Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

    c8rl c. BmIln, Jr., sx~outlve soor*tar7
    Tax48 State Board of Deatal Sxbmlaorr
    311 Norrood Bullding
    Austia 16, Team8
    Pe4r Sir I
    Your lrtter   of Uaro           at8    our oplaloa am
    a larrmt~~~oa go in
    fhctr rlthout jeoprd-
    the  eef*aH plba of
    tltuta latrqmmat?
    which aa laPrr8tQator
    a0 rwtutory provlrloa rel4tlng to M-
    trqxiont, ‘~8 htwr ~h~efullp sxmlned the a8e8 rheroln eatrap-
    m6nt ba8 bean plwded a8 4 dcr@Wbe. h fLod th0 W808 &-O-t-
    rd ln 
    18 A. L
    . R. 146, aad rapplarmoted b7 a Uter 4nnoktloa
    66 A. L
    . i4.478. Ue quote from the latter  4naoUtloar
    ‘Al-4 1
    8Wt.d  la th el4rller laotatloa, 
    18 A. L
    . 8. 146,  It lppwsrr to be the goaoral rub
    a    thv           olarr    of      06808           vhmo thv dolna of           l   part&
    - e&r         @Of 18         l    OdW           lWgWd1@88            Of tb. OOMOI&t Of
    w-r      tat      tb 0~ininrri
    ii     intent    0ri~inot0r        in
    * mlx old     fth e
    lOOW.d,      tbr h o tthmt a no p p o r c
    r u p ity
    lr fur nb hed, o r t&t     tb loawmd lr aided
    u   the Oori881~    lt the 8FiUO       in OrdOr      t0 IOOUIY
    a0 ddenoe neumaq           to prosooutr him thenfor,
    omtitUt.8                  00 d.fOoU.                 m0     -080        Of th0 dR-
    WotiVO               Or    OVOMnkl                   a$Utt     i8    AOt t0   8OliOit
    a0        f a of, aor to armto, an offhuo, but
    to l8OOr b tiifth.  lOOWOd 18 lw( l@ dinAB UILI
    uvful bwiaO8l, l8 to lntm$ the defoadaat in
    a 0lOtOf sOMitt-      - OffOXl80vhlah hr h8
    ~88aAblO g?O\lad8 t0 bOliOt0 th0 l~CfU8Odh8
    gmnood,   or 18 dout to oomoroo.
    h l &8hiryt=    -80, 6ktO   V. LittOOT, 9                                         V88h. 87,
    m   ho.       170, the OOurt held it t0 b. 110dOt@nro that                                           tb0
    Vita088 wait
    to the oiiioe of mm 6mioadmt u&d
    1 l WVitJ Ln hi8 tooth, m& pmld hir iOr the 8wv*-
    be, with a vlev to pro8oouting him thenfor.
    b a numbmr Of TOXW 043801wh@rO OntZqmOnt 18 plud-
    .& the dofonoo 18 b88Od 011 th@ thoox-y tht the pZ'O8OOUting
    etM88 m8 M lOOapliOO Mid a8 l FO8tit hi8 tO8tbOnf       a8t
    be oorrobom             to&
    In Stoma8 v*                      &at.,        110 8. W. (26) 906, the court
    %hm           4ppll.d to lvldaloo, thm tom aoow-
    ;;tb : r m                 l pCmOE VhO 18 OOXUbOOt@d.V:th    t&B
    +mfrUl 8ot or omlmla.          (hph8818
    frtor ia tha 8-o opinion, on Motion for Rohoariag,
    hdq. bl’X’OV, quoting ti   ti m80 Of SO-118 V, tlnitOd
    8ktO8,      287         01 8.     435,       53      8, ct.       210,    Odd:
    ir V.11 8Ottl.d tht                                 th. f@Ot      tht       Of-
    floorr  or -107.08 of the                                                  unl7         af-
    fold Op~hUZiitiO8    OX'                                            fOF the 8M18-
    t;sO'tb                    OffOMO dO08aOt dOfO8t th.                                   IOUU-
    bt%fiOO Ud 8tmtigOBY7                                         k w p" 07.d t0
    oata& thO80 eng8ged In rriUm1                                      eakrpriw8r ’
    18    tb     0880         Of   kOr7     Va     8ut0,        l34        8. U. (2d)           283,
    0%. crb.       loo.,      ti         iaOtl     l?0    8OWVblrt        riB&bE            t0     thO80       #Ub-
    &St.6      b7 7ou*     88&O  0zyIO8,    OD bt:Or  fOr    hhUSi~,                                          hdd
    tmt      the ho%tb6       Mb&eat     of the 8Uto Bawd of                                       Bled%-1           Ibr-
    -ES          FOqUO8tOd   b h&f    t0 (yo t0 WhU’O   pgllbBt               l                    1iV.d       *Id
    aoh for      trutuot     for bronabltls, u1 mridthoro %a    her
    hir OW, ad fprotrbrd her vlth th8 8Oa.7 to 017 for the tPUt-
    mat,  voule not ooaDtltrrto l
    ntr q no nt.
    Itwo uldleem, thea, tbt b7 khmgreat rmight of au-
    thorrltr,w&PO tho ori8ln81 latoat a?1008 Lo the nind of the
    drfotint,   h. -   aOt 8UUO~88fM~7  PIad   OEtMplOlkt.
    8t8to   33 8 U i2, 2nlth v 8Uto        l35 8 V 154                                                80!%hv'*
    8tUo;   153 i. i, 8711 bli0 ;. btbt;, 158 i, i. d.                                                     for, 1;
    tb      iWOOtiptO2             aa    lOOO+iOO          VitlW88,           Who?*        io     pW8Uit         Of
    NO      dUt7,   h@   8Ot8       l “tW           for    sha      purpooo          of    qbpmhma*                      ow
    ;h~~ahb:~808                        t0   b. P iOV0    18     Oo;IIIittw           02    vOQ@Pia(l               t0
    Ody vhon it 018 bm ahown tbt   ho go88rSOod
    the MqUi8ft@ hlM1     intoat Ud -8 oonaroted vlth th8 lOt
    or omloolon ln m unbufti manor, 18 he held td'bo aa lo-
    huotlag              that the forogolag full7 lsvu8                                7our ln-
    quir7, wo remala
    lreq        trUl7      pltl’8
    OF TBUb
    F&d 0. Cbradlu
    8. T, Bob Do-hue

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5838

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017