Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

    HonorableOsogo 8. Sheppard
    coBptro11.r of Rlblzc    Aeoolmt8
    Austin, Toxas,
    Dear Slrc          opinion. IO.     0-m
    RN    Does APt1010
    1944, you say that
    ii.251, Ch. 212, Acts
    slaturs   1931, haa
    Ch. 184, Aots of the
    ae$ularse881                                     1941, by omitting
    as follov8:~
    the tax will aoorue
    on VIII,   subdlvlslon3 ol ths
    p ~~lder
    a te8      th a l
    t Con-
    to oegulato oommroe vlth
    iho soveml states, and with the
    ‘Thers   ts hereby    a tax of one
    011ths one h'iin'ied
    rt thereof, or
    ’ cementon every person in this State mmufaotur-
    lng or producingin and/or import%ngoemuat Into
    this State, snd vho thsreaftsrdistributor,..sells
    or uses the same in intrastate0oxoseroQ.381d
    HO& oeorgo Ii. Sheppard - Pago a
    tu shall aaorus on and 1s l-se4 on the first
    krastato dlstrlbutlon,sale or usa; provl4ml
    hovooor, no tax shall bo paI4 uoopt on on0 A,
    dlatrlbutionor use. The person liabls for said
    tax is hereby 4eflns4to be a '4lstributor.~"
    Bubsootlons(b), (o), (4) and (8) prov140, ro-
    speotlrol~,     for    ths   of payment of the tax, the reports
    to bo a6da to ths Comptroller,     tho maor    to bo kopt by the
    “4lstrlbutor”,     sml the 01~11 an4 oremlnalpenaltlosto bo
    a880880a   against   any person rlotitlngany pmvlslon thersof.
    8ubsoctlon(f) providest
    ”       $ tax shallk lmosed UP04
    aw la&t&~       8::. 0~ trnnsaotlon,nor upon
    smrsal 0. dlstributlonor us0 uautt    un4rr
    llth uii& Stati olblWeGal Constltut@ns, aad
    no o th ellko
    r    oaoupatlontax shell bo lnmossd
    ~byany mualol~    corporation on oomnt. ’
    Subsootlon (a) YU amend.4 by ArUole XII of
    R, 0. 8,~ Chip. 184, Aots of tho Rsgulnr Suslon oi tho 47th
    Legtsl&ure, 1941, so as to thereafter maa as follotfst
    %ore       18 her&y   lJspoua a tax of tlto aaq
    0tt0w        In i/2)     0w8    0tt the 0tt0 huawa ~100~
    xmun48.or fraotlottal xmrt themoi. oi 6amnt on
    hory $oostxt ln this &at0 tmnufroturltbg00 pro-
    duoing la and/or importingaemetttinto this State,
    and vho thoroafterdistributes,so118 or USOSJ
    proviaoa, hov~ror, no tax shall be prLa axoept on
    otaoulo, cUstributlonor uso. Tho rs~'llablo
    fybf”la                             strlbutor' ,
    tax is bernby define4as a f#z
    ai00st0a       a8 herslnaft*r DFOVibSd~”
    The smtdatory aot ma4e three atbtorldl ehsngos In
    tit8 or*itml      lot, as follovst
    *1. Thr tax vas cm0a     rtms ottoan4
    one-fourth(1 1140) WAtS t0 tV0 Ur4 OttO-hslf
    2 i/2) 00ttt8 0ttth0 one hunama (loo) p0ttna8, or
    raotloaalpart thereof,of oemnt . . .
    Act vero omLtt.4 in ths smmxlatoryaott
    Hon. oeorgo Ji. shoppard- mgo 3
    mm8 la intr6stats0omm8r00, Sal4 tax sb811 aacruo
    011ma is xx11po864
    on tba rest intrastate distribu-
    tlon,    ulo   Or   use,'
    3. Tha amtdatory  8at a8404 for tin ilmt
    tia,    lOllOq4agVords aftor ths Word “dl*t*lbutor’
    in tb8 last s@xturoeof subsootion (a)t  “to bo allo-
    8atod as horelnafter pmtvi40a.@
    Xanifostly 8ubsretlOa(a) of tb8 o r i@ a a ll
    ot 4l4
    not lmpou a tax an ,iatwstate  ml*8 or saler to 4 fowlgn
    aouatvy, but w its sxprrss terms iinit~a tfH tax to "8vory
    petson !JA this Stat0 arnufaoturlag0~ producingla sad/or
    iatiwotato sale or transaotion. * .* T&l8 subssotlaabar never
    b88n 88t0tta0a.
    "Ordfnarlly, tho mar0 fast that    8igniriwt    vords
    at+8odttoa        from tho re-QnaOtmsat 00 amottdmat    or a statute la-
    ports a oonoluslvoprosumpt2on that the Lo lslatursintan                 to
    lxolu40 tb8 objsot th e r sto io      lo0o~llsh8
    ro         !3by tb8 8bandolud
    *o r 4 8 l ”   Ban llsMos Bwtlst Am%my ve Bu 088, 292 8. U. 626
    In Amsrloanauroty Cog,of lfsvYork v. Axta s 1 Co., 36 b. Y. (2)
    ;;:itthoCoPPisslonof Appaals,          sp8aklagtbrougbjuago Short,
    "Tt ~111 bo j~88um84that tho kglSlatW8, In adOpting
    th0 mdt88ttt,        iat8ttd8a t0 ork8 SOIWItang0 ht th0 0xi8tbg
    law, and thareforo        th6 oourtsvi11 mdsavor to glv8 mm8 sffoot
    to the saoa4mnt.”
    As stat&4lbovo, tho atssadatory aot 0   8a the rats
    from ~110and cm,-fourth(1 l/40) to two an4 one-half 2 l/2)
    csnts,md omitted   "slgnlfloant vocds" vhloh limitedtbs tax to
    Hon. Oeorge H. Sheppard- Page 4
    intmrtak dlstributluns,   ml48  or ~808. l3rmtt 18 given to
    the cbaqe La ths pato, beoaussths leglslatlvelntlratfon  Is
    clesr upoa that polnti but oan vs say it is squallyolssr that
    the teglslatwe intuuls4, by tha anmadmnt   0r submotion (a)
    only,, to impose a tu               on l.nterstete   sales or oemnt,     or sale8
    thereofma4s to f3r8lgn oountriu?                     Ye   thlak   not,
    Xf   ,lt urn not for
    the faat that subsoetlon(t) was
    not mmxlsd; we                Voti4  say that
    it VI8 Quite obviousthat the Logls-
    laturs latsn4ed,Lo adOptlAgth0 ammidmnt, to nmk0 soms champ In
    the rxlstlnglaw wit4 referam      to the ta%abll.ltyof Sales and
    distributionsmade irrlntorstato~omsoreeand to forofgnnoun-
    tries,   aad we would eaddavoito lo o r ta ltt
    Ltr.&ntaMon an4 give
    ef-fsotthereto.    But it 18 l OrrrdUmlrule of statutoryCOLL-
    strwtlon that    effect must be given to ths who10 statute sn4 every
    prt    thero0r. *ido Nator oil ca. v. Bean, ua 8. w. (2) 358.
    The orlglnalssctlonas an&do4 and'tp unalteredseationsof
    t& s act       lare to bs read together. Vol. I, Sutherland
    .    .
    StatutoryConstruotlon,3rd Edftlon,page 431.
    In Amr1can Surety co. of new York v. Aeel            co,,
    35     S. W.       (2)   7l5, 719, tho Court Said:
    *To arrive at tbo Intentionof ths Legis-
    latum, in enaotiagtho Bawmlmentof 19W, to Artlole
    5160, vhloh vas the original rot of the Legls&ture
    6u1thi8         SUbjSCt,
    it 18 thS dUtya Of 00UF88, t0 lOOk
    grimarllyto tho aot Atself as an entiretyi    and to
    l&¶&PS~4    the legal erieat of the ttaadmat enaoted
    by ths Leglslaturu,it must be aonshlsred    in oomec-
    tlon Vlth the crXglnalact, ana that vhloh had bean
    dorm tlaoreutvler. A par0loularseatloaof 68x8  mt Qoi
    tim fA l~t~.~a, when aabted, muat be Gmrtnud in
    vlov 0f ths uistonaao pi tho original ste~tute es It
    stands &to* Elm 8mn4mont    1s introbaud} it and a11
    smalons OS tha old l&v mast bo repnbd     as 8 l-m-bon-
    Lous whole, as oonnooto4 rlth an4 Mturally aatlng
    UDOD  w&oh OtheP. Shipleyv. aohool Distrlot(Tut.
    Corn. App.) 250 3. W. 159, 160; Co14 v* 3tatr, loi
    Tax. 472, 170 8, Y. 1036.*
    yhoa vo vlev ths
    orlglnalstatuto 88 it stood after
    the mnt                   was &opted aad
    apply the foregoing&Ass 0r sta-
    tutoaJ oonstruotlob, vo rid4 cm4 oae iixpreselon of the legislative
    Intuitup031our question,wisely, that   "no tax &all be loosed
    uVw say lnterstatoaale or transaction."
    ha.      Ooorgo   8.   8happu4   - Iage   5
    US ansv~ our guastioa,aoi the tax ~111 not
    loomo       on intorstatmsaiOS or ml08 to a fonl.8tt
    YOUPS vary tntly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5843

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017