OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Texas State Board Austin 22, Texas InexIt’ opinion on t II 1, Vamon’r ht80tfma R~vlred morlbe end amldaln a o&am3 OF the pualifioatlona``oithoao an- to gaged, and who 168~ewa 6 in tha waatiorioi aa- balm- In commotion w!th the aura and disposition of dead huavm bodies in this State and shall have t&a d&t, to be exaroissd at ita &oration, to aaploy oapable sad dtlofent lecturer8 an& damn- strators in the soianoe or ambalmlng ror tha bens- iit of all lloanse~ embalmarrein this Stats. Tfie said leotunrs anddamonstratore shell meet not aore than onoa in sauh pear 81th annual aeealo~ Texas State Board of Embalmfnf3.page 2 and Embeimare* of tha Texas ?u~ral 3ireotora' Aaeooiation." wNooK~osr -a tb porter tc very or waive any d-it- (2#07~,la?3# ``~(l``~u;``o~;~:~:; :?,:; "' permitted to euistituir hls'o& $&ant as to the best lil(~ans of perrormiag hie ofrioial duties, ii suoh is oontrary to the plain prwisicne of ths statute; although in hia doing 80 he doea not have an evil or corrupt motive, and no loea results to tIm publlo. Sharp Y. Brown,
38 Ida. 136,
221 P. 139. WDieoretlon in the mannsr of the perform- snoe OS an aot ari8ea whan tha act map be psr- r0n44a In on6 or two or mor4 rape, either or which muld ba lawful, and whsrs it ie laft to the will or Judgarnt or the prrr0rrarrO to determine in whioh WSY it S&S11 br p4rfOXQ4d. ButiWhhm 6 pO8itite auty l8 anjoined, aP;Ithere is but one way in It 18 ths Board.8 duty "to pr4aoribe and mlnt8in a d&lard of proficianoy as to the qualifications Of” smbalmppere. TO 60,thiil.it i8 aut~,oriesd 'Cltit8 &i8Or4tiOn, to employ oapab14 and 8fSioient lsoturrrs 8nd demon8tretOrs.* Tha right 0r a414otion -- es to whom to employ -- .le also to be exer- oiead et Its (th4 Bcmrd*a) dlaor4tlon.W Now, the r&l4 la, when tha etatute pr4aorib48 the time within whhiohpub110 orflorrs ar4 nq;lrrd to parrorm an OmO%?il not it i.S IIWely dir4OtOrp; UIL~OBB~ the 8t4tUt4 d4dSS th4 4xeroiar 0r th4 powrr 4ft4r oucrhtha or the natur4 or th4 aot or tha statutory r454Uy 8hOW6 that the time was intended _ a8 a 1iQl1tat10n. Stetr v. Fox, (1939 Austin C. A.) 133 s. w. (26) 987. ‘ibras 3tate Board OS &~balming, pgo 3 It ia the v3aw of this dapartmant th8t thrrBoard ix authorized to paea the resolution lnquirrd abbut. Yours very truly ATFORNEY CZNERAL OF TSAS By (0) Devid Wuntoh Aseistant DW:db Dk':io AFPROPSD YBR. 21, 19i.C (8) fb’OV4r tt813Or8 ATTOREOSYGBNXRAL OF TJiXAS APPRGVlGDOFIRION CCMMI!J!TEE BY (8) am, CIiAIRwa
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5916
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1944
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017