Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • I   -.    ,
    E   *a     ORNEY     GENERAL
    Honorable V. P. Sexton
    Orange County
    Orange, Texas
    Attention:   Hr. 3. IT. Adams
    Dear Sir:                 Opinion No. o-5968     -~
    Re: Authority of Constable of Ora’bge
    County to appoint deputies ana
    incur allowable expenses of of-
    We have received your recent pequest for an opinion on
    the following subject z
    Authority of Constable of Orange County to
    appoint deputies and operate his office upon an
    expense account to be allowed by the Commlsslon-
    ers Court, to the same extent as the sheriff.
    Orange County has a population of 17, 382, according
    to the 1940 Federal Census, and Is operhttingon a fee basis in
    the compensation of its county and precinct officers, accord-
    ing to the records of the State Comptroller’s Office.
    Article 3902, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, pro-
    vldes, In substance; that whenever any dlVtriCt,  county or
    precinct offFoer requires the service of deputies such officer
    shall apply to the Commissioners t Court for authorltg to ap-
    point such deputies, and that such court shall make its order
    authorlzlng such appointment and fix the compensatfon,to be
    paid such deputies and determine the number to be appointed as
    in the discretion of said oourt may be proper.    ,(‘,
    Article 687ga, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, reads,
    in part, as follows :
    “Sec. 1. The duly elected Constable in eaoh
    Justice Precinot having a eltg or town of less
    than eight thousand f8;000) population according
    to the preceding Federal Census may appoint 6ne
    (1) Deputy and no more; and each Justice Preoinct
    Honorable W. P. Sexton, page 2
    having a city or town of eight thousand (8,000) and
    less than forty thousand (40,000) population accord-
    i   to the preceding Federal Census may appoint two
    (3 Deputies and no more * and in each Justice Pre-
    cinct having a town or city of forty thousand
    (40,000) population or more accordi   to the preced-
    ing Federal Census may appoint five"i5) Deputies
    and no more, and each and every instance said Deputy
    Constables shall qualify as required of Deputy Sheriffs.
    "Sec. 2. When the Constable In each and every
    Instance named and described in the preceding section
    of this Act shall desire to make appointment of a
    Deputy or Deputies, as the case may be, said Constable
    shall first make written application to the Commls-
    sloners' Court of his County showing thatit is neces-
    sary for such Constable to have the Deputy or Deputies
    requested In order to properly handle the business of
    his office .originatingin the Precinct ln which such
    Constable has been eleeted, gfvlng the name of each
    proposed appointees; and if the Commissioners' Court
    shall find that the Constable is in need of the Dep-
    uty or Deputies requested to handle the business
    originating in his Precinct, then and In that event,
    and in that event only, the Commissioners' Court shall
    approve and confirm the appointment of the Deputy or
    Deputies provided by this Act."
    Article 3902, at the time of Its passage having sub-
    stantially the same provisions as po?nted out herernabove, was
    enacted In the form of an amendment by the 42nd Legislature in
    Regular Session and approved May 26, 1931, (General Laws of
    Texas, 1931, Chap. 214, pe 364).
    Thereafter at the same session, the said 42nd Legls-
    lature enacted said Article 6879a, which was approved May 27,
    1931 (General Laws of Texas, 1931, Chap. 280, p. 503). In
    the case of State v. Johnson, 52 S.W, (2d) 110 (writ dismissed),
    it was said in regard to Articles 3902 and 6879a, as follows:
    "Two days after the passage of article 3902,
    an amendment was passed thereto,~article 68,79a,
    which does not affect the provlsi~onsof the former,
    except to provide for the number of deputies that
    can be appointed. I . e *'I
    Therefore, it seems that the appointment of deputy con-
    stables in your county should be made under'authorlty of both
    said Articles (3902 and 6879a), and the number of deputies
    limited as provided in Section 1, of said Article 6879a.
    Honorable W. P, Sexton, page 3         o-5968
    As to expense accounts and expenses of office, in re-
    gard to the constable and sheriff of your county, we refer you
    to the following articles:
    Article 3899, V. A. C. S., provides, in part, as fol-
    ure iffaiff;;,theclose of each month of his ten-
    each officer named herein who 18
    compensated 0; a fee basis Shall make, as part
    of the report now required by law, an itemized
    and sworn statement of all the actual~and neces-
    sary~expenses Fncurred by him in the conduct~of his
    office such as stationery, stamps, telephone, prem-
    iums on offFeialsl bonds, including the cost of
    surety bonds for his deputies, premium on fire, bur-
    glary, theft, robbery insurance protecting public
    funds, traveling expenses, end other necessary ex-
    penses; provided, t.hatin addition to the officers
    named herein, the county treasurer, county auditor,
    eountg road eommlssioners, County school superinten-
    dent, and the bide and animal inspector shall like-
    wise make a report on the premiums on officials'
    bonds, including the cost of surety bonds for any
    deputies, and said premiumsshall be subject to pay-
    ment out of the fees of safa office, as herein
    otherwise provided for the officers namecl;and pro-
    vide3.further that if any of the officers so desig-
    nated aYe on a sala?g rather than a fee basis,
    then all such bond premiums for officers and their
    deputies shall be paid from the General Fund of
    the county, The Commissioners Court of the county
    of the sheriff's residence may, upon the written
    and sworn application of the sheriff stating the
    necessity therefor, pUrchase equipment for a Bureau
    of Criminal Identiff@atlon such as cameras, finger-
    print CaPaS, inks, chemicals, microscopes, radio
    and laboratory equipment, filing Cards, filing
    cabinets, tear gas, and other equipment in keeping
    with the system in use by the Department of Public
    Safety of this State or the United States Depart-
    ment of Justice and/or Bureau of Criminal Identlfi-
    cation. If such expenses be Lncurred In connection
    with any particular case, such statement shall name
    such case. Such expense account shall be subject
    to ,theaudit of the county auditor, if any, other-
    wise by the Commissioners Cburt; and if it appears
    that any item of such expense was not incurred by
    such officer or such item was not a necessary ex-
    pense of office, such item shall be by such auditor
    Honorable W. P. Sexton, page 4         o-5968
    or court :rejected,-._.
    in vhich -.
    case"the collections of
    such item may be adjudicated Inany court of com-
    petent jurisdldtlon. The amount of salariespaid
    to assistants and deputies shall also be clearly
    shown by such offycer, glovingthe name, position,
    and amount paId each; andln no event shall any
    officer show any~greeter amount than actually
    paLd any such assistant or deputy. The amount
    of such expenses,/tbgether with the amount of
    salaries paid to assistants, deputies, and clerks,
    shall be paid out of the fees earned by such of-
    ficer. The Commissioners Court of the county of
    the sheriff's residence may, upon the written
    and sworn application of the sheriff stating the
    necessity therefor, allow one or more automobiles
    to be used by the sheriff in the discharge of his
    offlci.alduties, which, Lf purchased by the county,
    shall be bought in the manner prescribed by law
    for the purchase of supplies and pald for out of
    the General Fund of the county, and they shall
    be and remain the property of the county. The
    expense of maintenance, depreciation, and opera-
    tlon of such automobiles as may be allowed,
    whether purchased by the county or owned by the
    sheriff or his deputies personally, shall be paid
    for by the sheriff and the amount thereof shall
    be reported by the sheriff, on the report above
    mentioned, in the same manner as herein provided
    for other expenses.    As,amended, Acts 1941, 47th
    Leg., P. 1390, chap. 629, FJ1."
    Article 3899b, W. A.C.S,, provides, in part,as follows:
    %ection 1. There shall be allowed to County
    Judges, Clerks of the District-and County Courts,
    Sherlffs, County Treasurers, Tax Assessors and
    Collectors, such books, stationery, Including blank
    bail bonds and blank complaints, and office fur-
    niture as may be necessary for their offices, to
    be paid for on the order of the Commissioners
    Court out of the County Treasury; and suitable
    offices shall also be provided by the Commissioners
    Court for said officers at the expense of the
    county. And such books and stationery as are neces-
    sary in the performance of their duties shall also
    be furnished Justices of the Peace by said CommIs-
    sioners Court. Provided all purchases herein must
    be approved by Commissioners Court, and must he
    made under the provisions of Article 1659, Revised
    Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925,"
    Honorable W. P. Sexton, page 5                 o-5968
    You will note that constables are not mentioned in
    said Article 3899b.
    Article 3891,   v. A. C. S., provides, in part, as
    follows   :
    "Each officer named in this Chapter shall
    first out of the 'currentfees of.his office pay
    or be paid the amount allowed him under the pro-
    visions of Article 3883, together with the sal-
    aries of his assistants and deputies, and author-
    ized expenses under Article 3899, and the amount
    necessary to cover costs of premium on whatever
    surety bond may be required by law. If the cur-
    rent fees of such office collected in any year be
    more than the amount needed to pay the amounts
    above specified, same shall be deemed excess fees,
    and shall be disposed of in the manner hereinafter
    The authorized expenses which may be deducted under
    3899, supra
    , are such expenses as are enumerated there-
    in, and only those expenses which are authorized under the
    statute can be deducted. Such expenses are to be paid from
    fees earned by the officers, and are allowed to both, con-
    stables and sheriffs.
    The i~temsof expense mentioned in Article 
    3899b, supra
    ,         ,
    are allowed only to the officers therein mentioned by the ex-
    press terms of said article, therefore, constables would not
    be allowed such expenses.
    Trusting this is satisfactory, we are
    Yo.ursvery truly
    By s/Rcbert L. Lattimore, Jr
    Robert L. Lattimore, Jr.
    APPROVED APRIL 29, 1944
    s/Gee. P. Blackburn
    Approved Opinion Committee By s/BWS Chairman

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5968

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017