW
    tW#6tiOEA, W fOO1 th a ta p OP WB m y IOV Id6 Of JOh B -
    son   gm66          upoa his ova hid                 it h4 60 d46l~0,              tie66      th4 land
    0oRas vlthin tha                      OVilIiOBS      Of &tiOb       u60,          EU$UW, (a160
    embodied la           Artlo     r06 7598 and 7599, iupra),                   but under o8rtai.n
    UOadi.tiOM t&M   my b0 &a injUt&QtiOBP46t~iEIt w Ul WtjOiB-
    lag lend evmr  aa~’
    lndiaated in OulS C. & S, 1. R. Co. v.
    06k86,      6UPti.            !fkd#    a160       ~BEV4P6 JOUP     64Ooad         QuS68iOB,    &as
    Smith lkd @#tPO                 OOUBtl66 befas 00 lXCOptiOU.
    fPU#tm            thi6     66ti8~OtOPfif        4E6V4PE ml%P           QUOEtiOQ8,
    W$    vlth b66t P8$aPd6, ve aP4
    Very         t~aly pus6
    j.;.;:J‘\ ATl'O~
    ./'I:;,                         -             01 TltxAS

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5983

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017