Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorablo Ua. J. twkor, Bxroutlvo 8eorokr7 Hoaoreble J. 8. Arnold, Dlreotor Cosrtel Divlrioa Oue, Fish u&4 Oyster Oklrrloa Auotlla, Tom0 Oeatlemear Artlola 952~11, Oo de, llo p tola d 1941, in part porNa ” . . .. . '?rotldoil, lt oh11 not~bo ualwrul to hvo 8 rhrimp trawl on bomb (L vooool lloonood to we or opwate~ruoh ti trawl 3 urlng tho JoPlod of tsao rra rsd betrwa the 15th &7 of J 7 end tho l)l#t b 0r AugpIt ud agile th0 pad or tiu -08 an i botvoen the 15th 447 of Dooembor ra4 tho let a7 0r me or an par whoa rush r*msel la at port or la a ohanne f rUl* oa rout0 to or frolr open vaterr. l Hoaorrble Wm. J. fuekw, peg. 8 Ia 1953 the Regular 8eeolon of the 48th bglelatur. .dopted Ch.pter 3314, r..dlag ln part t ‘8.0t1oa 1. Eereafter, fo r l p.rlod of tvo (2) e*ro ar for tho duration of tho vu, .ll th. tlda I waters ofP;rrm:oae Uowty exempt-In the passes betveen Inland Rqe rad the Gulf of M.xloo eh.11 be opoa for oollpurol.1 flehlng Stw the takin(; oi fleh and ohrl.&b br we u.. Of .ay trokkrk CtOV I.@ la any other oooekl oouat7 in the 8t.t. of Pexcre. Pro- vldlog further it eb.11 be leg.1 to take l hrlmp in the inters of Heewlte &7 la Araaeae Couat7’. Frovlded that the tome of thle Aat e&11 aot rp- 17 to tho whore or Co a0 Be7 yeet o f l line L ma from the east gab r l of 8oreaooate Old Club Eouoe l3roee to th e lelmd In thr mouth of Uleelon b7. (I l . .. ‘8eo . 5. Pror1d.d thrt rll lava aad parts 0r lrwe in omfllot hmevlth eb.11 be euependod for tupfflod of tro (2) years .r until the end of the There 1. .a .pp.reat oeafllot betveea three statutes, lul ou vloh to be rdvloed ln vhat maaor aa4 to vhat utent tho I. tterltatute lffeote the oloeed ee.eon on l hrinp la the tidal r*t.re of Amnear Count7. rho 1941 et.tut. 18 general in terma .nd .ppli.e to .ll th. lalmd ult rater0 of tho Iltato. Th. 19bl et.tut. 18 .p.oial and llmit.d, both as to tho as’@. where lppllo.ble &ad 48 to its lffeotlto dumtloa; The latter statute la hot t&es l no tloof etho oloeed l..eoa l p o o lflo et.blkmd br ihe gelural lav aad urel7 euepmde it0 0 r.tloa in Arme.8 Oowi- ty for, l 8eteWble poled, lBd by r t8 OWE tom mold, .t :$a,;& or tro 70~8 or th o ltid of the nr, no longer be la . It eee)u ole4r, tbm-efore, that ahppter 334 door in. term suspend la Arattue Count7 the oloeed ee8eoa eet.bllehed b7 Artlolo 958~11. But it 18~.qu.lly 0le.r that the lvllege gramted those oatohhing ehrimp in ~rsmnue County dur iz g the oloeed ee.eoa Honorable Wm. J, Tuoker, pap 3 is limited 8ad aodlfled br the lm@i~e of Ohapter 334. The ootadlMon imposed is 8u.h takirrg of fIeh and l that h r lmp mot be ,“b7 the vee of any tackle aov leg81 la 8n7 other co8et81 county la the State of Texas. ’ Stated la laother vi fiShtag in Aranoae COwty are Dot ruthorleed by the T&%t- ute, to ame 8n7 tackle vhicrh 18 illeg81 durla(l the closed ee8- eon ia 4a7’other coastal oouat7. It follove for ‘ex8mple. that oae could aot operate or we, a xhrlmp tr4vi la Aratixae County tho maloeed eea- eon’ aa that to* 18 doflaod b7 Artlak 1, r0r .+he elmple r’weon tht lt is em&e llleg81 Ln other ao8et~l aountiee b7 , the u erflc term8 of the Artio&e. This should be lufflc lec lt to 11p” uxtrete our lnterpret8tlort of tho etatuter I! brief, ve think Chapter 334 l vhlle uepemde~in Araaxae Count;r the closed eo8eOa oa ehrlmp fixed b7 Article 95rt11, it does twt hxve thd.8rr8Ct0s lepll~log “the use at .4 t8ckl.” mhlblted’by lm durl.ng lu6h c lo sedle8eon ia an9 other ooaeta P aouut7. Yours ver7 truly ATTOHRB7 O- OF PBXAS B7 &* LJ++- Elbart Eooper be*letaat &Et&b

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5880

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017