Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN err Willie O’Neal &utaty aubitor, Careon County p&c@lo, Texae glar -0. OUeal: a the Oounty Clerk's urt having refused to 943 fea report -- and should pay the bond prmium. any r000ure07". y has a population or 6,&% inhabitants eral.Cenrus. As 10 understand your ktter tha aounty ofi5,olaleoi Caraon County u6re aompeneated On 6 fee bacliefor the gear 1943, and ,that eixld aounty offloiala m Bow aompeneated on an annual 8alary basis, Seotion (a) oi Artiole S899``~VWi~n'I)Annotated Oeoh rpddthOf hi8 tMut0 Of OtiiCe, AdtO an itUbed b a d swo r nTOp o r otflll bWWV& .IPOWOS iAoUrr.6 =by him and charged to ht. uourity,~ooorpla7lAg *uoh in7aioes ooveriAg ruoh puroha~os md re- report vt1t.h~ UiSitiOBS luuod by h&M iB Support O? SUbh NPQlt. Pf 8u.h UPOIUOS be laourn. lA OoAAootlOA with M7 partiotiar ..SO, ,mu.hrO7Aft 8h4u D(LIySaSh OISO. Suoh report, ia~oloos, and r.qui#itionl Shall bo Sub- ,jeot to the audit of~tho wuntr auditor, if aaT, other- a180 by tho ~OZki88iOB.~8* COUSt, and if it appU8 that My itUp lt88 not iBOW by 8AOh OfflOer, Or that 8Aoh itU Wa SBOt & ~AOOOS~ar~ o r l.@ $ lPOBSO & l Of muOh'??- fiao, or purohawd upon prepor requlaltloa, ma+ ~ltom ahell bo by said eoanty Mdltor or wurt rejeoWd Ln wbloh oa80 the pywnt OS rueb item me7 be adjudlaatod in -any uourt o?.aompotont jurl~dlotlon. All rnah lp-. ptoVOd O~ilW &Qd .OOOtUktS 8tl.u b0 p.id fror0 fh vy :1Q+Sf@&' ~nlat~ tU& U~lO88 othai80 pmv&d.d hrr.in. .: .T4 hanty Olork is aathorlw6 b7,Aftiole S891, Piragm*b&otatOd Cl+11 Citstutes, t0 be .paid or rat&t the WOUBt dOWO6 hiA &IA&W thS KWO~i8ioIk8 Of msiish 8i!ms, ~uBOB’S konotato6. .Clri&bAtUtO8, togather~ with t4 #e&riar; 0r hi8 as- li8t.Jlt8, d.jwtl.8 urb .Uth@riud i-*.8 UdO? &Et%010 9889, , Md ‘ @I. UloUSLt A.O.88.Z~ t0 OOt.2 ~SSSt8 .Oi pMbl8 Oa Wh.tOT.r surety boad~. may be x~pulro6 by law, out o? the ourront too8 of h18 OffiOO. Xf th0 ourront``f.08of such 0fri00, oollo.raLaP in any year’, ,bemore than the .uotmt nooded to par the amount aboto 8POOified, fhO S&I&8Sh8U br,,dSUOd 0X0088 fOM Lod'8hdi b0 6l8posed of ia the amnor timtO fa hrtfblo S91. The County Clark 18 aatherln& to aidt20* oha ap0n808 or the -was on Whatovor SluOtJ b.AdS ny bo reQUirea by law in errivlryiB hi8 wx$xluul ooJup.nsatLoA. By VirtUe of SOObioA(a) Of Art%010 s99, the OOUBty ot?lolal8 who are oompeanated OA a fw b.SiS ax-0entit&d to p.y OA their offloial bOAd8 Out Of tho ?OOS .arA.d by SuOh .th.p?.cpfura. Ofiioer a& Said ~SOUA~ paid aa preaiW# 0A Offlaid bOab8 OM legacy be deduatea fraaathe o~rp0A8ation of raid o?flaer8 at .r- , rlvlq at their muimun o6tiap.A8otlon. hheMl th. OOUtlt~ OfltdalS Of a OOUilt~ -8 WAR.&- Sated On w 011the btid8 20' anntialaa~ary basis the preslirtarrr &ired br law O? Wld OftiOOrS Mlt bo paid bf the OOwtr a8 au- ..t&ulaeuQby Sootlon (b) of Artlolo-99, VO~IOA*SAnnotated Civil ‘&t&UtOS. &IQ pramloss us to 4 paid out of the O??loers* salarfFund. I? the mattore iAqUi& abOat in pmr lottrr oannot bb WttiOd by th0 OOUAt7OifiOitiS in qU&iiOn ~6 th0 OWd88iOn6rS’ o o ur tr lwh ma tto t* .M b .80tt20aIAy p o ur t o f wmpotont jurls- :: .,.,. I~‘i.- .:.: ” ;. Yours vu7 truly ATzaxliYCaoinALOF TXAS /g.&a!+ ark Ar6ollwllll~ ~srlrtult

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5904

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017