Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • Honorable Wayne Lefevre
    County Auditor
    Clay County
    Henrietta, Texas
    Dear Sir:                     Opinion No. o-5978
    Re: Whether Clay County can
    legally expend money out
    of its Permanent Improve-
    ment Fund for the purpose
    of erecting a monument or
    some form ,ofmemorial on
    the courthouse yard in
    honor of Clay County boys
    in the Armed Services.
    Your letter of ,April 18, 1944, requesting'the'opin-
    ion of this department on the matters stated therein read8 a8
    "Would it be legal for 'Clay County, Texas,
    to expend out of its Permanent Improvement Fund
    (Building Fund) monies for the purpose of erect-
    ing a monument or some form of memorial on the
    Courthouse yard in honor of Clay County boys who
    are in the service, please advise. Or would it
    be necessary for public subscription?"
    Article 2352, of Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes,
    “Said court shall have the power to levy and
    collect a tax for county purposes, not to exceed
    twenty-five cents on the one hundred dollars valu-
    ation, and a tax not to exceed fifteen cents on
    the one hundred dollars vaiuatien to supplement
    the jury fund of the county, and not to exceed
    fifteen cents for roads and bridges on the one
    hundred dollars valuation, except for the payment
    of debts incurred prior to the adoption of the
    Honorable Wayne Lef'evre,page 2 (O-5978)
    amendment to the Constitution, September 25, 1883,
    and for the erection of public buildings, streets,
    sewers, water-works and other permanent improve-
    ments, not to exceed twenty-five cent8 on the one
    hundred dollars valuation in any one year, and
    except as in the Constitution otherwise provided.
    They may levy an additional tax for road pur-
    poses not to exceed fifteen on the one hundred
    dollars valuation of the property subject to taxa-
    tion, under the limitation8 and in the manner pro-
    vided for in Article VIII, Section 9 of the Con-
    stitution and pursuant to,the laws relating there-
    Section 9 of Article VIII of the State Constitution
    prescribes the maximum rate of taxes for general purposes,
    for roads and bridges, for juries, and for permanent improve-
    ments, respectively. The money arising from taxes levied and
    collected for each of the enumerated purpose8 are constitu-
    tional funds; and the commissioners1 court has no power to
    transfer money from one fund to another, nor to expend for
    one purpose tax money raised ostensibly for another purpose.
    The immediate purpose for the provision is to limit the amount
    of taxes that may be raised for these several purposes, re-
    spectively; but it is also designed to lnhiblt excessive ex-
    penditures for any such purpose and to require that any and
    all money raised by taxation for any purpose shall be applied
    to that articular purpose.~ (See Carroll v. Williams, 202
    s. w. 5of; Commissioners1 Court of Henderson County v. Burke,
    262 S. w. 9%; Tex. Jur., Vol. 11, page 609, and authorities
    cited therein.)-
    Generally speaking, it is well established in this
    State that "commissionersI oourts are courts of limited jur-
    isdiction, in that their authority extends only to matters
    pertaining to the general welfare of their respective coun-
    tie8 and that their power8 are only those expressly or im-
    pliedly conferred upon them by law
    tion and statutes of the state." (TEFJZ:     ,b~~E"cli~t'",&i)
    We,have failed to find any authority that permit8
    the commissioners' court to expend county funds for the pur-
    pose heretofore mentioned. We do net think that a "monument
    or memorial" such as mentioned in your letter is a permanent
    improvement as contemplated by the Constitution or statutes
    of this State.
    Honorable Wayne Lefevre, page 3 (o-5978)
    Therefore, in the absence of such authority, it is
    the opinion of this department that Clay County has no legal
    authority to expend money out of Its Permanent Improvement
    Fund or any other county fund for the purpose of erecting a
    monument or some form of memorial in honor of the citizens
    of said county who are in the Armed Services, although the
    proposed expenditure of said funds is a patriotic and com-
    mendable one.
    Yours very truly
    By      /s/ Ardell Williams
    Ardell Williams
    APPROVED APR 2'7, 1944
    /B/ George P. Blackburn
    By     BWB

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5978

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017