OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN mnorable iknton Coopwood DlstriCt Attorney, Travle Cotloty kuetin, Texas Dear Sir: era Court or Travf8 dependent audit of the reasons stated CiVll statutea OS uthorltg given in the statute for order au’oh audit, but would llk6 to on on the same. I am famlllar with 640, inclusive, but do not feel that these ;rrtlclaa oontemplate a oonplete audit.” Tte popultltlon of Travis County auoording to the 1940 Federal Cclnsue is 111,053. Therefore, Article 1646k, Vernon*8 Annotated Civil Statutes, providing for the empLoy.nent of a special auditor Or auditors by one or more counties under the population of 25,000, either jointly or sepamtely, by the Oo&as10nera* court of said county or 00unt1es, and rurther providing the i)istrLct Judge or Crund Jury may order said audit if either so desires, does not apply to Travis County. nrticle 16k%, Vernon's iinnotatad Clvll Statutes, 1925, provides in regard to all oountler the folloringr "at each term 02 the dletrlct oourt, the distriot judge, upon request 02 the grand jury, uay appoint a cownlttee consisting of three oltl- neris of tha oounty, men or good moral oharaoter and intelllgenoe, and exparlenoed aoaountantu, to examine into the condition of the finances OS tha oounty. Said committee shall examine all the books, aooounts, reporta, vouahers and orders OS the aom- mieeionera oourt relating tc the flnanoer OS the county that have not been examined and reported upon by a proilow ooolaitka) Ooant all the money in the oifics Of tha @OuMiJ treanurer belonging to the county, and make suoh other examination ab it deems neaeosary and proper in order to araertain the true oonditlon 02 the 2lnanaes at the eoanty. The oourt 8hal1, ii neoenaary, upon the appllaatlon 0r sata 00mrPttt40, send r0r persons and evidanae to aid la suoh lnvestlgatlon.w Arti.ole 1641, 'Vernonlm nnriotated Civil Btatutee 1925, provides au follows: "Any oommloeloners aotwt, when In It.6 judgment an imperative pub110 neoeoslty exists therefor, shell have authority to employ a disinterested, competent and expert publio accountant to audit all or any ?3rt of the boo&s, records or accounts of the oouaty; or of any dlatriot, oounty or proolnct officers, agents or employee, inoludlng auditore of the counties, and all governmental units of tho oounty, hoepi~tal, f3rma, and other lnetltutfons of the county kept and reelntain- ed st public expense, as wall as for all nattars reieit- ing to or affeotlng the fiaoal affairs of the aounty. The resolution providing for such audit shall recite the reasons and neoeasity existing therefor such us t&t in the judginent of said court there exists offl- cisl misconduct, willful omlsaion or negligence in rooords and re’ports, miaapplicotion, conversion or re- tention of~publfc funds, failure In keeping accounts, making repokta a:d aooountlng for public funds by any offloer, cogent or eaploye of the district, oounty, or precinct, including depositories, hospitals and other public lnstltutlona aalntained for the pub110 benefit, and st publio.‘cxpanse; or that in the judgment of the court, it 18 neoeeanry that’ It have the inforlution sou@t to enable It to determine and fix proper appro- priation and expenditure 02 pub110 zaonoya, and to aa- oertain and fix a just and proper tax levy. The said resolution may be presented in writing at any regular or oalled eesslon of tho oommiasionera oourt, but shall lie over to the next regular tera of said oourt, and shall be published In one issue of a newspaper of general olroulatlon publlahed in the county; provided if there bs no auoh newspaper published in the county, thoen notioe thereof shall be posted in three publio places in said oouuty. one of whioh shall be at the court house door, for at least ten daya prior to Its adoption. At auoh noxt regular term said resolution 8hal.l be adopted by 6 lnajor$ty vote ot the four oonds- atoners of the aourt and approved by the oounty judge. Any oontrcrat entered into by said oommlaalonera crourt ior the audit provided herefn shall be made In aooord- ante with the statute8 applloable to the letting of aon- tracts by said oourt, payment for whloh may be made out of the publio Sunda of the aounty In aoaordanoe with said etatutaa. The authority conferred on county auditors oon- tslned in this title aa well as other provisIons of statu- tea relating to district, oounty and preoinct fin&noes and aooounts thereor ehall be held aubordlnste to the powers given herein to the aommlealonere* oourt .* Article 1641 6aa made necessary by the holding In the, case of Navvrro County v.. Tulloe, (Div. ~pp.)
237 S.W. 982, that the Commissioners* Court did not possess the right to disregard the duly appointed auditor and omploy other auditora at the gonorabie Uanton Cooprood, ~ALJ~4 oounty'e expenee for the putpoee of obtaining Information whloh lt iivthe duty of the,audltor to supply. 11 Tex. Jur., p. 5813, (footnotea) . "The authority or the oommlasloneret oourt 88 the eovemlng body oi a county to make oontraots in it8 behalf 18 etrlctly llmlted to that oontrrred either expressly or by fair or ncoeesary lmplloation by the Conetltutlon and lawn of the atate." 11 Tex. J-w., 632. Childrees Co. v. State, (Sup. Ct.) QZ S. H. (Zd) 1011. Therefore, in regard to your question No. 1, we agree with your ilndlnge that there is no rtatute authorizing an audit to ba ordered by the Orand Jury of T'ravlr Connty, and we hold that ouoh,Orand Jury ln thle reepeot would hare only the power to request an examlnatlon Sor the purpose8 and in the manner epeoiiled in Artlale
1658, supra. In resard to your quertlon No. E, it eppeere that Artlole 1641 ie.the eraluslre authority under whioh an lndepen- dent audit oould be ordered bl your Commlrelonere* Court. Trusting thle fully anewore your queetlone, we are Yours very truly ATltUNEYG'S.X%JRAL GF TE:SM aL+?Y. zIxzzzu&. BY Robert L. Lattlmore. Jr. ,isaletatlt
Document Info
Docket Number: O-5857
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1944
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017