Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eotlor8blo &at Ford, Abinl8trotor Tuam Liquor Control Bawd hMt1a 1, fexw DonrAlrt la i oat in Fe&-l Dis- wlsuro no nw ualnlthtllntrr- i~tnt;ioa and trrgits return torant for dollvary to ot Qourt .ordaradSt8 roturn to Surthm lntorhronoo with tho ahlpmottt, on4 lta artion na offlrwd bl tb Ciroult Court. lt. al. ve'.Yollw Cnb Trattslt Jo h wa a , co., 48 ?d. !hpp. 5941 afflrwd $7 ?od. (w) 274. on lluoa lJ, 1944, the 8ttpraocourt of tra~-unlt- ld states wol&.tha wtlott of tb Dldrlat Oourt. Tint oourt Uld Ottoisrue was, *bid tm~parwi0n 0r tb liquora Honorable But Ford, pg. 2 through Oklmhoa *10lete tint state’s lar so as to justify their 8018ure?” Joluuor~ v. Yollov Qb Tmnslt Co., 88 LAW M. 553. Its anawu to this qwstlon turmd upon s oondl- tion t&t 4-s not oxlst uadsr the fsx88 au. Tl%aOkUhoa stmtuto, to uw axpresslon, proTldw t&t tha sorvt’s %o puritto trvnsport liquor lute OkUhom ornbo obU1n.d at all 8xaopt for solentLfl0,mahsnlosl,'madlolml, lndum- trldor M ommonw1 gurpos~8: 8ta.d la nuothu n7, thm prohibltlen~~lnstths Uportatlon af liquor far boruw&s pays lnto ths turltorla? llmlts a? that state 18 sb- . Nnoo gOk14hom oedodto the unitod8tatos la1glJ uluts~u lutbtmlt~ it lv.r oould into wuolmd ln tJn Ilosan- ation," it feUwe$ es a mttor OS Uv “that ths m-1 powor to goworn tho lort Sill lw 1s vootod b the Ibrlted 8tmtw, not ln oklnhau.’ coamquentl~, tha oourt fouad that there us M justillo8tfm for the soltum. The oihu lssw, deolmrkd the aourt, was, mshould tho Dlstrlot Court lsvo &mLod the urrlsr cqtitable rollor beuuu OS the 'uwlua hmnum' aootrlM, 0TrnU though the S~SW~ 0f th8 uqu0r8 b7 w 0fri0m8 WI u.hg~iv It resolved the lssuo with this la-r '1l the ourlugs dalitor7 0r than liquors ontb mrtZlll1 Rosuv8tloaToulQ rlotto~ ioduO1 lav fodmla~ooles axlst vhlahuo W&W .lth rosponsibtlltks to inmtltuto lppro- pint8 oao8eIla&sqplnstthoocur1u !a fodom1 trlbuas E. In suoh pmaotilngs ths prtlaswul4 ba the uNt*4 Stmtrs and the amrrlor, nn6 tha la- 8~0 oi ek8ti0a 0r f0a0w hf8 ~0~ld b0 dmot- 17, md not o6llatanll7, prmwlrted. The aoapll- utod r8w8i qusstioms inrolwe oouaunhg rsrlous fodurrl statutes 2x43wli ss Army rulas rod regulations, oould bo snsror~aupon an ada- qumto pr~sontatloa of sll fwtors lssontl4lto l - right rpd just&tormlmtlon. "Au& rlrrllml7, if the soreral hundred w Ofilaars who amlud rod pld for thwo llquom have acted aontrrry to United Statea SUtutes, Amy Regulstlons,op Ordors of the Port Cmnd- &at, it f.anot to bo doubted that the Any or mm8 other United States agemy 1s a8pblo of dotormin- iagd~~taourn Wllbs pursued. And it orndo so 8t suah tlw rud maa as ~111 lmst k mq mr l8- srat~l mIlltar tralaiag at Port Sill. If the uait;a Btatos shod.4 prooood in tha mttor, tbm Army ofriafai8 would ba hamr6 beson th8y rould be stlgamtiredas lsv bmakers aad subjoatod as suah to AMJ dlsalpliu. . .." Now, 01th the oplntoo of the 8upr.w court la siml, you et0 tha fo&lorla& Teas 8tmtut.8~ “Sub-seotioas (16) rod (18), Soatfoa 17, Article I* of the ?ens Liquor control Aat pro- r1Qo mm rollovsr "'(us). It mmll k UnuTful for a67 UrrlU ' to import iato this *tit0 and dollvoraa liquor to ma yp o r so not o lwh o r ir otod aport th emme, u to trwsprt mad &liver llqoor to my parson in & dry mromla this Stat., unless .tho w bm for 0 lmvful pwposm 08 prwl4ed la this 4at. I "*(18). It shaU be unlhvtal for U&Jper8oa to laport or to truuport Into this stat* n-a my plaae ootslde the stat* w llquo?, la 8xUess. of one (1) quart, la aoatairurs to rhicb bsvm not bwn rrilxod popu stata tu staqs, aomigawd to, latwdmd for ilellvw to, or bdng tmmmport- od to any permao or place loaeted rlthln ths stitb boun&rlos, udoss thm umo shall bs sowigaod to the holder of 8 4ibelsrl~rs~ Permit athorlslng the 881~ oi suoh liquor sad 8t his plaoe OS bwl- 11488.'~ YOU rrk w to rule on the tollorlng queotlonm: ll. x8 it 8 rlolaloa of the imss Liquor OontirolAat for l Comoa ourlu to t&uuport liquor, am 4dlned by TOIIS hv, to ma rrq amp, p08t or ro8ervatlon 8ltusted la l dry lr* la Bonomblo Eut Ford, pm 4 Yens when ruah liquor is coaalgned to an indi- ridusl, either lotlng alone or for a aollactlve grope of lndlvld~ls, vho my have previously or- ~ar~~~sellrery of 8uah liquor on oc vlthla % Yould tbrr* bo any Qlstlaatlonas to the $4@ qwstion lnvo~vlng 8wh ?Mdorsl.lroeauplod UYS rhothr or not pollae jurlsdlctlonhad bna os&d p7 thm Stata of Tons to the United States Owunnnt?~ fk distlnctlon betrooa the dklrbwMdf~8 s obvious. It 18 tbs d%stlaatloa botwoa lbroluts ltmtuts4 ~ltlonxm the oaa had rod rrsoambls rogulstloa oa the Oklahcm attempted to prseatpta rldd ovu vhloh it had ai urisdlatlonin t& first lastme*. md its statute boon a orsd the literal manlag OS its term, fsdelrl and Fll&y rogulatloa611the wma subjeat would &nra boon pm- . It us this rlw thbt denied the lxartloaof stat* 9-u. Tex88, on the other hand, does not pmhlblt but regulmtw thm lmportatloaOS liquor far hoverago pmpossm. Esd 8 slt~tloa like that la Oklahom arlson under Tons l&v the liquor Sought by the Arm Ofllaezw cmi.ldhava been ob- Ulaed laa lavfulu7 lathls state. !nm lndlrldMls, for omm4a.m).oould hato purahm8ed the same la 8 rot mroa aad urrisd it to tha rrsorvatloa. If it8 malo h&d boon lo@1 on a rillt4x7 rrsuvmtlora, those authorized to roll the sama thnolraould h*e ‘puroimsed the liquor from uholsulsrs in tN& ltmte 8ad MC ~.lc &wfully trmasported to swh roseva- &ion fytbst.ppr9olae. rrhsnls aoaood to l&or this polat aorwuUitasrvearygoodpur9ose to d&all the tarlow prorisl~ cb the Texas Liquor Control Aat mklng llquar rrrllhbleSW buusge purp~nm to persoas la thi8 Utah. Tha fsots am tbt thore qullflod under the law to drink it aaa gmt it. The quastloa 18 fully dlsawsad anA expkinad ln our opiaion lo. O-4438, herwith lnalo8ed. dlnae uo bvo aonaluded that the hx8.r rogulator~ lau is l raasouabla ona and is not 8UbJaat to the orltlalsu lerelladat the 0-w Aat by tha Supram Court of the Wted 8tatas, it lo our oplnloa that per8ocm on mllltwy Bonoreblo Bert Ford, Pge 5 rosarmtlon8 ln thlo State must h governed by ltr terms. Yo rulr, thuofora, that lt 18 not pemlmslbls for & aom- moo urrlar to trrwprxt llquar to aa rrmy armp or re8orvs- tloa *Ihasted La a dr7 lw 0II the o r dullthu of bn La- dlrldukl, whather latlng for himself or far others. We think suah 6 WasporWtloa would ba tmlmful rqprdleas of whothor Tu8s has aoded jurladlatlonof the Irlltey ln8 t0 tb urrit.6 iltite8. UN& TO think thososanvorsto 7ow goaeFslque~- tionm we eorreat. it nr bo that prt1aul.w f&et sltu- tloam oould rrlso uhro man aoafllot ktvwa faderal or milltar reguhtlonr mad sWt0 l8r voul4 ulst. In suah event the mmttu will ba aousldued la tiw light of the prtlauhr feats. Vu7 truly fours A-~LOFrlMb Elbart Eoopu A8818Wa.t Enalosure ,~~"kP!'W'EU \

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5974

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017