Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  •               -OFFICE   OF   THE    ATTORNEY        GENERAL    OF   TEXAS
    *moYcm smA=ms
    G&S”CL-                                 .
    Honorable D. 6. Oreer
    Stata Highway Engineer
    Texas Highway Department
    Austin  26, Texas
    Dear Ur. Oreerr
    recent   date,    whioh
    the legal   registra-
    truokiw   oorporatioa       derrigaatier   Town
    : ; .~ Rrinoipal    oi'fioe    admittedly       ia in B County.     '.
    "It is our.thougE that under the oiroumetanoee.
    the ‘iruoking  oorporation  0hould register   ita motor vo-
    hiolea in B county, the county in whloh it admittedly
    maintain8 ite prlnoipal    plaoe o? buslneae.a
    ~roti your question aod la order to eimplity our
    wmer,     we assume that tha oorporation    in qusation ha8 the sole
    legal title   to, r&bt of poaaeaolon and oontrol OS said motor
    vehlalsa>    This leaves us the taek of detereinlng     the county
    in which the owner (the eorpor’;!tion    in queetion)  resides,   be
    i8 provided in resgeot ta regirtration      of inotor veblolea   in
    mtiole    6676~-2, Vsrnonia Auuotated Clvll :Xatutes,      1925.    Said
    Art~ole provide81
    w3very owner of a motor vehlole, trailer
    or seal-trailer   wed or to be used upon the pub110
    highways oi this State shall applg laoh year to the
    3tate Kiixhwav Deuartaent throuuh tlm Counter Tax Col-
    leotor oi tbir o&nty ia whioh iio resides fir tin re-
    glafratloa  o? each suoh vehiole  owued or oontrolled
    by hla for the enrulng or ourreat oalenda$ yew or
    unexpired portion thereoi;   * * *” (Unders?oriw    ourr)
    i-4 automobiles owner 1s held required to re$tster
    automobile in aouaty of owaer@a reaidenos,     aa against oontaatloa
    auto&bile  oould her registered   In any oounty within at ate.   QP
    f. State, (Crfm. kpp.) 94 3. *. (2d) 180.
    It is a well settled     rule of 1s~ in this rtate that
    a oorporation   ia a “person” withia the meaning of thst tera aa
    uae$ in oonstltutionrl    and statutory     provlsionr. 701. 10, Tax.
    Jur., Q. 655, snd oaaea there olted,
    mtiole   1304, Seotion 3, Vernon’s    Annotated Civil
    atutes,    1925, Wrequirea the lnoorporatora     tg ‘state,  in the
    ProWsed oharter, the plvoa or places where tin busiaesa         of t~he
    ktmided oorgoratioa     1s to be trsnsaotsd.    This m~ana, not that
    the charter isl required to atate the pl*oa whbre-:t$e prinolpal
    Orri0e iii to beg looated,   but that thb 0rriOe must be, eotablirhed
    and !mintained:‘.wfthln   the limits of the eta.t@.’    10 Tax. Jur..,
    W~tha  abaenoe of express atatutory     piwisiaa    ii%-
    ia8 the lociality  or the reridenoe   or a oorpar:ition  for partiouL~:plp
    QuWoaea withIn the state by which it was oreatsd,        the gerbral ‘,
    rule 18 that its residence    1s ‘where itr, prlnolpsl  office   or pltlce
    or businetss ir .” 13 ;~ner. Jur., pY.ge 28%.
    fbnor288 S.W. 576
    , and oases therein cited;         Sanders
    v. F.srmarst State Bank, (Cir.   ~pp.)‘,   288 S. Vi, 635.
    In order to determine the county of residence,   we
    first must de.tsrimlne whether e charter reoltatlon  as to the
    plaoe buslnese is to be transaoted    18 c~n~l~slve over the aotual
    *itUs or. the prinolpal  plaoe of bualnese.
    In thie     respeot and ae sa& pertains to      thequestion
    Of venue of     suits   against    Oorporatione, the follrmlng    &a been
    said z
    In the ease or B rd Cattla Co. v. Texas Vegetable
    Union. (Civ. Am.).      28 8. w. 1 2d) 990, It was held th t where
    the oi&ter   itiiii-rixe5    two plebe8 wtien its prinoipal  0rri068
    are located,   and, although only one of euch places :l~ actually
    ;ct,   both are avollable    for venue of a suit against said oorpora-
    In the ease of Hawk k Buok Co. v. Cassldy, (Civ.
    App.), 264 S. W. (26) 1145, wherein tbr controlling   question wee
    whether the reoltatlona  in the oharter OS the oorporatlon    designa-
    ting Dallas County ae its plaoe of buslnees wee euffiole&,     to re-
    tain the venue tnere even though the oorporetlon    wai not, in reality,
    USing suoh oounty aa a place of residence,   the Oourt held ae fol-
    lowr :
    *Article   1304, V.A.C.S.,  rsqulree that the
    charter or any private oorporatlon       muet set forth
    the *pl.aoe Or places where Its buelness 1s to br
    transaoted.’       Suoh statutea  aie, no doubt, for the
    obvloua purpose of avoldidg disputes aa to the oom-
    Pany’s *place of business’ or *domIol~e* and .to de-
    termine ‘venue, fix a situs ‘for the purpose of gsnerel
    ~urlsdlotlon     and taxation,’   and to apprlos the stook-
    holders where they may go to inepeot t~he books and
    reOoIde or their oompeng. Flteoher Cyo. Corp., Psrm.
    iid lC deo. 4046.     The domicile of ths defendant oor-
    poratlon   in thle oase wtis thus fixed in Del.laa
    County for the purpose of venue*u:tfl         ohanged in
    some manner..authorised by law.               In this
    deoislon,    however; we do not wish to be understood
    au holding that’the     provisions   of the oharter fix
    the venue exolusivsly     in Dallas County.      The prln-
    olpel oi’fios   of the oorporatlon     is admittedly in
    Tarrant County and thus venue against it might also
    be there under aubdlvlaion       93 of Article   1995. V.
    A. c. s. The~aonolusivenesa of the reoltatlonr           In
    the oharter must neoeasarilg       be oonetrued against
    the oorporetlon    und not lo its iavor so as to permit
    It to remove a nuit from ths County of its aotual
    resldenoe    to one designated in its oharter.”       (Under-
    oooring ours)
    The effeat   of the ruling,   as announced in the two
    oases next above mentioned, on our question would~ seem to be
    that suoh ohartar recitation    is e declaration  against the ln-
    terest of the corporation    and es suoh must be atrl,o9~y construed,
    against the oorporotlon   and not in Its revor.
    Those cases, rpeolfically       on the venue question,
    refused to allow the oorporetlona          to &y “hide end go seek”
    with plaintiffs      end take advantage or them aerely beoauee of
    a tallaoloue     etatement previously      made by the ,oorporatlons    la
    their charter es to the plaoae where their buslnsss is .to be
    tranaaoted.      This prlnolple,      if applied to the question now
    before us, would eeem to rorbid the owner oorporatloa              to ohoose
    arbitrarily     lta registration     sltus through a mere reoitatlon       in
    its ohiirter when in truth and f’aot it doe8 not have even an ot-
    fiae In euoh oounty so ohoeen.           To hold the contrary would be
    aoastrulng the ohuter        reolta.tion   as oonolusive    in favor of the
    corporation     and allow ah obvloue subterfuge        et the will   of the
    oorporat Ion.
    a situation   eimilar in some respect8 to the one
    :\   ln question was deoided by the Dallas Court of Civil Appeala
    P   on the theory that the situs of the ho:- oflloe      in regard to
    tax matters was a question of faot, and the realtetlone       in the
    by-laws were not oonoluslve,    and held aa follows:
    “The undisputed   evidence    ehows that defendant
    maintains     the oharlaCer   of offloe    in Dallas that is
    honordble   D. C. Greer,   Page S
    Unually terrmsd a *home office’     end does not aain-
    teln auoh en offloe    in the elty of Austin, thougO
    lta by-law8 deeigmte     the olty of Xustln es its
    hODK8 0ffiCe.   In the former city la the 0rri00 0r
    the ixeoutlve    heede of the easoclation,   ngd in the t
    olty is tranaeoted all such business of thi, aaaoole-
    tlon as 18 uaually tranaaoted at a home oftioe.         In
    view of this raot, the trial      oourt found as a feat
    thst tha home office    was in the oity of Dallas, and
    we are’of   the opinion that woh finding     is warranted
    by tha uudlaputed fada      in this oaae.*   Texas &n-
    ployera* SM. Asa’n. v. City of Dallea, S 9. 1y. (2d)
    614 (oiV.   APR.) (writ ibf.)r
    As a by-law la merely a rule of aotion in aooord-
    enoe with whloh the affairs     of the corporation   are to be conduoted,
    and aubjeot to the ohsrtsr and statutory      provlal0na,  both, the
    oharter,reoitation     aa to where its bualnesa la to be transeoted,
    end the by-law passed la aooordsnae with said ohsrter reoltetlon,
    atend on the same plane es to their oonolusivenesa;
    The fuota iis set out in ybur letter  olearly show
    that the oorporetlon   in question *maUt$na no office    of any kind
    either in Town A or eleewhero in I County.*
    Let It be deflnltely   ,understood that wa are not
    ruling here on where tha raafdenoe for registration      purposes
    would ba if the oorporatlon    had an office   in the county v&t at
    the plaos deai6nated ln the ohsrter in addition      to an offlaa in
    another county.
    Considering the above, we hold        that tin legal re-
    sidence of the oorporatlon   in question for       thb purpose of regla-
    tratlon or its motor vehlolea,   on the baala       of tba faota as set
    out in your letter,   ie in B County and l$ot      in X County.
    ,Truetlng   thla   answers your question,   we are
    Yours very   truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5866

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017