- 778 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ronorabh 3. Stanley :::right, Member Tsxar Board of Cblropraotlo Exmnlnarr Llttlofleld Bulldiq Austin, Texar Dear Sir: shar oourtm. 14, 1944, read8 aa, raduata o ourad stituta ha ooa- dee, wlttl respeot to the rlllds ah011 keep the same in eaeurer rund to bo uted in paying the expsaaso of the Board, whloh may xpeaser lnourrsd for the adranoe- ment and lduoation of all liosnaeer uodsr this Act .---' vonrlderin& the above, lt is the desire Or tha Board to atxduct s four-dry Post Graduate and Honorable J. Stanley +‘right, Page 2 refresher 0our80 sane time betorr the expfra- tlan of the ourrsut lioense year. It la the desire of the l3oaTd to bring to Texas at leaat : tour nationally-knwn eduoators to give lsctur~a and demonatmtlrr work to tha lioe~ae~sa. To obtain these asn, it will be neoesaarg for tba Board to agree to pay eaab of them at least $100.00 pet day, plus aotual travallng sxpensea incurred by these aon. It will ala0 bs nreeaaary for tba Board to rant a hall or auditorium and incur orrtaln nearaaary expenses uaual and oua- tomary for putting on a alas8 auah aa the above mmtlonad. Of Oourme, it la to be uH*ratood tbat if the required aduoatora oan be brought herb without ooat or lass ohergo, the Board would naturally take the benefit Of ths saving. The question la asked merely so that the Bard may know that it haa authority to oonduot ruoh an education oourae and pay ror aane out or the Chiropraotio Fund. ‘Qlaatlon 3: Is the Board authorlzod, under the Aot, togiro reimrher aouraoa auoh as above ro- ferrad to and ii so, la tho- Board entitled to &my the fee and traveling expenses of the dootora brought hera, together with the lnoidental ox- pensea for oonduating the eourae? “Ii “,uertlOn 1 is aarwered In tha arrlrmative, please answer “,ueatlon II. *Question 11: If the Board oonduota a Foat Oraduato or rsrreahrr oourae, will it bo al- lowed to ahargi a reasonable and uniform tee ror auob oourae?n Yoction 8 of thm ArtlclB 4512a V. A. C. 5. partially quoted iByour lotter as Seotlon 8 or the Chiropraotio Act. pro- . tidea thataa a prorequialta to a renewal Of thair lioon~as a11 ohiropraotora mat *attend 80110 Fost Cmbuate oourse aat~afaotory to tha Board and/or at least ona four-day or aora eduoational r+ treeher aourae or institute as oonduoted by the Board under the 780 Ronorabls J. Stanley ‘n’rlght, Fage 3 rules Or the Board and/or the Texas State CbirOpraOtda Aasoaia- tion Inoorpomted.” In addition, as you state, tk Aot author- izes tha funds oi the Board to ba expendad, inter alia, ror the Wluoatlon oi all lloenarsa under this Aot.' In OUF opinion thaao proYiaioBa aonfor upon tha Board the power to opamto a post graduate or refreshor ocurae or the typo outlined In your latter and to expend the funds oi the Board thomfor. Conaaquent- ly, your first quratlon la answered in tha aWmatirr. Apart from that portion Of th# Aot whloh ruthorlrea tha expenditure of the runda of the Board for tM lduoatlon of llaenaees, the Ad oontafna no protlalon with reapeat to the nuthod by whiab thu exponaaa oi the refresher Qoumea are to be mat. The Aot aowhore spaoirioally authorizer a fee to bo ohrrged ror auoh oouraea; and, we terl, the authority to ohargo auoh a ire may tit bo implied iron any portion of the Aat. As wa8 said by our Su rmr Court in Fort Worth Cavalry Club v. Sheppard, 83 , S. ‘dl. (2d T 660: -All publio orricoa and orrlcers are oroaturea 0r law. The powers and duties 0r pub110 oftloera ore defined and limited by law. By bdng dofined and limited by law, we mean tha aat of a pablio otfieer mat br expressly authorized by law, or impllad therefrom. 2Z R. C. L., p. 553, 1114.” In aooordanoe with this prinoiplr, wo answer parr aroond question in the nrgatirr. Trusting thst the foregoing fully answers your in- qulrlsr, we are Yours vary truly A’,TOilPIn CXMRAL CF TXXAs 7n \ n r? By CM----W R. Clan Moorhead -~ Aaalrtant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5966
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1944
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017