Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1944 )

  • Hon. Jesse James             Opinion No. O-5820
    State Treasurer              Re:    Construction,   of S.B, No. 8 of the
    hustin,  Texas               Regular Session,      48th Legislature,    amend-
    ing Article     4740, R.C.S.,   and Incidental
    Dear MrO James:              questions o
    Your request    for   an opinion   on the   above   subject     mat-
    ter,   i,s as follows:
    “According    to the General and Special        Laws of
    Texas, 48th Legislature,     Regular Session,        1943, Life
    Insurance   Companfe s - Deposits     of Securities,     Chapter
    s$$   S,B. NO. 8, Page 206, An Qct to amend Article
    Revised Civil. Statutes    of 192Fa was passed
    which reads,     fn part, as follows:
    “‘The physical  delivery    of such securities     to     the
    Board of Insurance   Cimmissioners     shall be sufficient
    without being accompanied      by a written  transfer    of     any
    lien securing  themas
    Wince   this Department holds,      as custodian,   securi-
    tfes for companies under the supervision         of the State
    Board of Insurance     Commissioners,    as well as the State
    Bankfng Department)     we kindly   request  your opinion    on
    the followfng    questions:
    “1 .D Is the above Act retroactive      covering  a.11 de-
    posits    made prior  %o th.is amendment, or does it app1.y
    only to deposits     made after  the effective     date of this
    “2 0 Has there been a simi.lar amendment enacted
    for Senate Bi.11 No. 165 removing the requirement       of
    transfers   of vendor’s   l,ien or mortgage notes on depos-
    its made by companies under the supervi,slon      of the State
    Bmkfng Department?      If so9 what is the effective     date
    of said amendment?
    “3 Q Under any condition   fn which transfer     of 11en
    is required    by law, does the endorsement written      on the
    margin of vendor’s     lien or mortgage notes   ‘without    re-
    course’    and signed by the company constitute     a legal
    transfer    of lien?”
    Hon.   Jesse   James,     page   2    (O-5820)
    Article 4740 of the Revised Civil  Statutes   of 1925
    as amended.by S.B. No. 8 of the 48th Legislature    at its Regdar
    Session, provides:
    “Any life     insurance        company now or which may here-
    after be incor:2orated           under the laws of this state may
    ;Is-i;osit with the Board of Insurance                 Commissioners       for
    t!;e common bene_“i.t of all the holders                  of its policies
    an annuity bonds,           securities       of the kinds in which, by
    the laws of this state,              it is permitted        to invest      or
    loan its ca;sitil,         surplus,       and/or reserves,         equa.1 to
    tlr 1c:al      reserve     on all its outstanding             policfss     in
    force e which securities             shall be held by said 9oard of
    Insurance      Comni.ssioners        in trust for the purpl:!se and
    objects     herein    specified.          The physical       delivery    of
    such securities         to the Board of Insurance               Commission-
    ers shal,l be sufficient            without      being accompanied         by a
    t:ritten    transfer      of any lien        securing     them.     Any such
    company may deposit            lawful money of the United States
    in lieu of the securities                above referred       to, or any
    portion     thereof,      and may also          for the purposes        of
    such deposit,        convey to said l!oard of Insurance                 Commis-
    sioners     in trust the real estate               in which any portion
    of its said reserve            may be lawfully         invested.       In such
    case, the Board of Insurance                 Commissioners        shall hold
    the title      thereto      in trust until         other securities        in
    lieu thereof       shall be deposited            with it, whereupon it
    shall reconvey        the same to such company.                 Said Board
    of Insurance       Commissioners          may cause any such securi-
    ties or real estate            to be appraised         and valued prior
    .to their     being deposited          with,    or conveyed to, it 9.n
    trust     as aforesaid,        the rea.sonable        expense of such ap-
    >raisement       or val,uation       to be paid by the company.               Un-
    der the ;:rovi,s-Ins          of th.is Article,        registered      as well
    as unregistered        United States Government securities                     may
    be deposited.”
    It is the general        rule that legislative       acts speak
    proL;)2”tivel.y       ind not retrospectively,        unless  such retrospective
    featuae    is c!~::.rly     maniSest from the language        of the Bill.      We
    find nothing        ii1 th;? above-quoted     amendment that would take the
    case out of the ordinary           rule.     So that,    your first    question  is
    answered that the Act is not retroactive                 so as to cover all depo-
    sits made prior          to the effective     date of the amendment, but that
    it applies       on.1.y to deposits     made after    the effective     date of the
    We assume that your reference      to S.B. No. 165 in your
    second question      is to S.B. No.   165, Chapter  165 of the 42d Legis-
    lature   at its regular    session  in 1931.   (Rev.Civ.Stat-Art.  1524a,
    Vernon’s   Codification)   o
    Hon. Jesse      James,    page 3      (O-5820)
    This Act does not            purport to require     transfers     (actu-
    ally)   of the liens securing            debts or obligations--sec,ur?.ties--
    deposited   with any corporate            trustee  in the manner they-in
    pointed   out o
    There    has been     no ‘amendment of the          Act in thi,s      respect.
    In this connection,        however, we will    say thcst 1.t may
    have been the departmental       practice     of the Banking Commissioner
    in approving   deposits    \                            

Document Info

Docket Number: O-5820

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1944

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017