Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •             OFFICE   OF THE         ATTORNEY   GENERAL         OF        TEXAS
    Honorrbla f. Stanlr~ Wrl@t, YIabrr
    Taxaa EIoarO OS Ch&roprrotl0 Bzmlnrra
    Litthrmd        miidiry
    Auatln,     Taxaa
    Dear Sir:
    a       Kim’11
    Your oplnlon      rrguart        v       rl   4, 1944,       rrada   aa
    and tbr
    axtraaaly   bury In working out
    *a, rrgulatlona    and Coda or JthiO8
    ram1 examinatIona ana ha8 lloanard
    over OM   thouaand ChIropractora in thr paat aI=
    aontha.   Up until ramntly,      (he Boar4 ha8 had no
    tlma to work out amoura        of lnfo r o a a a nt
    a 8 pro-
    vldr d in tbo Aot, nor had it tiar to find and aa-
    ploy a lultabla Suparvlaor of Chiropraotlo          aa
    prodded lo SeetioE 1 (1) ot tha Aot. Aa tha
    Board oontrmplatrd It would take awaral           month8
    for a Suparvlaor to oovw the ontlra rtetr chro. -
    Ing thr Chlropraotom,      tbr mad took upon Itaalt
    Honorable    J. Stanlet   Urlgbt, pee       2
    to OttOlId tha vrriow    dlatrlota mart-8     and
    to adTier the p?o?aaalon what the baard would
    lIW lt. The Baud dourd       lt hot on1 WitkIn
    it8 authority to do thlr wrk WhIti i t au&d-
    arod WQ.?‘TiBO~    work but brllatad it to be the
    -rd.*    dutt te 61VO the proiraaion     an OppOortun-
    lty to know what would be requlrad ot It.       Ibe
    Board felt  it oouta lnawar~qaortloru eonaomlog
    ChIropnatio    at #iera watlnga    batter than it
    oould by lottrr   or other mana of o-Ioatlon.
    With th r lbova in elnd,           ravarrlmubara of
    tb     Board hvr  attended thrw            dlstrlot   8aotio&a
    during tb8 part thirty daya and hrr baked Sor
    thalr per dlrr and traroll~  rxpanaaa oa proridrd
    for In Sootion 2 or the Aet.
    “QuratIonI    Arr the Board jkmkra    8ntItl~a
    to wf   ?or tla8 aad traveling   rrpmaaa In tha
    porromnoi      of tha work abovm drsorIbed?a
    Pa ua atatrd In our O~lnlon Iio. O-5761, the a~pro-
    rlatlon   fbr tb, Board 0s QIro raotlo txaalnara la 00tattha
    ! II Saotion 2 of ArtIolr (5124, P . A. C. 9.. rather thqn in tha
    mualar eppropriat ian bllla.     Ulth raapaot to tba purpoaaa ror
    rhloh luoh appropriation   may be Pad,   thla 3aotIon providoa:
    The Traaaurar       ahall
    koe   the 8amo
    la a ~;&&o      fund to be @aid iE pa          tha ooaea-
    lary lrpanaaa ot the Board, whlab uy    JY   nOlad OX-
    p8nsea  imarred    for thr ldranorant     On4 rdaoation
    of all lIoann~a     under thla Aot and mrcrcaauit       by
    tha barb    oi tha prorlaloru   of thla Aot, the am
    of the ExoautIro sr a r a ta r l ad a per diea oi Ten
    Dollara (tl0) to laeh umber of the Baud iOr aaoh
    tlm aa la actual&y      ape& in the dIochar6o of Or-
    fIoIal datiea,       plua tnvslIn8         axpwa88    ot Wn Canta
    (log) par rile       . . .*
    under tbr Cbimpraotio Aat t&a Board ia sntmatod
    with the duty or oarryiag aut the prWIdOm      oi tb Aot, and,
    in ssctica i(g) thweor, IO elvan tha po-r to prraerlbo wla!.
    ra@atlona   and bylaw8 for ehi8 PUrpOW.     Aa wa Pndrretend tb
    raota aktod In your lottar,   the ambarr of the Board brva at-
    tmdrd abrad local urtinaa    of ohIrolpotora    tot thr wma
    Ron. J. ~Staalo~ Nrisht,      page 3
    of loq6~lmtIug the m*rr      o? tar   pro?aaaIoa           with their
    dutla8, powBra ~ml prl~ll8grr   antler t& Aot.
    Since par, a~ ropriatloa         la not ooatriaad la th
    dapBrtuntal      lppmprLt l on bill,       the C[mrral rldu rhloh
    rohlblta  tha pa-at      o? lx p 8na aIacurrrd
    a         at a wmt8atIon-
    1a I~ppllaablr      b toor lituatlon,        and your purstloa mat b8
    answered by 8onal4uI~         dathar     or not tha attrndanol       of th
    wabara o? th IWar4 at three aratinga wsa In tb dlaobarg8
    ot their o??IoInl autlaa.         Anoat other thinga, the Board la
    obara8d vdth tha datlea       0r 8xamInIng and llcrnain6 OhhOpmO-
    tora, appm~l~t! sad Olaaaltfl~           their ld~eatlonal Instltutlong,
    r8VOMOg llcrnaoa ?or +IolatIoaa or the Act, and lnitlati~
    OrIlinBl proaaautlona      under aooh Act. frpllol t throughout
    ‘thla le(Ialatioa     la a r8ocgaItloa       that tb Boer4 la ohamad
    with the cQutIr8 o? lr o o r ta inls      uhatherg thr nmbara o? the
    prQfraalOn or8 oonfomlog        to tha tarma oi tha Aot and of sea-
    lag that the members do so contom.              Mubarr o? ttm Board oan
    olalm par tllar pay and mIlaaao for lttondanca              at tha zaatlnga
    In quartion only I? laoh lttandenor bran a raaaonabl8,                    aub-
    atantlal    and direct relation       tc the dlaobargs      of these dutlaa.
    Zo irrl that thla r8qulrurnt baa bo8n mat. For tha Act t
    oparatr In a propor ?8ahIoa, It I8 nroraaary thst                 thr mu&u8
    of tha profraaloa       ba acquaint84     both rlth thr apaolflo        terms
    of the Act sod wltfz the polloloa,           nil*8 an4 regulatIcin8 8bloh
    the Bcaxd haa ldopkd andor aaoh Aot.               The ##88OsinBtIOn o?
    auoh In?ormtIon       rwld    aa    to ?a11 well within thr dutlaa of
    the BMti.      In TkW    O? thr naWB800      O? t&a Chiro~tBOtiO      Act,
    thr large nambu o? raotltlonora              who zaat br loqoaIntrd with
    Ita provlalona aad WIth the nxba 884 ra&atiOB8                    Of th8 Board,
    and tha mnlfbst       advanlagra ot bpartlm          au& Iarorm3tIon and
    dlaouaaIryl it at n8tInda        o? mabore o? ttu        prof8aaIon, wa ?a81
    that thr lttrmlanea ot moabara o? tha EWard at ruoh la~tlnga for
    the pwpoara atead         In four lattrr      la a r8@aanabla wthod         of
    alaoh~lly      a portion o? the dot188 o? thr Eward aad that suoh
    aatho4 contrIbatao       aubatantIB11      and directly    to th8 dlsoha%l)
    o? auoh dutlaa.       Tour ~aatlcm      1 a th~nlon      aaanratl ln tha af-
    rlrle tin.
    Tnut*       that th8 ?or8goia(l     Ip14   afmwora      tour
    Inquiry,   we are
    Tours trr$    tlvlf
    ATTOasT    ClLEzAL     cp T3x.A.s
    Bj (a) R. Dean !horhaad
    Ass 18-t

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5967

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017