Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • TXZE A~~OEZNEYGENERAL OFTEXAS Honorable D. W. Burkhalter CountyAttorney ThrookmortonCounty Throolanorton, Texas Dear Sirs OpiaionNo. 04874 Ret Authority of Cordrsionerr’ Court to pay for speoialelectioaia or- derthat v&errs may decidewhether county shouldemploy trapper,etc. Your requettfor our oplaioaia the above captionedmatter has beea re+ oeived,and m quota from your letter as folloasr "The CwaniasionersC Court of this oouatyhas ordsro&ma eleotionto be held on the 15th day of April, 1944, to dotemire nhother or not the voters of the ooqty desire the oonmissionsrs* court to employ trappersto trap predatory animalsinthis county. 'And the questionhas arirea among 8cm of *iheoonmiesionere a8 to whether or not they are authoriesd,or have the authority,to pay for the holdingof such an election,out of the General FUds of the oouaty~and "Alsowhether or mot, in the wart the elsotionshouldaamy, or be ia favor of employingsuch trappers,whether or not thrgwould be authorizedor have the authority~toemploy such trapper+,and pay them out of the GeneralFunds of the oouaty." After a carefulstudy of the statutes,we find no provisionsauthoriz- iag the oomissioaers' oourt of Throc!mortoaCountyto call a speoialeleotioa in orderthat the voters may decidewhether the oouxtty shall employ a trapper to trap predatoryaaimalsin said omaty. Siaoe the oomnisaioners' oourt does not have authorityto call the above descritideleotiom,it muat neoessarily follow that said body does not have the authorityto pay for such am election. mare saolosiaga copy of OpinionIVo.O-2709wri$tar by this department which we fell fully covers the powero of a o&ssioaere court to employ and pay a ooumtytrapperfor his semioes. very truly yours, JCD:db:eg* EnClOSlUYI ATl’ORBEy GENERU OF TEXAS AFPROVRDVU2 27, 1944 /a/ Gee. P. inackburn By /s/ J, C. Davis, Jr. (Acting) A.'TORNNY GENERALOF TEXA2 Assi staat

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5874

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017